sunflower competition, anyone? plus a helpful chart

That's called a purple coneflower! It's a Texas Native...It's also called Echinacea and is used in herbal medicine
Its 3 feet and some change. Im gonna let this one grow all season I have 5 others so I will still have plenty of herbs

^^^ I've never seen one before, I didn't expect it to be that tall! :peace:

Do you collect the flower heads? What part of the plant do you harvest?
I just measured my tallest sunfllower and it's at 55 inches tall! Last yr my tallest one was 7 ft!!
entrants from south of the 45th parallel don't count :razz:

mine are coming along.



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Got 'em staked. Also fyi I don't recommend planting wildflower seed as I'm pretty sure I bought a bag full of weed seeds. And not the good kind of weed.

Sunflower Garden.jpg
Naw that's in full sun. They're supposed to be "mammoth" type sunflower, or so the seed pack says. I have no idea what they're supposed to look like. It's my first year growing flowers from seed. I doubt I do it again because what a pain in the ass honestly. I have Sunflowers, Roses, Gladiolas, and Wildflowers growing in the bed. As stated before the wildflowers look like weeds. My roses have black spot and look rough. The Glads are coming in ok, I guess but not sure when they are going to flower. It would have been cool if they all bloom at once. I'm not too worried about the sunflowers though. I'm pretty sure the girth to the stem will come when I win this competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My tallest is now measuring 67 1/2 inches and the first flower is starting to show! There will be multiple flowerheads on these Texas native sunflowers. I've seen them reach 7 ft

OK - I am in. I have an advantage - she is 3 months old! She is next to a six foot wall to give you some perspective. The stem (trunk) is as big around as a coke can:



Started some badass red sunflowers, I'm gonna try and get in on this, plus this desert sun is brutal, I need them to shade my other crops!!
Finally bought seeds & planted today. Uncle Buck, can there be a section in the competion for the smallest sunflowers? These are supposed to grow to only 20" tall, but I'm hoping they will be the prettiest! OK?