First Grow : 3 - 5 plants closet grow...


Well-Known Member
i need to see the stem...the pics are just a bit to small, but when i expand your pic i THINK,THINK i MAY see a white hair....but i can not say for sure...more of a guess on those 2 pics


Active Member
So bag seed turned out to be a female which is fantastic. Should I clone it? I think it's wonderful strain and I would love to have more of it. Is it to early to clone? Do I need rooting gel for cloning?



Well-Known Member
sometime in july early august...8-12 weeks...or more...depends what strain but at least a minimum of 8 more....imo
so if i was you i would learn some patience.....i learned the hard way by chopping to early...big mistake


Active Member
I want to ask about my nutrients. I'm using Canna Boost and Canna PK 13/14 with another plant food with these elements:
Nitrogen 24%
Ammoniacal nitrogen 3,5%
Ureic nitrogen 20,5%
Phosphorus pentoxide 16%
Potassium Oxide 16%
plus some other small amounts of other elements.

Is this suitable for indoor grow?


Well-Known Member
Don't use bytes yet just complete your first grow, your not at a high enough level of growing to be using nutes yet , sorry to burst your bubble I'm just bieng honest, I don't want you to fuck anything up when your just starting to do good


Well-Known Member
Nutes not bytes( stupid phone) and I ain't tryna be a dick about it, but a lot of first timers end up burning their plants and killing them or come out of harvest with nasty tasting nuted up buds


Active Member
What do you mean by not being high enough level of growing? Do you mean my experiences or age of the plant? I was using a little bit of nutrients from beginning, when I used to much tips of leafs burned a bit but than I changed an amount to little less and everything was ok. But I don't want to fuck up so could you give me some advice, cause I already started using them... :(


Well-Known Member
Your experience, you already burned them once, you could do it again I didn't start messing with nutrients until I was able to get my lights temps ventilation medium and etc down its up to you but this is just my opinion, I'd rather you have good buds and not small nasty ones


Active Member
Yes, I would like that too... That is why I'm asking you for your opinion. So listen I got rid of males form before and I got rid of one female too cause I didn't have space for it. I rebuilt my "grow box" (wardrobe) and now I have about 70cm x 40cm space where I have two female plants, one is bag seed and one is hindu kush from amsterdam. I'm using two 105W 2700K CFL bulbs and I bought ventilator which is on during the light period (12/12). Smaller plant is still in 4'' pot and bigger one in 6'' pot.

When I'm mixing my water with nutes, exactly how the package say on both Canna products plus on nutes I described before. I'm watering every morning at the start of the light period.

So far is there something I should change?

Thank you very much for all your help, it is most welcome, I can't thank you enough...


Well-Known Member
Don't water everyday maybe every other day or every two days depending on temps and get the females in bigger pots so they can grow