Newbie with possible light burn ?


Active Member
Ok.. well when you have time, can you tell me a way to vent the heat out, that wont cost me big bucks? Lol. Enjoy your dinner!


Well-Known Member
so here is a picture of the exaust (connected to the fan) and the in The Flex hose ( hooked up to my house A/C) this is a sealed room. and a plant pic for 13 into out (2).jpgday 13 flower (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
you can do it in a closet! I set up grow rooms on the side..I can walk you through a few steps that will make a big difference. 1st of you have an apartment or house? is the closet in view of visitors? is everyone in the house cool with the grow? lets start there...if your interested that is?


Active Member
I live alone, I am actually in a condo. Closet is not in view of any visitors, it's in my spare bedroom/art room.


Well-Known Member
ok good, this what I would do, Go to home depot and get a 4x8 sheet of ply wood about 20$ id remove the door on the closet. Put 2 4inch holes in the sheet of wood (on one side) one at the top and one at the bottom. They might even cut the holes for you place the sheet of wood in place of the door (get a piano hinge to keep the wood in place and act as a new door so it will open..or cut the wood in half long ways so you onlky open half the door (another piano hinge..about 7$ then take a 4" vortex fan inside the room and duct the air out the top hole in the new door (this will cool the room and properly ventalate the room (air exchange) on the bottom hole just put a piece of 4" ducting on it with a few bends so its light proof. I would also black out the room during its dark cycle so the plants are in pitch your plants will trive with proper air exchange on a budget and keep the room cool aswell....does this make sence? did I explain it ok?


Well-Known Member
the ducting on the bottom hole will just sit in the room, The exaust fan blowing the air out (top hole)will also draw air in from the bottom hole with the ducting..its a vaccum effect. so you only need 1 fan....thats for the exaust. you should be able to find a good 4" vortek on craigslist..if not I know a guy who sells used grow room equipment. you are in So Cal yeah?


Active Member
Just FYI You can use all 3 lights during flowering the plant still uses all spectrum just different flavors of them during veg and flower. And more light is always more gooder.


Well-Known Member
Just FYI You can use all 3 lights during flowering the plant still uses all spectrum just different flavors of them during veg and flower. And more light is always more gooder.
Not in such a small space...otherwise, true! and its only 4 plants...450 is perfect...250 would be good. no more than 450 though at this point...


Active Member
Hmmm I get what you are saying!! Makes sense. I actually leave in Central, or slightly Northern Cali btw.


Active Member
In that closet, I do have an attic door. The attic, however, covers another condo complex. Could this attic door, make this any easier?? lol. Would Home Depot cut those holes for me in the ply wood??


Well-Known Member
you could also have someone cut holes in the existing door, just keep the cut outs so you can repair the door when you move....its easy to repair..very easy to cover up like it never happend, they just need a 4" hole saw bit...5$ at HD


Well-Known Member
attic is great for the out air, it would be better infact. it will exit the whirily bird vent on the roof. You will still need the hole on the bottom of the door with the duct to bring the fresh air in. I idea is that as much is bieng exausted will also be brought in at the same time (vaccun effect) this is how you get proper air exchange, fresh cool air in...old hot air out!..plant will grow like crazy!


Active Member
Not in such a small space...otherwise, true! and its only 4 plants...450 is perfect...250 would be good. no more than 450 though at this point...
Note I did say during flowering. And with 4 plants. May need more room during flowering anyway.


Well-Known Member
What about a mini AC unit in the closet??
Mini a/c unit is good but not necessary, the important thing is the air exchange. you have to vent the air out, othewise your plants get heat damage and in essance they suffocate. proper air exchange brings in Co2..with out that they suffocate


Active Member
What about just leaving the door open?? That entire room doesn't get used much, really.. Sorry I am just trying to figure out all my options. :D