I believe in God but not the Bible


King Tut
And I'm just a dumb fuck that hated math and science growing up, and yet I believe in the theory of evolution.

Ironic, isn't it?

Have a great weekend budlover! ;-)
i wasn't implying anything about education or intelligence. Just pointing out how my experiences affect my perception.

i think this weekend WILL be great. Able to medicate for the first time since Jan 7th AND just in time to medicate for the annual family Mother's Day lunch tomorrow so i can deal with it lol. Also got my son's Boyscout community service event bagging food for care packages at the community homeless shelter today. After that i'm going to a buddy's place to BBQ, smoke, drink a couple beers and watch the Nascar race :hump:.

i think this may very well be a GREAT weekend! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Actually it is much simpler then that, my friend.

I drank and drugged from 15 to 35 and it got worse and worse untill I was on the pity pot wanting to die. Drinking all the time, a real sad site to see, then I read something my ex wrote that made me go to AA.

A week later I met Christians, asked Christ into my life, asked for help quitting drinking and I felt something well up inside of me at that moment and I have not had a drink since then, coming up on 20 years.

I am aware that many believe my experiance was not really JC and that it was physcological however I feel just as strong that it was Jesus and nothing has shaken my faith.

I realize you guys are stating your opinion and not trying to write some textbook with official answers. Here is my opinion on your opinions.

You guys are essentially saying, "I can't explain this, therefore I can explain this." Your only justification for using god as an explanation is ignorance. Not saying you guys are ignorant...I am saying that you are pointing to ignorance, to the lack of knowledge, and using that lack of knowledge as a basis to draw a conclusion. Can you think of any other area where the argument from ignorance turned out to be valid? This is what we call non-logic.

Do you not see the irrationality in going from 'unexplained' to 'explained by god' with no logic in the middle?

And of course this brings up the problem of infinite regress. If the universe is so complicated as to need a creator, wouldn't that creator be even more complicated himself? If this creator is more complicated, and we have already established that complication needs a design, then who designed the creator? Did he have an even more complicated designer which needs designing? Or was the creator brought about by random natural events? It would seem odd to accept randomness in the case of the creator but not the universe, since the creator is even more complicated. When we think about it this way, we see creationism compounds the problem rather than supplying us with answers.

The argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy that essentially relies on a lack of imagination in the audience.

The general form of the argument is as follows.

Major premise: One can't imagine (or has not imagined) how P could be so.
Minor premise (unstated): If P were so, one could imagine (or would have imagined) how.
Conclusion: Not-P.

As an example, creationists incessantly use some difficult-to-explain facet of biology as "proof" of a creator. The problem is that, though there is no non-design explanation for how precisely a certain organ could have evolved at the moment, one may be discovered in the future. Contrary to the instincts of many creationists, lack of an explanation does not justify confecting whatever explanation one would prefer. The inexplicable is just that, and does not justify speculation as proof.


Well-Known Member
Actually it is much simpler then that, my friend.

I drank and drugged from 15 to 35 and it got worse and worse untill I was on the pity pot wanting to die. Drinking all the time, a real sad site to see, then I read something my ex wrote that made me go to AA.

A week later I met Christians, asked Christ into my life, asked for help quitting drinking and I felt something well up inside of me at that moment and I have not had a drink since then, coming up on 20 years.

I am aware that many believe my experiance was not really JC and that it was physcological however I feel just as strong that it was Jesus and nothing has shaken my faith.
Well Bob, if you do not expect your experience to mean anything to anyone else besides you, then there is no problem. I did not have your experience so there is no way for me to say you are wrong or right. But for the same reason, I did not have your experience, It can not mean anything to me.


Well-Known Member
Actually it is much simpler then that, my friend.

I drank and drugged from 15 to 35 and it got worse and worse untill I was on the pity pot wanting to die. Drinking all the time, a real sad site to see, then I read something my ex wrote that made me go to AA.

A week later I met Christians, asked Christ into my life, asked for help quitting drinking and I felt something well up inside of me at that moment and I have not had a drink since then, coming up on 20 years.

I am aware that many believe my experiance was not really JC and that it was physcological however I feel just as strong that it was Jesus and nothing has shaken my faith.
Please, don't think I am making light of your recovery from booze but I too was in AA & NA. I too had what I thought were spiritual experiences but never Jesus because I was never brought up believing in Jesus. Others have personal spiritual experiences of gods of their religion whether Hindi, Muslim, or whatever. Why is that? If Jesus is the real god, then we should all have Jesus experiences regardless of our upbringing, don't you think?

AA teaches us very quickly that in order to recover from alcoholism, we MUST have a spiritual awakening. When I went to meetings, abstinence from all mood altering substances was required, including cannabis. I don't drink anymore but I do smoke as I'm sure you do since you're here. It's funny how god is so concerned over whether people drink or not that he intervenes in their life to help them stop but he won't intervene for other similarly or even more important things.

Sorry, but personal spiritual experiences are not going to be convincing to others. In any conversation where we are tasked with trying to convince others that our ideas are correct, i.e. debates, internal thoughts and feelings are worthless.


Well-Known Member
Well Bob, if you do not expect your experience to mean anything to anyone else besides you, then there is no problem. I did not have your experience so there is no way for me to say you are wrong or right. But for the same reason, I did not have your experience, It can not mean anything to me.
You dont help many people in AA by preaching. All you can do is share your story. What you were like, what happened and what you are like now.
My experiance may not mean much here but it may bring hope to suffering alkies in the proper setting and I dont beat people with the Bible


Well-Known Member
You dont help many people in AA by preaching. All you can do is share your story. What you were like, what happened and what you are like now.
My experiance may not mean much here but it may bring hope to suffering alkies in the proper setting and I dont beat people with the Bible
In the AA meetings around here it is highly frowned upon to speak of a specific deity whether it is Jesus, Yahweh, Allah or Ganesh.


Active Member
You are speaking blasphemy... There is no God without the bible. Funny that you say this because I always said I believe in the bible but not religion because religion is what currupts peoples minds... Look at those arabs the believe that when they die they will have 1000 virgins, did you know thats not even in the muslim bible that was created by the muslim religion they twist things in religion but the bible is the only source to wisdom.


Well-Known Member
You are speaking blasphemy... There is no God without the bible. Funny that you say this because I always said I believe in the bible but not religion because religion is what currupts peoples minds... Look at those arabs the believe that when they die they will have 1000 virgins, did you know thats not even in the muslim bible that was created by the muslim religion they twist things in religion but the bible is the only source to wisdom.
There are so many gods, the one that means the most to any individual depends on when and where they are born: Zeus to the ancient Greeks, Wotan to the Vikings, Vishnu to the Hindus, and the popular Abrahamic god of the jews, christians, and muslims. So, there is obviously god without the bible, LOTS of them. Any claim to absolute truth has the potential to corrupt minds, especially when it is packaged to be so easy and convenient (believe in A and happily live forever, believe in not-A and we'll set you on fire). There is little 'wisdom' in the bible that is original, most of its lessons are similar to many other religions and cultures, some of which predate the bible by centuries. So, we can see the the bible isn't the only source to wisdom...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
You are speaking blasphemy... There is no God without the bible. Funny that you say this because I always said I believe in the bible but not religion because religion is what currupts peoples minds... Look at those arabs the believe that when they die they will have 1000 virgins, did you know thats not even in the muslim bible that was created by the muslim religion they twist things in religion but the bible is the only source to wisdom.
"I believe in the bible but not religion" ... You have the same logic as this guy


Though I am not atheist, I only recently found out about the Amazing Atheist and he may be annoying at times but I like his opinions on religion. You cannot separate the bible and christianity.


Active Member
...All of those other bibles dont add up man, the king james bible in revelations tell you exactly what will take place in the end times and sure enough everything that was said in the bible is turning out to be true. The bible said that Israel would always be at war, also said that there will come a time when the whole world is unified which has already started with facebook and twitter. What other bible can tell you things that actually happen


Active Member
Lets cut to the chase here.

Absolute belief in God = closed minded

Absolute belief in no God = closed minded

Close minded = ignorant

Ignorant = don't really know what you're talking about

Don't really know what you're talking about = stop talking for your own sake

On another note, what is the bible or any of it's counterparts worth? There seems to be hundreds of variants of the so called "Bible", under hundreds of different religions. We are all one people, regardless of our location/race/age/etc.... so a lot of people fucked up along the way when they decided to write hundreds of conflicting versions of what is essentially a "law book for morality".

If someone thinks for one second, the piece of dirt they were born on, or their race, somehow binds them to one out of the many specific "rule books", we call the bible/koran/etc., they got their head so far up their ass, it's not worth trying to explain anything logical with that individual.


Well-Known Member
Hi Chief, I've honestly been wondering this and please forgive my assumptions? I am assuming by your name that you are a Native American? If I am right, I don't get why you are not more spiritually aligned with the more common Native Spirituality of Nature instead of believing another white men's lie? I get these weird ponderings stuck in my head, again I apoligise for assumptions.


Well-Known Member
here you'll appreciate this video then... ;)



Active Member
the bible is the book that tells us there is a god. without that book nobody would know the word "god" or believe in a superhuman force living in the clouds or whatever. you seem confused. for the record i think any belief in a big man in the clouds or the bible or the chruch is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time that could be spent living. on the other hand i do stick to some of the simple values of the book, dont kill ppl, dont be an asshole and try to be a decent human being. i was a devout christian in my younger years and no amount of praying etc ever helped me with shit. i did it all myself. and dont give me this shit that god gave me the willpower to do it myself. because i did. the end.


Well-Known Member
This is hands down the best most applicable metaphor - pass it on so we may all get along?

Beliefs are like penises. I don't give a rat's ass if you want to worship it and talk about it to your friends just please Don't whip it out and wag it in our faces or our children's


Well-Known Member
the bible is a tool wriiten by man distributed by man and made in mans "image" making it faulty in the first place. i dont believe in god the way most poeple do but if i was the first sentence of this post explains exactly how to correctly worship god. YOU WORSHIP HIM, NOT THE BIBLE. so forget about the bible because it is a tool to control masses. even if it is true, god would hate his own books by now. they are start of so many deaths.....