Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is an amuture? did you mean amateur?

we all agree that they should have equal rights, so why are you so hung up on the title? why are you pissing and moaning and crying about the title? explain, please.
Funny how people claim to want to give gays equal rights but want to prevent them from using a specific word. Why are people so hung up on this one word and think that their definition is the only one that has ever been or that matters? Marriage as an institution predates recorded history while the word itself has only been around a few hundred years or so and has had many 'definitions' throughout history - including same-sex unions!

Anyone that feels gays are somehow co-opting the term do not understand that no one owns or has any special right to define words or to keep words from evolving.


Well-Known Member
Hey dumdum. I already wrote about this and how much of an epic failure your post is. Go back and read what I said or do some research of your own.
wtf are you talking about?
like i follow and read your posts...get a grip
you lost me..dum dum


Well-Known Member
It seems UB wants to only argue statements I never made. So I'm not really needed here. So have a good night all. Off to bed!


Well-Known Member
Seems to be working. The other stuff is you trying to put words in my mouth. Who in the world would deny homosexuality exists? Well, maybe Ahmadinejad.
oh, so you realize that homosexuality exists, just not how it works.

allow me to tell you in detailed fashion: boys like boys, and girls like girls.

i fear that was too complex for you to understand.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
wtf are you talking about?
like i follow and read your posts...get a grip
you lost me..dum dum
So you just randomly post in threads? I already debunked your post about man and woman is marriage, and man and man or woman and woman is civil union. I showed proof.That's what happens when you don't read the thread, you end up posting unnecessary bullshit which is also wrong. This is why threads get so long.

Also put down the pipe. You're paranoid and read too much into things.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i find it curious that no one is bitching to redefine the definition of divorce. i haven't seen or heard it brought up anywhere.

what i mean is how can one be divorced if they were never "married"? the homophobes and churchies (or whatever they go by nowadays) get the panties in a bunch over the marriage word but don't seem to give two shits about them god-dang queers a-stealin' divorce. if you call the union "something else", you have to call the separation something else as well since "divorce" is a term specifically applied to "marriage". if they can't have marriage, they can't have divorce, either.

maybe it should be called "civil parting of ways".

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
i find it curious that no one is bitching to redefine the definition of divorce. i haven't seen or heard it brought up anywhere.

what i mean is how can one be divorced if they were never "married"? the homophobes and churchies (or whatever they go by nowadays) get the panties in a bunch over the marriage word but don't seem to give two shits about them god-dang queers a-stealin' divorce. if you call the union "something else", you have to call the separation something else as well since "divorce" is a term specifically applied to "marriage". if they can't have marriage, they can't have divorce, either.

maybe it should be called "civil parting of ways".
Don't give homophobes any ideas. They already have enough imaginary problems as it is.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, i can finally ingore uncle buck. Never could ingore his account until now, its about time.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
See... Its simple people like me and buck that just want to be left alone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why cant we have our anal and get on with our lifes?!
Its not fair too us!!!!!!

  • Me and UB's anniversary today!

        • 5-31-09 <3
