i just put down 8 sunflowers today, and have another 20+ ready to plant in random places among my other crops. anyone want to see who can grow the biggest sunflower?
i usually just give all the seeds to our chickens, since i hate sunflower seeds. but i do love to grow me a big sunflower.
i got some sunflowers....was wondering if their was a way to top them for multiple heads, i dont think so,think it is all by the breed...thanks for the chart
IM IN !!!
i'll post some pics soon i got some sunflowers from a homedepot and I picked up some Chocolate Cherry sunflower seeds from a hydro shop i stoped at, they had some cool seeds
Man, my girl wants to grow sunflowers this year. How the hell do you keep the damn things standing up? like 3 days of sprouting and they are like 6" tall and falling over. Im gonna scrap this lot and start over. I figure they cant go out side till like the beginning of june here. So might as well start over in a week or so.
What size pots can I put them in? burying the stem doesnt seem to work like it does with MJ.
Do they have to go right into the ground with no pots or what ?
Dont know what the deal is, I can grow some frikn killer smoke, but these sunflowers are kickn my ass....
hahah that's awesome!! I don't know why more people don't have other plants growing along side, me for instance; Pinnaple plant, Dwarf Banana tree, clementine orange tree, kiwis...
Rite on man. I usually just put mine straight in the dirt but the squirrels seem to be messing with them this year. Might have to germinate them first. I put crush cayenne pepper in the hole I plant the seeds in so hopefully the furry tailed rats are getting so deep and turning back and not getting any seeds.
i've never grown sunflowers on purpose but sometimes the birdseed sprouts and grows the things everywhere. i had them growing out of concrete cracks last year. i have no idea what strain of sunflower they were and i use many brands of birdseed. i ripped them out of the cement but i left the rest of them. they attract birds and birds eat grubs and keep my grass sexy.