Grow Box Cfl's-First try!!!


Active Member
Hey man, ya i havent been changing much on the box lately except moved to bright day light bulbs into my Y splitter and all the others are just Soft White because i didnt want to buy anymore bulbs.

The plants seem to be really good so far and will have updated pics later tonight hopefully.

I water last on sunday and i watered a good amount. Should i wait tell wensday?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, ya i havent been changing much on the box lately except moved to bright day light bulbs into my Y splitter and all the others are just Soft White because i didnt want to buy anymore bulbs.

The plants seem to be really good so far and will have updated pics later tonight hopefully.

I water last on sunday and i watered a good amount. Should i wait tell wensday?
Yea, I'd definitely wait till then, maybe even longer. How do they look, do they look like they are thirsty?


Active Member
Im pretty sure they will be okay tell tomorrow. Im going to hold myself and not water today even though i want to and go ahead and wait until tomorrow.

What do you know about cloning?

I want to take like 3 Clones from this plant and then flower the mother and the 3 clones all together at the same time. This possible?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm stoned..I thought today was Monday - LOL! Man if you feel that you will be ok watering tomorrow, do as Nike says and "Just Do It!". You will probably be ok.

Cloning, haven't done that yet. But I have read a little bit about it. As for your question regarding growing the clones and the mother together, seems like the clones would be behind in the growing cycle because they will be spending most of their energy on rooting. While your mother plant will be happy and getting bigger. So if it takes them a week or two to get healthy and a nice root system established, that's 1-2 weeks they will be behind the mother. I would think that amount of time could be crucial towards the end of the grow. That's my theory on it, but like I said, I have never done something like that. Maybe someone else can step in and answer that question.


Active Member
Ya thats what i was thinking but wasnt really sure.

I think i might just cut off 1 single clone and try and grow it and see how i do in a smaller little box and just flower my normal plant in the one i have.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, but now that I think about it, I guess it wouldn't matter. If the mother plant finishes before the other ones, just take her outa the grow and let the others continue on, right?

I'm going to be adding my new pics to my journal bro, so check it out when you can.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, that fucking sucks. You have more don't you? I sure hope my don't turn out like that. How old are they again?

I updated my grow journal with some pics, check it out if ya want.


Active Member
I was so fucking pissed off. I only had one bagseed plant and was like one month and a week old and was getting huge like 4 or 5 inch fan leaves and tons of leaves and growth going amazing. real healthy to. Proablly like 8 or 9 inchs tall!

Its okay i have got over the fact and called it good practice cause im getting 15 Purps seeds from BCSeedKing in about 5 days. They are in the mail!!!!

So now im ready for like 4 legit plants and work on my cfl flowering room more.\


Well-Known Member
Man that really sucks, but like you said it's good experience. So my plants are nearly a month old. Hopefully soon I will know the sex.

I'm going to be doing some dank on my next grow. So I'm looking for a good place to buy some seeds. This site talks up Nirvana, so I was going to give them a shot. Is that place you are getting your seeds from pretty good? What have you heard about them?



Active Member
Ya man i found mine like a month and a week in so hopefully soon you can. I hope you have at least one Female. I was really frustrated but im going to put my male outside for practice growing outside. All works for practice. HA!

Truly sounds pretty decent from the reviews and i used it because i can send a cash order and have like 50$ or 60$ for 15 seeds. I should have my seeds in like 3 or 4 DAYS!!!!


Active Member
Ya i got my seeds from and were very descreate and great.

The packaging said nothing of seeds or anything. Also the package was marked as CD and then you open in and there is a clear CD case with a small envelope that is sealed and that has two small bags of seeds inside!!!

Also they got 10 free mango and i got those also so 60$ for 15 BC Purps and 10 BC Mango- I am happy!


Well-Known Member
it would be better if the seeds came in their original packaging from the bank - rather than in a little zip-lock.... just saying :joint:


Active Member
Why would it matter if they were in the original packaging?

oh ya also they were shipped to U.S. so ya had to be legit


Well-Known Member
He's probably talking about it being more legit if it was in the OG packaging. Like if your girl went and bought a Gucci purse with your money, wouldn't you want that shit to be legit and from a real dealer.


Active Member
Okay okay makes sense but there all labeled and shit but i liked the legit hiding of the seeds. Kept me out of trouble also. So hey whatever