3 days into flower,need some help fellas


Active Member
3 days into flower..roots organic soil,temps 75. Mostly upper leaves,the leaves that have turned a greenish yellow color the tips of the leaves seemed to still be dark green. 1st feeding was last night..I also tied each top and tied down some..could this just be stress...sulphur defeceincy? Take a look and help me out. Sorry the pics are with lights on and not the greatest.


not too sure cause the off coloring in the background but possible nitrogen defeciency. try to take a pic with the lights off and repost


Active Member
Looks like N def m8, i like to make nettle and or compost tea for ma babies look it up on google , you'll be surprised at how little time or effort is needed to make it and it really makes a difference although it will take a few days for the nitrogen to come bk...good luck pal:clap:


Active Member
thanks for fast replies. So I can try to take some pics tommorow morn after lights kick off. If you look at pic 1 you can see the fan leaf on the left is green like it should be...but the 2 leaves to the right in the middle are lighter greenish yellow color but the tips are still dark green like the leaf on the left. No I did not run full dose. I am using advanced ph perfect and ran 1/2 dose of everything. I used bloom A & B for basenute, voodoo juice,piranaha,trantula,budcandy,and bud igniter. I ran everything at 1/2 dose and ppms were right at 900. The ppm on chart for wk 1 are 980ppm and even tho i ran everything at 1/2 dose my ppm still came out to 900. I am 18" from top of plants to 1000W HPS,and temps are usually 73-75 under light at plant height. Before throwing plants into flower they were healthy and green. Can you really have signs of nitrogen defiency in only 3 days of flower?? Seeing most of lights greenish yellow leaves seems like the new growth and at top of plant was wondering if it was a sulphur defeincy. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated,thanks fellas.


Active Member
You gave your plants all them different things at half dose-equates to more than full strength and then some-decent soil does not need any food till 3 weeks in flower.


Active Member
so if you vegged plants in the same soil for 2 months or so it has the same nutes in it as it does straight out of the bag?? PCman im just wondering how I used more than full strength? I used half of recommended dose on bottle and what it said I could use in week 1. I was under the charts ppms and some of the products were beneficial bacterial and fungi. thanks for reply pc,I never knew people waited 3 weeks to feed base nutes in flower...anyone else weigh in on this??


New Member
hey man, your ppm is right on and i don't think it's from stress or shock at all. plus it's not from overfeeding them. you are supposed to be giving them nutes in flower. to me it looks like either overwatering or something is locked out because of your pH. how often are you watering and how much? also, what is the pH of your nutrient solution? do you have a soil pH tester too? what's that?


Active Member
I have not checked the ph on these 2 ace of spades in roots organic soil. the run off is usually around 6.5 and testing the ph of the soil is usually around 6.7-7. But I have not checked and will do tommorow or next day. They have recently been in 15 gal pots for about 2 months or so and I had to water them around every 5 days. Then I switched them to flower 4 nights ago..On the 2nd night I decided to feed,they could have waited an extra day before feeding or watering but the pots were getting on the lighter side. I ph of my water after adding nutes was 6.6. In flower I usually water every 2-3 nights but I usually just picked the pot up and see where im at. Prior to the girls going into flower they were healthy and green. The plants still look ok but all new growth is greenish yellow and all the older leaves are nice and green. The new growth thats lighter yellow greenish still has normal green color tips. I dont think I over water at all but maybe I should have waited one more night to water the girls in flower. as far as lockout...I went from Sensi grow in veg and this was first feed with sensi bloom for flower?? In the 15 gallon pots I watered 2 gallons each,I get enough run off to almost fill plastic tray under pot but it never over flows.. But I always shop vac it out.
Thanks for help nuglets
For soil ph tester I have the rapitest capsules and some rapid test digital soil ph meter or something like that and they usually both read the same. I will run a test tommorow night and see where my runoff and soil ph is at. Thanks


Active Member
After doing a little research on deficiency's out of the few problems I have kind of narrowed it down to that the yellowing effects younger leaves all said it could be my ph is just to high and I could be locking out zinc,iron,and maganese?? I think after adding my nutes it was at 6.7 not 6.6...is that a possibility i could have just locked out some stuff and need to ph down a little. should I start ph to 6.5 or 6.3 on next feed? or atleast ph my watering tommorow to 6.5??


Active Member
so if you vegged plants in the same soil for 2 months or so it has the same nutes in it as it does straight out of the bag?? PCman im just wondering how I used more than full strength? I used half of recommended dose on bottle and what it said I could use in week 1. I was under the charts ppms and some of the products were beneficial bacterial and fungi. thanks for reply pc,I never knew people waited 3 weeks to feed base nutes in flower...anyone else weigh in on this??
Hi there youre using decent organic soil you do not need to add anything till 3 weeks in flower and you do not have to ph in soil .

i have been growing for a long time friend and just trying to help you,.

Irie Genetics

Active Member
it looks like nitrogen deficiency. You have used up all of the nitrogen and your bloom nutrients are LOW in nitrogen fro the bloom phase. If you are using Advanced Nutrients I would recommend this...
I used a 5 gallon jug and used 40ml of EACH base nutrient A and B.
I also used 20ml of the supplements per 5 gallon jug. Go to the Advanced Nutes web page and use the nutriend calculator to see which nutes to feed each week. Type in how many weeks you bloom and type in the highest level of grower and it guides you thru feeding each week. Just be careful because they want you to use more than necessary. You can use most of what youve listed for most of the crop but Id stop adding Bud Ignitor after week 2 and cut out voodoo, piranha and tarantula at week 3. I would also add nirvana and Big Bud at week 3.
I ran Advanced for a LONG time and had great results with less nutrients. If you need any help with advanced just message me...


Active Member
looking at the girls again,it seems to me like a zinc deficiency but I noticed the younger yellowing leaves stems kinda have purple stems just near the top of plant...the only thing that I could find is a possible sulfur defic... What do you guys think? How bad is it to add epsom salt to your plant stress it? Im thinking lower ph and maybe add some epsom

Irie Genetics

Active Member
Hi there youre using decent organic soil you do not need to add anything till 3 weeks in flower and you do not have to ph in soil .

i have been growing for a long time friend and just trying to help you,.
If hes showing deficiencies he obviously needs to add something... How can you say he wont need nutrients for 3 weeks? How long did he veg? How can you assume that the soil is still rich enough to carry the plant thru the transitional phase? If I let my plant veg for 6 weeks is there enough nitrogen left to get me thru 3 weeks of bloom? Hell no.


Active Member
thanks for the pointers, I use the chart and have had a couple rounds now using these products.. Just wanted to start these girls out right and really start learning how to keep these girls healthy. On that feeding in 4GAL I used 32ml A&B each and 16ml of each supplements. Maybe I need to back off. couple months ago with same strain I started feeding at 1/4 dose,16ml of A&B each and 8ml each supplement to 4 gallons and the whole plant started to turn yellow from bottom of plant up so I thought it was nitrogen deficiency for sure and I just started feeding the girls more and pulled through it but this is different...the yellowing is only in new growth with the yellowing going from back of leaf to the tips which is why tip is still normal green and the stems of those yellowing young leaves are kinda purplish only at the top of plant. Thanks for the help guys,please weigh in and help me figure this out


Active Member
Irie,thats what I was thinking...these girls have been in 2 15 gallon pots in same soil for maybe closer to 3 months by now..Soil cannot be near as rich as presh out of bag..


Active Member
I know pc,Im not saying your wrong at all and you probably know more about this than me. I appreciate the knowledge and replies to my post trying to help. But I would want to know if vegging for as long as they have would it have the same result without feeding for first cpl weeks? Would be a lot easier ha.


Active Member
One thing i learnt in my early years of growing was less is more,some of my best results in soil was to just use biobizz fishmix and nothing else,a lot of the other things that folk say are necessary are just making money for the sellers anyway its a learning curve and we all need to go down that route you will find youreself what works and what doesent.


New Member
I have not checked the ph on these 2 ace of spades in roots organic soil. the run off is usually around 6.5 and testing the ph of the soil is usually around 6.7-7. But I have not checked and will do tommorow or next day. They have recently been in 15 gal pots for about 2 months or so and I had to water them around every 5 days. Then I switched them to flower 4 nights ago..On the 2nd night I decided to feed,they could have waited an extra day before feeding or watering but the pots were getting on the lighter side. I ph of my water after adding nutes was 6.6. In flower I usually water every 2-3 nights but I usually just picked the pot up and see where im at. Prior to the girls going into flower they were healthy and green. The plants still look ok but all new growth is greenish yellow and all the older leaves are nice and green. The new growth thats lighter yellow greenish still has normal green color tips. I dont think I over water at all but maybe I should have waited one more night to water the girls in flower. as far as lockout...I went from Sensi grow in veg and this was first feed with sensi bloom for flower?? In the 15 gallon pots I watered 2 gallons each,I get enough run off to almost fill plastic tray under pot but it never over flows.. But I always shop vac it out.
Thanks for help nuglets
For soil ph tester I have the rapitest capsules and some rapid test digital soil ph meter or something like that and they usually both read the same. I will run a test tommorow night and see where my runoff and soil ph is at. Thanks
6.7 on your nutes seems a little high to me. try flushing your plants with 6.3 water. put 3 times the volume of the pot through every container. so if they are in 3 gallon containers then put 9 gallons of water through each one. after that adjust the nutrient pH to 6.3 from now on. i think you are locking out nitrogen. hard to say from pics and not being there for everything but that is my guess. after you flush, feed them in 2 days even if the soil is still moist. just feed them less so that no runoff comes out.

when you pH soil get the tabs or a soil pH tester. testing runoff is not accurate. what soil are you using? 6.3 is the sweetspot for advanced. trust me. most of the an users agree on this. i also don't think it's from too much nitrogen like pc cause if it were then you would have seen problems a lot sooner in veg when you were pushing nitrogen rich nutes. also, do not measure base nutes and additives by dosage...you are doing it correct. keep the ratio of 2-1 but measure them to ppm levels.