Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married


Well-Known Member

  • 05-12-2012, 07:20 AM

  • Last edited by deprave; 05-12-2012 at 05:59 AM.

  • Last edited by deprave; 05-12-2012 at 06:28 AM.​

  • Last edited by deprave; 05-12-2012 at 06:42 AM.​

  • Last edited by deprave; 05-12-2012 at 06:51 AM.​

  • Last edited by deprave; 05-12-2012 at 07:44 AM.​


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
To everyone who says they're not gay, I don't have an opinion. There used to be interracial marriage bans. Today most people think that's stupid. See, you love who you love. I'll admit, when I see two guys or girls kiss or make out, it makes me feel weird. But oh well. I also get a weird feeling seeing someone bleed bad. You can't stop feelings. What you can stop is your action or inaction.

Over 50% don't care about marijuana. Even if they tried it too. Maybe they didn't like it or they didn't inhale right. Whatever the reason, marijuana doesn't involve them. If you're in jail because of it, you chose to do it. So it's your fault you broke the law. But is it right we have the highest prison count in the world because we imprison so many drug users?

Gay people choose who to go out with. Straight people choose too. But straight people made the right choice, just like the drug free too huh?

If we hate the gay people so much, let's force them all back into the closet. Let's humiliate people to attend church which bashes gays and enforces how wrong the choice is. Forget how others feel. It's all about community. If you're gay, use drugs, an atheist or anything else the majority isn't you're a freak. You have two choices, keep it to yourself or pay the consequences.


New Member
I'd be willing to bet if gays would ask for a more comprehensive civil union with the same perks and drop the title of marriage, they'd get much further. Back in the 1980's when they were lobbying for civil unions, they all said they didn't want to infringe on traditional marriage, but low and behold, look where we are.


Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to bet if gays would ask for a more comprehensive civil union with the same perks and drop the title of marriage, they'd get much further. Back in the 1980's when they were lobbying for civil unions, they all said they didn't want to infringe on traditional marriage, but low and behold, look where we are.
if anyone would appreciate marriage, it would be the gays. clearly the straights are sullying marriage, half of them end in divorce and plenty of them are just for show and last a few days.

so i think we should give the gays marriage and straights should be happy with domestic partnerships. that's fair, right?


Well-Known Member
so i think we should give the gays marriage and straights should be happy with domestic partnerships. that's fair, right?
As long as whatever title given me, gives me the same rights with my partner, as afforded to everyone else and their partners, who cares what you call it?
For the sake of this arguement, EVERYONE should be equal, with the exact same legal and social rights as every married couple.
But for the sake of the title......who cares? Call me married, partnered, or "cunt humper"......... it's just a title.


New Member
As long as whatever title given me, gives me the same rights with my partner, as afforded to everyone else and their partners, who cares what you call it?
For the sake of this arguement, EVERYONE should be equal, with the exact same legal and social rights as every married couple.
But for the sake of the title......who cares? Call me married, partnered, or "cunt humper"......... it's just a title.
I couldn't agree more, if only everyone shared the same rational.
A little bit of reason on both sides goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
how about "gay for god", since he won't even consider voting for someone who doesn't profess belief in a sky daddy.
I'm voting for Ron Paul, but you know that.
Disagree? Go read my posts, dickhead!

When you start paying attention to fuckin class, let me know, I'll start useing the big words for ya, dumbfuck!

The last I seen, OBAMA was still religious ya dumb fuckin asshole!


Well-Known Member
What's with you and assholes, Kelly? Asshole this and asshole that...Relax, calm yourself, relate what you wanna say without bringing the conversation to a 3rd grade level.


Well-Known Member
All I've done is say that gays have the right to be equal.
But, since I beleive in god........what?
Since I beleive in something they don't, they call names, insult, and make stuff up.
All the while telling me to be open minded about people! FUCK THEM!
That's progressive thinking for you!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Call me what you want, I'm cool with who I am.
You're the one who seems to have problems letting people be who they are, asshole!
No, you're the one who has problems with gays being called married, because it mocks your orgy with the father, son and holy ghost.

If you really have no problems with names, why the animosity and name calling yourself? So what's the big deal with just letting them have the name rather than deflect the issue saying you wouldn't care.

Obviously names do hurt you and being called, "wacks off to Jesus," struck a nerve. Imagine how you feel and that's how gays feel or worse.


Well-Known Member
No, you're the one who has problems with gays being called married, because it mocks your orgy with the father, son and holy ghost.

If you really have no problems with names, why the animosity and name calling yourself? So what's the big deal with just letting them have the name rather than deflect the issue saying you wouldn't care.

Obviously names do hurt you and being called, "wacks off to Jesus," struck a nerve. Imagine how you feel and that's how gays feel or worse.
Show me where I said I have a problem with them being called married.
Since I don't care if they get married, I don't see the problem of them being called married.

Also, show me ANYWHERE where I thumped a bible or preached at ANYONE!

You CAN'T! WHY? Because I've never done it. I hate bible thumping zealots. I've only mentioned that I beleive in god. NOTHING more.
You obviously have me confused with somebody else, ya liberal HACK!!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Show me where I said I have a problem with them being called married.
Since I don't care if they get married, I don't see the problem of them being called married.

Also, show me ANYWHERE where I thumped a bible or preached at ANYONE!

You CAN'T! WHY? Because I've never done it. I hate bible thumping zealots. I've only mentioned that I beleive in god. NOTHING more.
You obviously have me confused with somebody else, ya liberal HACK!!
So if, "homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals when it comes to marriage. Voting yes means you allow men to marry men and women marrying women is the exact same as a man and a woman marrying." Would you vote yes or no if you were in the voting booth? Which one would you choose?


Well-Known Member
So if, "homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals when it comes to marriage. Voting yes means you allow men to marry men and women marrying women is the exact same as a man and a woman marrying." You'd vote yes if you were in the voting booth?
If that was the single option on the balot.....yes.

But, I vote for the candidate that I think will have the most overall benefit for the country in the long term. I'm not a single issue voter.