romney on MMJ: "aren't there issues of significance you'd like to talk about?"


Well-Known Member
so a reporter asked romney about gay marriage, the DREAM act, and then MMJ.

at the mere mention of the MMJ question romney snapped and asked "aren't there issues of significance that you'd like to talk about?"

thanks, willard, for making sure that we know we are insignificant to you.:finger:

double points for calling MMJ insignificant in the state of colorado, where dispensaries have popped up left, right, and center ever since obama released the holder memo, and where re-legalization will be on the ballot this november.

the video is in the article:

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I love you Obama! Make babies with me. Then have Eric Holder come arrest me. I won't blame you at all, sexy.

Dreaming of you always,



Well-Known Member
right? with thousands of Americans in Bob Barker's prisons, for cannabis law violations, i'd hardly call the topic insignificant.
dude is dumb as a bag of hammers.
the Bin Laden Killer in 2012............Go O

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
right? with thousands of Americans in Bob Barker's prisons, for cannabis law violations, i'd hardly call the topic insignificant.
dude is dumb as a bag of hammers.
the Bin Laden Killer in 2012............Go O
Glad to see Obama's got the Kenyan vote.


King Tut
There IS a candidate in the race that doesn't view MMJ as a laughing matter (as does Obama) or insignificant (ala Romney).

desert dude

Well-Known Member
There IS a candidate in the race that doesn't view MMJ as a laughing matter (as does Obama) or insignificant (ala Romney).
Yep. And he has now carried eleven states in the run-up to the Republican convention. Maybe Willard and Hussein can get together on January 4, and share a bowl and commiserate about where their campaigns went wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yep. And he has now carried eleven states in the run-up to the Republican convention. Maybe Willard and Hussein can get together on January 4, and share a bowl and commiserate about where their campaigns went wrong.
lol, deluded guy is deluded.

now go back to fapping at the thought of MMJ growers going to jail.


Well-Known Member
In what fairy tale land do you reside that Obama micro manages the DEA?
In what fairy tale land is the President of the United States NOT directly responsible for all law enforcement activities that go on in his administration?

Of course Obama doesn't "micromanage" the DEA, but he most definitely DOES "macro-manage" it. . .that's his *JOB*.

All the President has to do to stop all DEA-sponsored raids on State-legal medical marijuana dispensaries or other facilities is to say to the DEA head "You will not conduct raids on State-legal MMJ facilities while I'm in office".

Maybe doing that requires some political courage, but its not exactly a complicated act.

And in fact, that *WAS* administration policy for at least the first 2-3 years of Obama's tenure in office. Exactly why the POTUS has reversed himself on this issue is unclear to me, but it certainly *IS* clear that he has.


Well-Known Member
On Romney, pretty clearly he's not going to expend any political capital DEFENDING medical marijuana.

The real question is, to what extent is he going to spend political capital PROSECUTING it?

Even though his stated position is that he's against it (as is, by the way, most of the American voting public, at least right now), its not at all clear to me that Romney is going to make it his mission to shut down CA or especially CO dispensaries.

Even if Romney were to TRY to shut down dispensaries, even the Federal gov't can only do so much. They can't go into every single persons backyard (let alone basement) and pull up all the plants. So there will still be places to buy/sell medical marijuana, just on the black market, like always.


Well-Known Member
Please do show where he says he favors decriminalization !!!!!!!
I have yet to hear ANY statement from President Obama coming out in favor of decriminalization.

Like his recent "change of heart" on gay marriage, maybe he does favor it, but just hasn't found the appropriate politically necessary time to say so as a public pronoucment.

But whether he does or doesn't, so far he has made ZERO move to alter Federal marijuana law.

In fact, just the opposite is true. He has had a well-publicized change of policy to where he is now cracking down on medical marijuana. We all know this.

Not incidentally, the House Democrats have just put out some bill to try and prevent Federal enforcement of cannabis law in MMJ states. Of course, in a Republican majority house, they're going to go nowhere with this, but at least there are SOME Democrats on a national level who (unlike Obama) are actually acting in a pro-MMJ way.

See here: