When Will The US Government STOP Paying People To Have Children?


Active Member
When is the US government going to stop paying people for having children?

In order to explain what I mean, let me tell you a factual story.

In the 1940's in the US, the government started a program where they subsidized farmers who grew corn. In other words, they gave tax breaks to farmers who grew corn. Which was the exact same thing as paying farmers to grow corn.

So what was the one consistent fact gleaned from the analysis of this stupid program? It was this: when farmers get paid to grow corn, the one thing for sure is that more corn is grown.

The same thing is true of the US government subsidy of children. Giving tax breaks to people for having children is ludicrous, because the one thing it guarantees is that more children will be born (in an already over-populated world) than if the government didn't subsidize them. A very simple law of economics.

So you say that giving tax breaks for having children does not truly equate to paying people for having children? Well, you're wrong. An auditing accountant wouldn't be able to distinguish between the two, by examining the financial transaction books.

In fact, I think that in this day and age, as the world is headed toward over-population at almost light speed, that people should pay MORE TAXES for each child they have...in order to discourage people from having children without regard to responsibility.

But people on welfare, who get MORE MONEY HANDED OUT TO THEM FOR EACH CHILD THEY HAVE, would obviously disagree with me...


Well-Known Member
as education level's (especially for women) and standard of living rises the population increase drops. we are not heading light speed to over population.

while giving subsidies to parents might be considered social engineering it is also a boom to society as the vast majority of those children will grow up to be tax paying citizens

that is of course if you havent gutted the education system...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
When will someone pay you to stop being an asshole? I'm sure we can all make a fund here on RIU.

Do those feed the children commercials turn you on? I know Sally Struthers is bullshit, but the premise is good, the execution sucks.


Active Member
as education level's (especially for women) and standard of living rises the population increase drops. we are not heading light speed to over population.

while giving subsidies to parents might be considered social engineering it is also a boom to society as the vast majority of those children will grow up to be tax paying citizens

that is of course if you havent gutted the education system...
Tax-paying workers exist only if there are jobs for them...


Active Member
When will someone pay you to stop being an asshole? I'm sure we can all make a fund here on RIU.

Do those feed the children commercials turn you on? I know Sally Struthers is bullshit, but the premise is good, the execution sucks.
Well, if you're offering, I'll take a check...:)

Insults are just proof that you have nothing substantive to offer to refute my claims...except knee-jerk emotion...based upon no evidence...


Well-Known Member
That actually makes a lot of sense, OP. And it's the tax payers footing the bill. So why should I pay for your children when I have none?


Active Member
baby boomers are close to retirement now they dont have a big effect on entry level jobs
Maybe not, but they will be more of a drain on the taxpayers than any generation before...I say this even though I'm a baby boomer myself...why should this country sell itself more and more to China so I can have benefits that were too extravagant to have ever been promised to me?


Active Member
old age is an affliction that hits most of us
Old people should be of no concern to the government...old people should be taken care of by their children, or by LOCAL VOLUNTARY efforts...like churches...this was the way it was during the Great Depression, and no one starved to death...


Well-Known Member
Maybe not, but they will be more of a drain on the taxpayers than any generation before...I say this even though I'm a baby boomer myself...why should this country sell itself more and more to China so I can have benefits that were too extravagant to have ever been promised to me?
how much tax did they pump into system and what did they do to make the america that your living in now?

dont forget modern advancement in medicine and extended life span

your really trying to say the above is a bad thing?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Well, if you're offering, I'll take a check...:)

Insults are just proof that you have nothing substantive to offer to refute my claims...except knee-jerk emotion...based upon no evidence...
Let them all die.

My refute is children aren't self sufficient and it's no fault of their own.

So if we don't support a future generation, just let them all die and we can let our men inavade other countries to rape their women at a much higher cost.


Active Member
how much tax did they pump into system and what did they do to make the america that your living in now?

dont forget modern advancement in medicine and extended life span

your really trying to say the above is a bad thing?
The America I'm living in now owes its soul to China and Japan...the major backers of our debt...and this is mainly due to our extravagant social programs promised 20-50 years ago by politicians who wanted to "pay" for votes to get them elected...