UFC Appreciation Thread

Seems like the lighter weight guys usually go to decision. They don't have the power to knock someone out or submit them, but they get lucky sometimes, lol.....
bj penn was one of the first ufc "stars" the ufc had to create stars to get PPV buys, aka hyping. hes the most over hyped fighter ever. hes a good fighter dont get me wrong but he was never THAT good and still isnt. + he bitches about every loss he has.

I agree with you about Penn, but I still have to give Edgar credit where it is due.
Yeah obviously I have not been to school to watch PPV fights. I have only been watching UFC since 93 and sorely miss pride. I know good a knockout when I see them and they usually are NOT in the lightweight dancers class.
your mistake is equating knockouts and mma.
dont get me wrong. knockouts for the win, financially and for the fans.
but mma is more than fat dudes punching each other until tired, then dirty boxing until the fight is over, or knocking each other out in the process.
sounds like what you want UFC to be is street fighting, kimbo slice ect ect.
ive been watching this sport evolve for 20 years. and i have to say im glad they stepped up the rules. no more nut shots and hair pulling. or kicks to the head on the ground. makes sense to me.

pride and other fight leagues still exist. they are just overshadowed by UFC which, now with Fox, is going way mainstream.

bj penn was one of the first ufc "stars" the ufc had to create stars to get PPV buys, aka hyping. hes the most over hyped fighter ever. hes a good fighter dont get me wrong but he was never THAT good and still isnt. + he bitches about every loss he has.
Funny how he is the only other fighter besides Randy Coture to hold titles in two different divisions :lol:
your mistake is equating knockouts and mma.
dont get me wrong. knockouts for the win, financially and for the fans.
but mma is more than fat dudes punching each other until tired, then dirty boxing until the fight is over, or knocking each other out in the process.
sounds like what you want UFC to be is street fighting, kimbo slice ect ect.
ive been watching this sport evolve for 20 years. and i have to say im glad they stepped up the rules. no more nut shots and hair pulling. or kicks to the head on the ground. makes sense to me.

pride and other fight leagues still exist. they are just overshadowed by UFC which, now with Fox, is going way mainstream.

My preference- your mistake, lol.
I know a lot of people who would rather see it the way it was years ago with no weight classes. And I would not call welter, middle, and light heavy weight dudes fat...
There were plenty of weight classes before light weight and below. I wish they had left the WEC alone for those who want to see little guys run around for 15 minutes.
Rules suck especially in UFC. There is no pride because UFC bought it so they could kill it. There is Dream, but it just doesn't seem the same. Head kicks on the ground-HELL YEAH ! I want the yellow cards ! Bring back the yellow cards damn it !!!
so according to you as the participants get lighter.. the sport becomes a different sport? lol
yea that dont make a lot of sense.

My preference- your mistake, lol.
I know a lot of people who would rather see it the way it was years ago with no weight classes. And I would not call welter, middle, and light heavy weight dudes fat...
There were plenty of weight classes before light weight and below. I wish they had left the WEC alone for those who want to see little guys run around for 15 minutes.
Rules suck especially in UFC. There is no pride because UFC bought it so they could kill it. There is Dream, but it just doesn't seem the same. Head kicks on the ground-HELL YEAH ! I want the yellow cards ! Bring back the yellow cards damn it !!!

the older ufc was less entertaining then it is now! have you seen ufc 1, 2, 3, ect.. ? that shit was garbage. none of them dudes could fight, they were all one dimensional fighters. royce gracie vs ken shamrock is the PERFECT example. ken held him down for like 22 minutes before they stopped the fight due to boringness.
ever really watch tank ? he never won against a decent fighter.

i know pride was brutal , but the matchups were much "better". they almost always put two of the same style in the ring so the fight would never be boring. to me thats a "fight" .... mma is a sport and a fight. fighters are evolving SO much that you will get to see those knockouts again soon. A couple of these trainers are gonna eventually realize their fighter simply cannot win with skill so they will tell them to go in there like tank an just let loose , and then when they see that style of fighting still works then they will incorporate it into their game plan.

Most fighters in the game right now have all seen what anderson will do to you if you come in swingin for the fences so they have ALL become a lot more defensive instead of offensive. i believe once the new style fighters start getting more comfortable then the offense will come back out. people like rampage, big nog, an crocop have suffered because of this.
Everybody knows what rampage is shooting for so when he starts playin that defensive bullshit he gets his ass kicked. i believe rashad or jackson could have beat jones by just leaving their skills at home and just throwin punches , but at the same time lyoto fell asleep on the job tryin to do that. ?

i love the lightweight cats , they are all fast and very skilled. if you really watch , they just bob there head so fast that none of the punches coming from the other guy really connects with the jaw good enough to get a knockout. i know if they would stand still for me , my lightweight ass will knock any one of them dudes out with one good one :blsmoke: (cept for big roy of course , that fuck cant be knocked out with one punch) now they cant be fightin back though cause i value my life.

soil :bigjoint:
the older ufc was less entertaining then it is now! have you seen ufc 1, 2, 3, ect.. ? that shit was garbage. none of them dudes could fight, they were all one dimensional fighters. royce gracie vs ken shamrock is the PERFECT example. ken held him down for like 22 minutes before they stopped the fight due to boringness.
ever really watch tank ? he never won against a decent fighter.

I'm with you there! I started watching UFC around UFC090-ish. The cage at first scared me, I thought it was too brutal by association. Oops! I didnt know the cage was to keep the fighters from falling out instead of intimidation. So, I downloaded old UFCs from thepiratebay and low and behold, UFC #1 was on there.

They couldnt fight for SHIT! I was shocked. The sport has evolved exponentially.
i am still a fairly new fan myself , i started around ufc 40 or 50 .... im thinkin hughes and chuck and maybe tim silvia were champs at the time. i picked um all up from the same place and am currently on 139 cause i got the slowest speed in the world. now i gotta get ufc on versus 1, 2, 3, ect.. ufc on fuel 123, ufc on fox 123 , ufc on fx 123 ect... my 768 k internet fuckin hates me.

be back , small fire to attend to...... no big deal.........
Ya, but you gotta admit, there were some fights in the earlier days of UFC that were pretty high octane, gruesome fights. Remember the days when you could headbutt, strike in the balls, and stomp on a half conscience opponents face........repeatedly? LOL!

All in all, it's much more entertaining now than back then. But, at first they were tournament style, so not only did you have to win, but you had to get back in the ring soon. Another cool thing at first was the ability to watch very differently trained fighters go against each other. Street fighters vs. wrestlers, ju jitsu vs. shoot fighter, etc... It was cool in tournaments, because you got to see a lot of different styles match up. But the Gracies dominated and watching it turned boring as hell.
I'm with you there! I started watching UFC around UFC090-ish. The cage at first scared me, I thought it was too brutal by association. Oops! I didnt know the cage was to keep the fighters from falling out instead of intimidation. So, I downloaded old UFCs from thepiratebay and low and behold, UFC #1 was on there.

They couldnt fight for SHIT! I was shocked. The sport has evolved exponentially.

Yes it has evolved a lot. A good one to download is #44 where Couture spanks Titos ass. Literally.
Ya, but you gotta admit, there were some fights in the earlier days of UFC that were pretty high octane, gruesome fights. Remember the days when you could headbutt, strike in the balls, and stomp on a half conscience opponents face........repeatedly? LOL!

All in all, it's much more entertaining now than back then. But, at first they were tournament style, so not only did you have to win, but you had to get back in the ring soon. Another cool thing at first was the ability to watch very differently trained fighters go against each other. Street fighters vs. wrestlers, ju jitsu vs. shoot fighter, etc... It was cool in tournaments, because you got to see a lot of different styles match up. But the Gracies dominated and watching it turned boring as hell.

That's what I'm talkin' about !!

One of the early ones, like # 3 or 4 there was this one fight where I bet on this huge black guy that was up against this much smaller white dude. When the bell rang that white guy karated the crap out of the slower huge guy. He beat him down and broke his hands beatin' the back of his head. Did they even have gloves back then ? I can't remember because I was half drunk. I lost that bet, but what a fight !! Needless to say the white guy could not continue in the tournament that night....