Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
ok folks, this is round 2 for me. first grow wasnt a great success so hopefully i do better this time around. i have 2 white widow (from bagseed) and 1 double big bud auto and 1 big bud auto (both autos from im using 332w (actual) of multiple cfls.

2 x 65w 6500k, 1 x 65w 2700k, 1 x 45w 2700k, 4 x 23w 2700k this is a total of 26000 lumens. i have a carbon filter with a 4" inline fan sucking the air out of the space for 15 mins every hour. i only have a small passive intake at the moment but will be enlarging that at some point over the next week once ive been to the shop and got some vent covers.

lights are on 18/6 (they have been on 12/12 the last 4 days as i wanted to sex the WW before it reached my scrog screen) i have a 7" desk fan in there circulating the air. this isnt on continuously as it can eat my electric at super speed. i also have 2 sets of twin 12v fans i will be attaching to the scrog screen at either end once i switch to flower. the space i have to use is a fitted cupboard. its 1.25m x 0.5m. so twice the area of my last space. i have also just found a few camping mats with mylar coating on them so intead of flat white i will be cutting the mats the fit the walls asap. (probably today).

heres a few pics so far, not gonna post the big bud pics until its into flower as they look like every other seedling at the minute. they are a week and 2 days old.


the white widow didnt get the best start in life as they have been in veg for nearly 6 weeks already. they were topped to grow 4 colas. both seem to only wanna push 3 though, oh well.... they were left in small pots about 3' from the lights as i was concentrating on the ak47 auto i had going before. also i started lst using some twist ties and tent pegs :) but ive removed them as i realised there is quite a gap between them and the screen so ive let them grow up to it. comments and suggestions are welcome and hopefully i get some super nice bud from this round.


Well-Known Member
Brettsog: How prepared were you for your first grow? Some people don't learn from the past and tend to repeat their mistakes. I wish there was an easier way, but from some of what you said I might suggest the following:
1. For dirt, read: SeeMoreBud’s book, “MARIJUANA BUDS FOR LESS- GROW 8 OZ. OF BUDS FOR LESS THAN $100.”
3. Read: Ed Rosenthal’s, “MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOK.”
4. You’ll also want to read: Mc Carthy’s book, “GROWING MARIJUANA.”
5. You should also subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES,” magazine. Each issue is chocked full of useful information. .” All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. And I want to add a new book to the list, a 6[SUP]th[/SUP] one: “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE- SECOND EDITION,” written by Greg Green. It’s a match to, if not better than, the ones listed above and doing your homework and consulting these resources before you plant will save you and your plants a lot of anxiety. These forums are a great place to appeal for help and most of us are willing but frankly we all have our own problems and often we can't get back to you in time to be of assistance. I hope this helps. HSA


Well-Known Member
also just to add after extensive reading i am using the make it rain watering method which is basically watering heavily so u get plenty of run off and just as the water is almost wicked away u add a nutrient solution and the palnts seem to explode with growth. it is something to do with rain water being a low ph so the plant cant take on any nutes so it uses the foliage to wick the rain water away to get nute from the soil. it does this at a rapid rate as it needs the nutes. so if u add just before the soil is becoming dry it takes on the nutes at an accelerated rate. seems to be working well as a week ago the ww was tiny. about 3" across and looking very sorry for itself


Well-Known Member
Brettsog: How prepared were you for your first grow? Some people don't learn from the past and tend to repeat their mistakes. I wish there was an easier way, but from some of what you said I might suggest the following:
1. For dirt, read: SeeMoreBud’s book, “MARIJUANA BUDS FOR LESS- GROW 8 OZ. OF BUDS FOR LESS THAN $100.”
3. Read: Ed Rosenthal’s, “MARIJUANA GROWER’S HANDBOOK.”
4. You’ll also want to read: Mc Carthy’s book, “GROWING MARIJUANA.”
5. You should also subscribe to, “HIGH TIMES,” magazine. Each issue is chocked full of useful information. .” All these resources are very well written, well illustrated and packed with information that will answer most of your questions before you know to ask them. And I want to add a new book to the list, a 6[SUP]th[/SUP] one: “THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE- SECOND EDITION,” written by Greg Green. It’s a match to, if not better than, the ones listed above and doing your homework and consulting these resources before you plant will save you and your plants a lot of anxiety. These forums are a great place to appeal for help and most of us are willing but frankly we all have our own problems and often we can't get back to you in time to be of assistance. I hope this helps. HSA
thank you for the helpful info. +REP. i have read most of them grow bibles now. i am much more prepared this time. ive read lots on nutes and deficiencies as i was having lots of issues with nute def's. ive been keeping a close eye on similar grow setups and learning from others mistakes and success'. at the end of the day its all a learning curve. ive never done any real type of gardening before so im starting from the very beginning. tbh i jumped straight in at the deep end with my first grow and was completely unprepared. i literally decided i was gonna grow and went and got a load of stuff without doing any reading really.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
grrr. just been into the grow room to adjust a few bits and have found 3 gnats that are a very pale green. any ideas. i didnt think of pics before i squished them but if i see any more ill capture one and take a pic through my scope


Well-Known Member
Hmm pale green I am un sure I have a few odd black gnats that fly around under my canopy from time to time they aren't any bother though. But yeah snap a picture perhaps just some harmless pests


Well-Known Member
well ive been reading about h2o2 and its many benefits (including killing gnat larvae) so next watering i may well chuck a serving of that in with the nutes and hopefully it kills them. last thing i need is to have a gnat infestation. the missus will freak as the plants are in our bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, So here is the new grow. Post the link in your old thread man, I just happened on to this one by accident. =D

Looking good, You know I'm subbed bro.

The gnats... Let's see, I haven't had that problem yet myself so anything i recommend is hearsay but I believe you should get a fly strip in there and for larvae let your soil dry out a bit more than it should so the eggs will die.

I'm pretty sure Gastanker has a thread around here somewhere with ALL sorts of info regarding pests, He is super knowledgeable... I'll try to find it and post it here for ya.


Well-Known Member
ok well i got a bit bored and thought i show a few pics i just took before the girls go to bed :D


in this order. auto dbl big bud, auto big bud both fem. ww bagseed in 2gl pot and ww bagseed in 3gl pot. im lesving them on 12/12 for a day or 2 more as the one in the 2gl pot has a couple odd looking pre flowers so i want to let it mature a lil bit longer so i know either way. if its a male im gonna collect some pollen then replace it with either a S.A.G.E. reg seed or i have some more ww bagseed and some bubblegum bagseed also although i germ'd a couple of those already and they never sprouted so probably not the best of quality (bubblegum)


Well-Known Member
i have a boy. the ww bagseed in the 2gl pot is pushing out what looks to be little round balls with a stick on the end. not gonna bin him yet. gonna wait to catch some pollen sacks. looks like the 12/12 schedule is gonna be staying from now then. so im officially 5 days into flowering :)


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you still have gnats, but from what I read the full grown gnats aren't an issue. On the other hand the larvae eat your roots. Could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i read. im gonna let the soil dry completely. then im gonna water with a 3% h2o2 solution to kill the larvae and ive just got a fly strip to catch the last few straggler adult gnats :) thanks for the info dude


Well-Known Member
Easier way to get rid of em for good is go get some sand(i imagine any non organic material would work) and cover the first inch or 2 with soil. The gnats won't bother trying to lay eggs in the sand for obvious reasons. How much h202 are u adding per gallon?


Well-Known Member
Easier way to get rid of em for good is go get some sand(i imagine any non organic material would work) and cover the first inch or 2 with soil. The gnats won't bother trying to lay eggs in the sand for obvious reasons.
^^^^^^ That's good info.


Active Member
This is the second thread where I seen someone use like a "grill" over their plant, what does it do exactly? I thought it kept it shorter but I'd imagine the plant would simply grow through