The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oh and ae i tryed that thing you said todo to get rid of the green fly, i dont think the kerosine i have is strong enough. the green fly just seemed to fall of the plants and were still alive on the ground, will check in a while see if they are dead or whats the craic, and i can get some proper parafin of my da so ill see what the story is then.

rocknrollcon - nnice looking plants lad

i`ve seen him just use the heating oil smiffy.... hope you get them under control soon...

i`look about here see if i can find the ladybirds for you ............

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
This is yesterday, gonna probably flip them tomorrow...wasnt bothered setting up the other tent today.

Im gonna LST them for the first two weeks of flower, get some nice bushes going.

The untopped sativa looking one is the AK48 actually doesnt look too bad, glad I kept it.

look very lush and green anyways dude, bet your enjoying haveing them there....

The cap

Well-Known Member
Very nice dude. How yound do u start topping
Sorry for taking so long Jingle... I just start the topping as soon as I can get my fat fingers in there, leave for a few days then go again etc etc...
Usually 4, 5, or 6 times.. Just till they are as bushy as I want them for the space I have...

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Did you increase the nutes dave? if so are they looking abit more dark green?
i gave them 2ml per litre of a,b and rhizo 2 days ago. theres no really noticeable change in colour, they might be slightly darker. theres still a bit of leaf curl but maybe it will take a few days to sort out. at least it hasnt got worse. i think ill do what iamaaror suggested and let it dry a bit before feeding again. overall, im happy enough with how theyre looking today. (of course that could change!!)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
they didn`t looktoo bad, apart from drooping and leaf curl there nice and strong looking, dare i say healthy...

could be a bit greener but hey, we can`t have it all our own way..;)


Well-Known Member
Theres a very good guy on this thread who just gave me a present haha! no names being used but the good will and kindness of some people on here really give you hope that maybe this world isent all bad! You know who you are mate and i thank you and will repay the kindness at my earliest convenience. keep up the good will guys

Long live the Irish thread


Well-Known Member
I heard on the radio there is a pro-cannabis march in
Dublin 2mro. Hope it gets a good turnout. Would have
along if I had known earlier. The organisers really should
advertise them better.


First time posting so go easy ,I've decided to start my own grow it just does'nt make any sense forking out at least 50 blips a week for weed when i can grow my own ,I've been all over the net researching what would be the best set up for myself and a LED Grow seems perfect for me ,i was going to go with a 600w HPS lighting system but it the heat was and is a problem for where i want to grow ,i've decided to start with some autoflowering strains ,if anyone can point me in the right direction for which LED set up they've used it would be a great help, i came across the Pro Grow 260 and it seems perfect for what i want ,I intend to start with 4 plants ,i've tried to go through all the pages on this thread but it 900 + pages and just don't have the time unfortunately

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
welcome to the irish growers thread!.im on mt first grow ganfer so i wont be all that much help but this thread is very helpful for beginners like us so be sure to stick around. i think kang is growin with LEDs (or he might have switched to hps). are you growing in an attic that heat is an issue?


Active Member
welcome Gan, wat strains you goin for,
First time posting so go easy ,I've decided to start my own grow it just does'nt make any sense forking out at least 50 blips a week for weed when i can grow my own ,I've been all over the net researching what would be the best set up for myself and a LED Grow seems perfect for me ,i was going to go with a 600w HPS lighting system but it the heat was and is a problem for where i want to grow ,i've decided to start with some autoflowering strains ,if anyone can point me in the right direction for which LED set up they've used it would be a great help, i came across the Pro Grow 260 and it seems perfect for what i want ,I intend to start with 4 plants ,i've tried to go through all the pages on this thread but it 900 + pages and just don't have the time unfortunately

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
well smokey, theyve perked up a bit today. i think the best thing might be to just leave them alone for a day or two to dry out a bit and they might just improve by themselves


Well-Known Member
well smokey, theyve perked up a bit today. i think the best thing might be to just leave them alone for a day or two to dry out a bit and they might just improve by themselves
And you've learned the second rule of growing;

"Give them what they need...and then leave em to it!"

Too much kindness can kill a plant.


Well-Known Member
I am growing with two blackstar 240's led ganfer, led is not great for soil but if its soil you are gonna use make sure you use 50% perlite and 50% soil for drainage, i had mine plants started in soil before i got my leds and they just dont drink much compared to hps thats why i put my hps back in to dry them out. coco i think will be the way to go, welcome you will find lots of tips here and you are right fuck paying drug dealers

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
First time posting so go easy ,I've decided to start my own grow it just does'nt make any sense forking out at least 50 blips a week for weed when i can grow my own ,I've been all over the net researching what would be the best set up for myself and a LED Grow seems perfect for me ,i was going to go with a 600w HPS lighting system but it the heat was and is a problem for where i want to grow ,i've decided to start with some autoflowering strains ,if anyone can point me in the right direction for which LED set up they've used it would be a great help, i came across the Pro Grow 260 and it seems perfect for what i want ,I intend to start with 4 plants ,i've tried to go through all the pages on this thread but it 900 + pages and just don't have the time unfortunately

welcome along, good to have another irish head on here...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
any more perk in your own smokey?

just been up to water mine and god dawm there looking good..

didn`t have the phone so sorry no pics lads but i`ll get some up tomorrow... all excited again, think theres only the two or three times that i get all invigorated about the growing, start, flip and flower growth, and now end.. the rest is just boreing....


Active Member
Any of the plants I have grown with biobizz have just made it to the finish line. They would have some crazy yellow leaves and dead and wilting leaves.
No matter how much i upped or downed the nutes I could never get it right.
Im not saying biobizz is shit or anything but I could never get it right.

When i finished my last grow with the canna the plants were top heavy and falling over, something i never got with biobizz nutes.
sounds good irishmc.. did u just keep the feeding regime same as the bio bizz r is it different ( water , water , feed )


Thanks Dave still in the early stages of planning the attic seems the way to go ,the heat would be a problem and where i am the chopper is always about a neighbour of mine got done for 5 plants altho i dont think it was the heat just think word of mouth got him done he was selling it from the house,ive no interest in selling just growing my own so its always at hand for them stressful occasions :blsmoke: