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[video=youtube;wQr9ezr8UeA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQr9ezr8UeA[/video]Please do show where he says he favors decriminalization !!!!!!!
[video=youtube;wQr9ezr8UeA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQr9ezr8UeA[/video]Please do show where he says he favors decriminalization !!!!!!!
that's what the holder memo did.All the President has to do to stop all DEA-sponsored raids on State-legal medical marijuana dispensaries or other facilities is to say to the DEA head "You will not conduct raids on State-legal MMJ facilities while I'm in office".
here*that's what the holder memo did.
once he released the holder memo, dispensaries popped up like never before. Now everyone is complaining that some are getting shut down. yet no one has ever shown me an arrest on a fully state compliant grower or dispensary. the most they have shown is that two state compliant people have had their stuff taken and not been arrested.
i promise everyone hear that we would not have seen the sudden opening of hundreds of new dispensaries under a mccain/palin administration.
lol.Not according to this inteveiw which is much newer !!!!
He said he favors decriminalization. (2004)lol.
so in july 2011, he says he wants to see more going into prevention than interdiction.
well, i have even newer footage than that of him calling the war on drugs a failure.
what's your point? you think romney is going to be a better pick?
people from florida are some of the stupidest people i've met in the entire world.
you're deluded if you think ANY politician is going to spend political capital on potheads. that's why just about every single step forward we've achieved has come through ballot initiatives, not legislation at any level, state or federal.
did you miss where i have called obama an idiot for favoring decriminalization over re-legalization?Romney is a piece of shit and so is Obama. I think everyone here can agree with that (minus Buck)
In what fairy tale land is the President of the United States NOT directly responsible for all law enforcement activities that go on in his administration?
Of course Obama doesn't "micromanage" the DEA, but he most definitely DOES "macro-manage" it. . .that's his *JOB*.
All the President has to do to stop all DEA-sponsored raids on State-legal medical marijuana dispensaries or other facilities is to say to the DEA head "You will not conduct raids on State-legal MMJ facilities while I'm in office".
Maybe doing that requires some political courage, but its not exactly a complicated act.
And in fact, that *WAS* administration policy for at least the first 2-3 years of Obama's tenure in office. Exactly why the POTUS has reversed himself on this issue is unclear to me, but it certainly *IS* clear that he has.
On Romney, pretty clearly he's not going to expend any political capital DEFENDING medical marijuana.
The real question is, to what extent is he going to spend political capital PROSECUTING it?
Even though his stated position is that he's against it (as is, by the way, most of the American voting public, at least right now)
What country did Obama invade?Yes we do have a king. Obama can invade other countries and detain any citizen indefinitely.
Also Nixon issued one executive order and made the DEA. So the DEA is one executive order away from elimination. Stop sucking Obama cock like Bucky and giving excuses. Last time it was 100% Bush's fault, now it s Obama's.
Dumbest thing I've heard on here, congrats.Obama could also just pardon anyone in prison right now for marijuana alone. He could also stall everything in congress by saying he won't do shit, like usual, until a bill legalizing both gay marriage and marijuana.
glory hole.Yes Nixon created the DEA but it took Congress to FUND IT, see how that works? 100% Obama's fault? Just yesterday republicans killed a bill that would have prevented the DOJ from pursuing medical marijuana cases, seems you're not only sucking republican cock but you have a blindfold on while doing it.
Who killed it genius?Just yesterday republicans killed a bill that would have prevented the DOJ from pursuing medical marijuana cases
passed the house with 105 republicans voting against it and ZERO democrats voting against it.
Let me get this straight. Aye means against the bill. No means for the bill. 105 Republicans voted Aye, 0 Democrats voted Aye. Dana Rohrabacher voted Aye. Why would he vote against his own bill?passed the house with 105 republicans voting against it and ZERO democrats voting against it.