Yes, yes it DOES include EVERYONE who uses the Stupid paper towel method.
The paper Towel method is used by grade schoolers to plant beans in Grade 4..... i did it, my children did it and my parrents did it.... its the way they teach CHILDREN to plant seeds (It shows how they absorb water, then expant, and release a root... creating life).... Plain and simple, it presents MANY more risks to the plant then whats actualy needed... everything from Airborne bacteria and fungi, viruses and squishing the plants when trying to transplant....
on the average i plant 300-400 Seeds a year depending on the year.... i have never squiched, smashed, broken, diseased or dried out a seedling.... i have LITERALY sprouted THOUSANDS of seeds....
Jiffy pellets are like 5 cents a peice.... stop being so damn cheap.