The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well well well,each of my jiffy cubes was like a little hendgehog,so i dilligantly undid the tissue from round the cube and in bigger pots they went,and i dident break or kill anyshit! even leaned and moved me room about and again dident kill fucking NAYTHING how good is that!lol
at least it shows ther and me are on the rite track!

u ok TT madb?? sites been a bit fucked today hasent it,no prises for guessing who is resposible(parantly)

and baklawla or w/eva if u wanna pop round tomorrow message me qwik as im turning pc of soon

OH got this cool as fuk fan control temp display for me tower looks fucking fab!BONUS took 4 months to arrive from china like but hey makes it look cool and easy to adjust fan speeds!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
With regard to photo's and such, the forum is in the middle of a bi overhaul, bear with it, i don't personally think it is DDOS attaks as some think :D

If by jiffy cube you mean jiffy pellets, then leave the net wrap on the things, root will break up stone, those things don't do a thing to the roots :) That aside i am really well ta, feeling very positive about things for once which is a nice change :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Good moaning. I'm just back from the shops with lots of cartons of smoothies. Fucking scam artists they are, packet it all prettily in carboard boxes like every other fruit juice, but it's only when you get home that you notice they use 750ml containers, cheap fucks!


Well-Known Member
im going on a segway game tour 2day no doubt il fall off break me legs n getting by the crocs lmao still it will be a laugh always wanted a go on a segway.


Well-Known Member
Morning all, hope all's well in everyones garden, fried my little plants last week so aint happy lol, got some tag beans on the go so aint that bad. See if they live up to all the hype. Dont think that kebab agreed with me last night given me the bloody trots, too much chilli source i think.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
does anyone here use air pots? i just wanted to know if its ok to start them off in ordinary small pots then put them in 10L air pots when it time to flower them or should i put them straight in the air pots from the start?
perfectly fine, i just got the larger ones. 10L . used normal pots up to about half the size then just switched. its messy as fuck mind lol trying to pour coco down the side of the rootball to fill up what is essentially a very leaky bucket. they are great for root development though.

ideally you should look to pot up about 3 times in the plants life cycle, tiny pot for seedling, medium pot through veg & let the root fill the space then a final large pot for flowering so the root still have somewhere to develop to. that said i've grown trees in tiny pots and not had any root binding problems. i've repotted half way through flower. again no problems.

generally when you see roots out the holes in the bottom its nearly time to change up a pot. if you go straight into a big pot you'll find when you break the root ball apart the roots won't have used half of the coco as they'll go straight to the bottom of the pot to the water source.


Active Member
Murphy's Law reigns on this forum. On days that I have a full coffee jar of weed, the UK thread crackles with wit and life. On the days that I have none, and am looking to go shopping, not only does the thread basically die, but nobody answers PMs or emails or texts, and my paranoia escalates, until by about Day 3 I've decided that smoking is too much hassle, and am just about resigned to quitting - when about 10 people pop up out of the blue raving about their latest crop and I accidentally end up buying double the amount I'd planned.

I'm REALLY hoping Day 3 doesn't do a Murphy on me too, now that I've revealed the sinister pattern...

I know, I know, I should grow my own and stop bugging people. Well, that's why I'm looking for an isolated cottage to move to. Wales. Murphy can't get at me in Wales.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin sambo gotta love him!! lmao!!



Well-Known Member
afternoon fuckwits....well thats me back on the wagon .....once again.......went well over board this time....another black eye, lost ma fuckin phone and now ahm havin to sell ma playstation coz ah owe lots and lots and lot and lots of money....on the plus side the misses is talking to me again.....mmmmm? hold on? IS that a plus??


Well-Known Member
perfectly fine, i just got the larger ones. 10L . used normal pots up to about half the size then just switched. its messy as fuck mind lol trying to pour coco down the side of the rootball to fill up what is essentially a very leaky bucket. they are great for root development though.

ideally you should look to pot up about 3 times in the plants life cycle, tiny pot for seedling, medium pot through veg & let the root fill the space then a final large pot for flowering so the root still have somewhere to develop to. that said i've grown trees in tiny pots and not had any root binding problems. i've repotted half way through flower. again no problems.

generally when you see roots out the holes in the bottom its nearly time to change up a pot. if you go straight into a big pot you'll find when you break the root ball apart the roots won't have used half of the coco as they'll go straight to the bottom of the pot to the water source.
cheers for the info. i should have checked on here first cos i just clicked on here after paying for 3L ones aswell, could have saved myself £20 lol. i was doing it in 3 pots 1,5 and 12L for the final stage and the roots where coming up out of the soil 3 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
Murphy's Law reigns on this forum. On days that I have a full coffee jar of weed, the UK thread crackles with wit and life. On the days that I have none, and am looking to go shopping, not only does the thread basically die, but nobody answers PMs or emails or texts, and my paranoia escalates, until by about Day 3 I've decided that smoking is too much hassle, and am just about resigned to quitting - when about 10 people pop up out of the blue raving about their latest crop and I accidentally end up buying double the amount I'd planned.

I'm REALLY hoping Day 3 doesn't do a Murphy on me too, now that I've revealed the sinister pattern...

I know, I know, I should grow my own and stop bugging people. Well, that's why I'm looking for an isolated cottage to move to. Wales. Murphy can't get at me in Wales.
sorry to hear about your troubles keeping yourself medicated .. are you going cold turkey ?


Well-Known Member
Fuckin sambo gotta love him!! lmao!!


qaulity m8, it aint a bad smoke looks shitty aint no clone-only but a smooth smoking nice tasteing sativa, grown properly it would be some really nice smoke.

deffo a sativa.

threres a few seed not too many ill bring em back if any1 wants em or finks its worth it but i wont grow it out deffo aint gonna finish in 8wks from switch and isnt gonna stink like the pyscho/exo dus.