Grandma's Growing Again


Active Member
Have you tried doing scrog I hear with scrog you get more bud, I plan to try on my next grow... Right now I got some blueberry gum from g13 labs it smells like the starburst in the oven :) I will post pics not many ppl have grown this strain.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried doing scrog I hear with scrog you get more bud, I plan to try on my next grow... Right now I got some blueberry gum from g13 labs it smells like the starburst in the oven :) I will post pics not many ppl have grown this strain.
I haven't tried Scrogging yet. Right now, I have a perpetual grow going. The girls that are in there now are all staggered in ages. When I can get another light, I do want to set up a huge scrog.

And I would LOVE to see your G13 Blueberry Gum because I was told that's what one of my clones is. I don't have a lot of faith in the guy I got it from (I got the clone for taking the time to show him how to clone in the first place) but that's what he said it was. It's different from any other plant I've ever seen...


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm using Karma's recipe, but I don't believe I would be classified as "Karma's girl". For one thing, I suspect I'm old enough to be Karma's mother... LOL And for another, we've never actually met. I do give props to the man for his growing skills, though...

And welcome to the thread!

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Hahaha Bluejeans. Lol. Oh man thanks for that. That's classic. She means SHE is my girl. I've talked with her about you. She just joined riu I had her sub up to watch you use the coco recipe! Tell your husband to relax hagaha. Internet scandal. Haha. I really needeD that laugh. Bout to go blaze this fatty of something with a ton of hash mixed in. Lol. Sounds like you just got done blazing

Well-Known Member
grandma my grow is in my signature...PLEASE check it out! having a slight problem with...well something. probably overfeeding. got some curling or clawing going on, but they are otherwise healthy. i too have a perpetual going, all cloned from an unknown bagseed! i do have to say, genetics help but man if you grow it well it doesnt matter! lol...


Well-Known Member
Hey Kratose! Matter of fact, I just harvested a bagseed last night (update coming up later this evening). Would you like pictures of her or do you want me to wait till one of my strains gets done? She's awfully pretty... :lol:
Sure, you can send it. Not 100% that it will get picked but I can always use pictures. Sometimes people don't send any in at all so its good to have some backups ready to go. How long till ur others are ready? Glad everything is going good.

The granddaddy purp seeds I germinated didn't live. I had one which looked to be strong and all of a sudden it just shriveled up and died on me. Was really hoping to get one going. IT was some beautiful bud.

I got a strain I call Mystery Shadow that I just started flowering, its a BEAST. I will take some pics next time I water so you can see.

And again, any of you guys can submit your pics. The more the better. Link to the blog is in my sig, then just go to the buds of the week page and you will see where to submit them to.


Well-Known Member
Subbed up. It's karmas girl. Wanted to watch your exp with the coco.
Hahaha Bluejeans. Lol. Oh man thanks for that. That's classic. She means SHE is my girl. I've talked with her about you. She just joined riu I had her sub up to watch you use the coco recipe! Tell your husband to relax hagaha. Internet scandal. Haha. I really needeD that laugh. Bout to go blaze this fatty of something with a ton of hash mixed in. Lol. Sounds like you just got done blazing
Well alrighty then... LOL, whew! That was funny... and that's why I shouldn't read the thread until I'm fully baked... LOL

And hey! Welcome again! I pretty stay high all the time...!


Well-Known Member
Do you cut off fan leaves?
No, I absolutely do not. I might trim a bad one or two, but in general, I leave the fan leaves right where G-d put 'em. The more fan leaves a plant has, the better it is able to absorb all that lovely light we keep throwing at it. The buds aren't designed to photosynthesize so if you take the fan leaves, you might as well put the thing in the dark.


Active Member
No, I absolutely do not. I might trim a bad one or two, but in general, I leave the fan leaves right where G-d put 'em. The more fan leaves a plant has, the better it is able to absorb all that lovely light we keep throwing at it. The buds aren't designed to photosynthesize so if you take the fan leaves, you might as well put the thing in the dark.
Interesting because I cut most of my fan leaves off and my buds are in week 5 and they look pretty good.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
grandma my grow is in my signature...PLEASE check it out! having a slight problem with...well something. probably overfeeding. got some curling or clawing going on, but they are otherwise healthy. i too have a perpetual going, all cloned from an unknown bagseed! i do have to say, genetics help but man if you grow it well it doesnt matter! lol...
A good grower will be held back by inferior genetics. You can only push weak genes so far. Why limit yourself? I'd much rather start with the best possible genetics. I've never understood why someone would "waste" time growing in an inferior set up with inferior genes. The way I see it most people are risking their freedom to grow. So why not do it right? And to me skimping on seeds is one of the very biggest wastes of time. No weak sauce in my room. If it doesn't meet all criteria of dank it's culled. AAA smoke,great yield ,clone easy, or bye bye.

And Bluejeans is correct the leaves are the power houses of your plants. I never cut fans leaves unless they are dead.



Well-Known Member
And Karma is also correct. Genetics can make a HUGE difference. I just finished up growing a bagseed. She's pretty, she smells nice and she'll probably taste fine, but she won't be great. Her trichs were nothing special and there was just nothing about her that was stellar. I've had stellar. I won't do the bagseed thing again.

The only reason I ran them at all was because I fried a bunch of solid genetics by having my light badly placed and some other issues. So I germed some bag seeds and ran them to adjust my stuff and get everything dialed in. I think I'm good now and there will be no more bagseeds for me.


Active Member
I don't cut my leaves off and my buds in week 5 look damn fine... that's the difference.
I see what you mean point taken... I won't cut off any leaves on my next grow, doing g13 cheese gonna do it 12/12 from seeding since my blueberry gum is flowering