The purpose of this study is to:
1) Examine the careers of individuals who are involved with cannabis cultivation. We seek to understand variations in gender, age, education, and patterns in cultivation among cannabis growers. Second, we want to assess the factors associated with different dimensions of the growers’ career.
2) The second purpose of this study is to provide complementary data on similar surveys that will be launched in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Australia and New Zealand . This comparative analysis will be among the first of its kind.
If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked a series of questions about your cannabis growing. These include questions about your: personal characteristics, grow operation characteristics, career transitions, and social network. The survey will probably take about 20 minutes to finish.
This survey is anonymous. No identifying information will be collected. If any personal identifiers are given, they will not be retained in the data. Survey data will be kept in a secure location, under lock and key. Although the survey is anonymous, some potential risks and discomforts may occur:
1.You will be asked questions pertaining to your participation in cannabis cultivation and other illegal activities. This may bring about internal shame and or guilt.
2.Answering questions regarding your illegal activity may create some discomfort and worry.
We anticipate that you will enjoy the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with us. You will also add considerable knowledge to the research literature on cannabis cultivation. If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please feel free to contact Dr. Aili Malm, Principal Investigator at
[email protected].
You may withdraw your consent at any time and discontinue participation without penalty. You are not waiving any legal claims, rights, or remedies because of your participation in this research study. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, contact the Office of University Research, CSU Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840; Telephone: (562) 985-5314 or email to
[email protected].
By clicking on the Next Page button below, I confirm that:
-I have been informed about the procedure and understand the purposes of the study.
- I have been given the opportunity to ask questions relating to this study.
- I understand that I can (1) skip any question and (2) drop out of the study at any time without prejudice by closing my browser.
-I understand that no identifying information will be collected.
-I am at least 18 years of age.
- I have printed out a copy of this page for my own reference.
Please complete this questionnaire only once. Answer each question carefully and honestly.
Approved from March 23, 2012 to March 22, 2013 by the CSULB IRB
43. Think about the people with whom you’ve ever worked with to cultivate cannabis (partners, bosses, employees, other significant people). Choose a nickname of your choice for each person (Don't use real names.) and please list the top five most significant people you’ve worked with in your cannabis cultivation.
Think about the people with whom you’ve ever worked with to cultivate cannabis (partners, bosses, employees, other significant people). Choose a nickname of your choice for each person (Don't use real names.) and please list the top five most significant people you’ve worked with in your cannabis cultivation. 1. Name
1a. Age (years)
1b. Gender (M/F)
2. Name
2a. Age (years)
2b. Gender (M/F)
3. Name
3a. Age (years)
3b. Gender (M/F)
4. Name
4a. Age (years)
4b. Gender (M/F)
5. Name
5a. Age (years)
5b. Gender (M/F)
44. From what you know, was this person’s earnings from cultivation:
greater than your own earnings from cultivation lower equal to Don’t know
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
45. We are now interested in the collaboration between the individuals you’ve worked with
Yes No Don't Know
Has the person you named in slot 1 ever worked with the person in slot 2?
Has the person you named in slot 1 ever worked with the person in slot 3?
Has the person you named in slot 1 ever worked with the person in slot 4?
Has the person you named in slot 1 ever worked with the person in slot 5?
Has the person you named in slot 2 ever worked with the person in slot 3?
Has the person you named in slot 2 ever worked with the person in slot 4?
Has the person you named in slot 2 ever worked with the person in slot 5?
Has the person you named in slot 3 ever worked with the person in slot 4?
Has the person you named in slot 3 ever worked with the person in slot 5?
Has the person you named in slot 4 ever worked with the person in slot 5?
Lots of personal questions and questions about selling.