150w hps flowering update


Well-Known Member
the blueberries are on week 7 this friday and the blue widow clones are about 3 weeks. the jamaican dream is fem so im planning on using it for as a mother. all grown under a 150w hps and two additional 2700k 23w cfls.

Blue himalayan 1
blueberry 1 all.jpgblueberry 1.jpgblueberry 2 all.jpgblueberry 2.jpg

blue widows
blue widdow 1.jpgblue widdow 2.jpg

Jamaican dream
jamaican dream.jpgjamaican dream side.jpg

bud porn from harvested blue himalayan
purp blue dry.jpg

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
wow thats amazing. so whats your setup? I was curious what box size are you using. how many fans, what size? I wanna buy a 150 watt hps for my grow also.


Well-Known Member
I use a 3x3x4 box that has an open top that i hang the lights straight down into. Its kept in a secluded location (as it should be) so i dont have to worry about light leaks from the open top, and it also acts as my outtake. For intake i use two 4" computer fans wired to cell phone chargers. Soil grow in a 70/30 mix of MG moisture control and MG seedling start and i use that mix for all plant stages. I know what people say about MG but i havnt had 1 issue with that mix. Flora nutes


Well-Known Member
Hell yea good jobman looks awesome. I started with a 150 hps and now i veg with it them fu**ers rock man


Well-Known Member
Thank you...and thanks to everyone who feels like they've posted something useful on the site...Lets just say they didn't always look like this haha

The blue widows were my first attempt at cloning, got 4 of 4. These are two, i have another that I was to lazy to take a pic of, its about a week & 1/2 in flower. And the other i traded to my buddy for 2 OG clones. And the blueberries, believe it or not, were 12/12ed autoflowers. Pretty pleased with the results on those as it was more or just an experiment.

Jimmy1life im pretty sure after this set i'll be moving the 150w into a new veg room and getting a 400w for there. What do you have in your flower room? How's the electric bill running two (or more) hps?


Well-Known Member
very nice man, im runnin 2 double diesel atm but they are on 18/6. ones flowering and one is about a week away. those 150s do work in smaller spaces, i got a 2x2x5.5 tent and i run the 150 with a 135w led. next round i was looking at some 400s, and also 600s. how much you get off of the blue?

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
I use a 3x3x4 box that has an open top that i hang the lights straight down into. Its kept in a secluded location (as it should be) so i dont have to worry about light leaks from the open top, and it also acts as my outtake. For intake i use two 4" computer fans wired to cell phone chargers. Soil grow in a 70/30 mix of MG moisture control and MG seedling start and i use that mix for all plant stages. I know what people say about MG but i havnt had 1 issue with that mix. Flora nutes
so are they autos or regular plants? I wwas curious if you could send me a drawing or just a setup of youurbox? I know its 3x3x4, where did you place your fans, what was your feeding schedule? with no top, did you have a door so you could water your plants?


Well-Known Member
sorry, lost track of the thread. ill post pics of my box around 3 when my lights turn on. The blue himalayans were autos, the blue widows are photo. I got a quarter off the small blue himalayan and the other 2 i had are hanging right now, im expecting half off each...so we'll say a little over an oz off the 3 blue autos, not bad for 12/12 (from seed) autos imo. ill post updates on the widows when the lights come on. But till then heres some pics of the jamaican dream, transplanted it last night and toped it and its also lsted as you can see, i have 2 clones from it so far. and harvested blue at 8 weeks

jamaican top.jpgjamaican side.jpgharvest.jpgtop.jpg


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics of the flowering box. And don't worry, I plan on losing the foil after this round. Although i really havn't had any issues with it. As you can see there is a door, i couldn't justify not doing it....its only cardboard lol.



autos were 12/12 from seed and the widow clones were vegged for a little over a week
Im on my second grow and gonna do the same thing ur doing.... my clones are on rockwoll now... its taking forever to root... i wanna transplant em! Got ak47 u clone on soil or rockwool??


Well-Known Member
I clone in soil although I'm still new at it. Those blue widow clones were my first successful clones.


Well-Known Member
extra how long have you had em in rockwool so far?? ive only cloned 2 times but both times were id say average 9/10 sucessful plants and it would take about maybe 7-10 days to be rooted and looking healthy....sum those blueberrys i think they are?! are looking good for some smaller guys..you said looking like a half per plant? not bad at all id say with a small light and straight 12/12 shit ive had smaller yielding strains give me only a zip and a half after 4 weeks of veg! granted an extra zip is worth the month wait imo but still....see this brings the age old question!!! larger plants less of them or tiny guys packed in super tight to fit alot more?? what does everyone think?


Well-Known Member
im sorry i wrote that confusing..no i cloned in soil thats why i was wondering i wanted to have a comparison...and you actually dont want to feed clones anything until they are rooted and growwing a new set of leaves