well i could list quite a few references by botonist about brew times on compost teas but to be honest its not worth my time, as long as ur air stone has enough power to not let any organic material sit on the bottom of ur tea brewer than u should be good, it when ur air stone isnt strong enough and lets that shit just sit is when u will start to have problems , maybe reading the compost tea brewing manual 5th edition ul come across debates on brewing time, like i said brewing for longer than 24hrs its gonna create a dominace of protozoa and ciliate, which isnt bad a thing if thas what u were brewing for, protozoa shred the microbes in the soil givin ur plants a good nutrient boost (microbes guts are basically little bags of humus), its already proven most beneficial bacteria are most active within 12 to 24 hrs, but da vinci said something that makes alota since i believe it went "we know more about the movement of celestial bodies than we do about the soil underfoot" which i agree with, we dont know much about microbes and are discovering new ones all the time, the posssibilites are endless, so keep brewing longer u never know u might find something beneficial outa doing it, but try going with all RO water, most citys have chlorimine which doesnt dissapate out no matter how long u let it sit