The Lunacy of Increased Taxes...And "Democracy"


Active Member
A paraphrased comment from Karl Marx (most of you stupid kids don't know ho he is, I know, but here goes anyway):

"Democracy is not a form of government that can survive...for it will only survive until the people discover that they can vote themselves money from the treasury"...

And that's what is happening today in the US...lazy ass people are voting themselves handouts from the treasury so they can sit on their ass at home and not have to work...

How do they vote themselves handouts? supporting political candidates who promise continued or escalated support of social programs that give handouts to people who are too sorry to work for a living...

I say stop food stamps, medicare, and medicaid TOMORROW...put Mother Nature back in charge and cull people who are a drain on society as a whole...

Survival of the fittest is the way Mother Nature has done things for millions upon millions of has recently discovered how to circumvent this and keep suckers alive who are a drain on society as a the detriment of mankind as a whole...


Active Member

People think that because we are in some "civilized" society, that we should forget the rules of mother nature via civilized extortion (aka government).

The fact is that, life is not fair, it's no one's job to provide for another, and an obligation for one to do such, via government extortion is ultimately a violation of human rights. There is no legitimate way of arguing any form of socialism, because one who argues for socialism, is a wack job for the above reason.

As such, the justification of violating human rights is the irrefutable, and underlying basis of socialism... and the thought process of a wack job. Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
i simply love the idea of dead, starving babies that some ronald worshipper forced the mother to carry to term.

the measure of a great society is how many dead, starving babies are amassed, thus making somalia the greatest place ever. i suggest anyone who wants people "culled" move there and have their fantasy exist as concrete reality.


Well-Known Member
A paraphrased comment from Karl Marx (most of you stupid kids don't know ho he is, I know, but here goes anyway):

"Democracy is not a form of government that can survive...for it will only survive until the people discover that they can vote themselves money from the treasury"...

And that's what is happening today in the US...lazy ass people are voting themselves handouts from the treasury so they can sit on their ass at home and not have to work...

How do they vote themselves handouts? supporting political candidates who promise continued or escalated support of social programs that give handouts to people who are too sorry to work for a living...

I say stop food stamps, medicare, and medicaid TOMORROW...put Mother Nature back in charge and cull people who are a drain on society as a whole...

Survival of the fittest is the way Mother Nature has done things for millions upon millions of has recently discovered how to circumvent this and keep suckers alive who are a drain on society as a the detriment of mankind as a whole...
You. Are. The. Smartest. Man. Evar.


Well-Known Member
Survival of the fittest is still strong. Wait til the oil dries up and 70% of the food production is gone.


Well-Known Member
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. – Goethe


Well-Known Member
i simply love the idea of dead, starving babies that some ronald worshipper forced the mother to carry to term.

the measure of a great society is how many dead, starving babies are amassed, thus making somalia the greatest place ever. i suggest anyone who wants people "culled" move there and have their fantasy exist as concrete reality.
In case you didn't know, your smart government resides between South Korea and China.


Well-Known Member
You. Are. The. Smartest. Man. Evar.
*You. Are. The. Smartest. Man. Evar.
Quite sure Delslow intended it that way Carne.
Intended what, genius?
"Evar" is a classic meme which you apparently do not recognize, shame on you sir, shame on you.
urban dictionary said:
Evar:Used extensively on the internet to mean "within the last 10 minutes."
"This is the best picture of a walrus with a bukkit EVAR!!!!"
1 p0wnzed j00...

Get it now non genius?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
As usual you come up with the stupidest shit to troll about. I'm fully aware of the fucking meme. I was using a god damned meme to respond to a meme. It was meant as humor. Then you typically find some stupid ass tangent to focus your trolling on. Get a brain! Moran.


New Member
As usual you come up with the stupidest shit to troll about. I'm fully aware of the fucking meme. I was using a god damned meme to respond to a meme. It was meant as humor. Then you typically find some stupid ass tangent to focus your trolling on. Get a brain! Moran.
