Stinki fingers
Grandma your the grandma I never had where have you been my whole life!
Hey man! I just sent you one of my Strawberry Diesel pics from above. If you'd rather use one of the others, feel free!
Where did you send it too? I never got it. I hope you sent it to the correct person.
I wish you were on right now because I need to get something up quick. I could just copy the pic from here but I don't have any info. Like last time you sent me the pics with all the info. Hmmm what to do what to do....
Grandma your the grandma I never had where have you been my whole life!
subbd and keep up the great work
Hahahaha lol I'm the same way with my green thumb bluejeans it's a bit strange huh lol
That is 100% real no photoshopped me... And karma you might be good but.... Oh nvm
Ill vouch for this. This girl kills houseplants like its her job. Of course her success in the grow room have nothing to do with anyone else that might be lurking over her shoulder! Lol.
I totaly agree. Women can be great growers of the herb. She's learning quick too. I really enjoy working the garden together. Two sets of eyes and opinions make a huge difference. Sharing the work load helps it got done faster,and there's someone to safe guard against mistakes. She's a great partner in many ways. Plus my tolerance is super low where hers is super high. So I know if she gets irie it's a def winner!
Me I've always loved growing things. When I was a kid I used to build mini greenhouses out of index cards Popsicle sticks and Saran wrap! I mean like a little kid. I grew bird seed in em. Lol. About to go work the veggie garden. Have a great day