Tragedy? How bad is this?


Hi everyone... Well... I came home today to the main cola on my strongest White Widow being burnt today from the HPS. My plants were quickly outgrowing my cabinet and I planned on remedying the property Saturday night; however, I didn't make it fast enough. Here is a picture:

Any suggestions on what I can do. How will this affect the rest of the grow? I'm 3 weeks into flowering!!! I'm so sad because this was my beast and things were going so well.

I did remedy the problem though so the rest of the plants don't get it... I had to sacrifice my cloning chamber though... that's alright because the clones didn't make it. I'll just have to start from seed again and hope that I get one as strong as the one I got going on now.

Here are some other pics...



Well-Known Member
that sux dude!...sorry to see that. when the plants get to close, bend them down! its the best solution!


Well-Known Member
If your burnt bud is only as big as the ones in the other pics clip it off. Learn from mistakes.They call it weed for a reason it grows like crazy. If u have half a thought that's its too close to the light (which sounds like u did) keep a very close eye on it and adjust accordingly. Won't stress it too much to clip it off but expect a slightlyl longer harvest time to adjust .


Yeah.. this is my first grow... so scared haha... was afraid to supercrop and bend too much... there just wasn't room at all before I removed the cloning chamber.


If your burnt bud is only as big as the ones in the other pics clip it off. Learn from mistakes.They call it weed for a reason it grows like crazy. If u have half a thought that's its too close to the light (which sounds like u did) keep a very close eye on it and adjust accordingly. Won't stress it too much to clip it off but expect a slightlyl longer harvest time to adjust .
That's a pretty good relief... I figured 3 weeks into flowering, there is still plenty of time for recovery and growth. I'm in no hurry, just want my first grow to be the best learning experience ever, haha.

Edit: This one was actually the main cola.. probably twice the size of the other pictures.


Yeah, drive... I'm a little sick to my stomach over it... I tried to clean it up some.... Anyone know what to expect? I cut as much of the burnt leaves and bud off as possible. Will there be more growth there does anyone know? Anyone have this happen to them and how'd it recover?

Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
ya bend them down gently and tie them and i found that you can keep them pretty close to the light if you keep a fan blowing good between the top of the plant and the light


bud bootlegger
it's no biggy.. i've done it before.. simply cut off the burnt bits and leave it as is.. she still has plenty of times to recover and will be just fine ime..

and supercropping might look like you fucked up your plants, but they bounce back super quick, and it's much better then burning them as you're learning, lol..


Well-Known Member
Right and if your growing F1 hybrids from seeds or just have a good hardy plant, they probably won't even slow down. My plant got snapped in half when it was two months old, the next day the lower leaves doubled in size, and the rest of the plant kept growing like nothing ever happened. Treat this just like you had topped the pants. The rest of the plant is going to keep growing and everything will yield the same. You'll be fine.


Awesome! Thanks all for the info...

This is just going to be chalked up to experience. I wanted to supercrop that plant last week, but was too scared, haha.

Ultimately, I decided my first grow I was going to keep it simple and learn how the plants grow... For instance, I topped one of my plants and left the others go just to observe what happens and how it affects the plant over time. So many things I want to try next, but need to plan better because of my limited growing space... supercropping and training/scrogging are all on the list to try. I plan on having a SOG grow in the future, so one of my main goals is to learn how to keep a mother small but bushy (under a foot if possible).

For this I ended up ripping out the cloning chamber and giving these plants more room. My clones died anyway and right now, my first grow should get my full attention. I have five more WW fem seeds so I will just hope for another beast like I got this time.

So here is a before an after shot... I added a net trellis to attempt to help with management if they decide to keep growing like crazy. I have so much to learn!!! Haha



Well-Known Member
that looks so sexy :) love your grow man, how many watts and what is your fan u have because those guys are close to your light and doing really well :)


Well-Known Member
Remove all the burnt plant matter, your bus will grow a load of like thin stems of bud from where you cut. People call it foxtailing sometimes. A bunch of thin buds close together but you can pull apart, you should keep an eye on the bud for mold from now on as lots of new growth close together can trap mousture. The plant will be totally fine bus I doubt that bud will weigh what it would have


that looks so sexy :) love your grow man, how many watts and what is your fan u have because those guys are close to your light and doing really well :)

The lamp is 400W HPS... kicking it up to 600W for rest of flowering because now I have more room to raise the lamp and keep it from burning the plants... What helps out with keeping it from burning the plants (well more than the stupid thing that happened) is that the HPS lamp is encased in a glass tube that is connected to an intake and outake fan. SO whenever the lamp is on, it constantly has nice air being run through it. Helps tremendously! The only problem is that it heats my room up like crazy.... sauna in there, haha.


Remove all the burnt plant matter, your bus will grow a load of like thin stems of bud from where you cut. People call it foxtailing sometimes. A bunch of thin buds close together but you can pull apart, you should keep an eye on the bud for mold from now on as lots of new growth close together can trap mousture. The plant will be totally fine bus I doubt that bud will weigh what it would have

Thanks for the info jonny... that is what I was afraid of... it's sad because it had potential to be a money shot plant.