t0rn's Kosher Kush and Hazy OG


Well-Known Member
Little update, it's the beginning of day 18 in the flower room, Hazy OG has been starting to frost up already since 14 or so. I managed to get some shots of the nubs that are left of the Kosher Kush. Fed today some Cal-Mag+ at 10ml and Liquid Karma at 10ml a gallon.

Hazy OG day 18:

KK nubs:



Well-Known Member
All the Kosher clones are starting to root out now, been about 10 days, not bad for an OG. The thing I'm digging about these, something I'm probably going to do a lot more of in the future, is that they're all topped. I topped all the nodes I was going to take for clones about 5 days before the clones were took.

Here's hoping I don't have to throw away a set of herms :/



Active Member
damn those clones look nice torn, good idea of topping before you took the cut, hoping for the best on the koshers!


Well-Known Member

Another grower tossing out Koshers because of herms.



Well-Known Member
I thought this sort of update would be kind of cool, I have the beggining of week 3 and week 4 photos to do at once, this way we can see the difference.. I also caught a photo of the Koshers after they have been transplanted into some starter cups, all of the ones with the toothpicks are Kosher A, the others are Kosher B, also have 2 hazy in there in case kosher sucks :/

Anyways, picture times:

Day 21 Hazy OG:



Day 29 canopy;

Day 29 close;

Kosher Kush clones A & B;

Shits lookin' fine:



Well-Known Member
Weekly update time! It's day 35on the Hazy OG and the ladies are half way through. Tonight I fed 7ml CNS17 Bloom, 3ml CNS17 Ripe, and 3ml Hydroplex.

Day 31 close and canopy:

Day 35 close and canopy:



Well-Known Member
What up! Sorry for the blurry canopy shot last update, I don't take 1 billion photos and find the best one like I should. I do however have a day 38 shot that came out ok :leaf:

What I wanted to show today is the way I go about my clones.. top early and top often. I know what you're probably going to say, "you're slowing the growth of the plant down too much." Although that's true, I take my clones from plant's I'm about to flower. I wait till those clones are rooting out before I flip the bigger plants into flowering. At this point I have a little over 2 months to veg and if I grew out single cola plants my room wouldn't be able to handle the size of one plant, let alone 9 or 12.

Since I top the shit out of my plants before flowering (I stop a little before clones are taken) my clones are already topped. Once the clones get settled into their first pots and start to shoot out new growth I top those new shoots. I do this over and over till each plant has about 10-12 even nodes to work with.

Pro tip:

As you can see the right 2 nodes have been topped, I left the left 2 nodes to grow out a little further to catch up to the others before I top them, assuring an even canopy. If I let the left one go until they catch up, there will be a node left under the node that would be topped, I clean those off.



Well-Known Member
Alright! So yesterday was day 42 (start of week 5) and like I've been doing the past couple of weeks I snapped a couple different shots of what's going on with the Hazy OG.

Week 5 is when I transition from just CNS17 bloom to half Bloom, half Ripe. I used 5ml each of those, 3ml Hydroplex, and 10ml Sweet. (for those interested)

Anyways, pics:



Well-Known Member
Little update on the Kosher Kush 1 & 2 clones. I still have the mothers, they are starting to get pretty big, have them outside basking in the spring weather.

These ladies should be ready to transplant in the next week or so, if you look closely enough at the close of shot of the clones you can see some pistils, hopefully a complete lady :/



Well-Known Member
Looks like my numbers were off a week, well the numbers were right but I stated last week was week 5, it was week 6. This last Friday (the days the pics were taken) was the start of week 7, day 49. I fed them for the last time last night at a half strength and I'm going to just feed water and molasses from here on out.

Although there is a twinge of purpling happening it looks like the colder months fair this strain better when it comes to looks, seems as though this harvest will be quite a bit heavier than the last though.

Ok, day 49 shots!



Well-Known Member
Sorry about the lack of updates, computer took a shit. I'm still snapping shots so I'll have a good one for you when I get shit settled.