Newbie with possible light burn ?


Active Member
Ok Marc... I did what I didn't want to do, and just spent a lot of money, lol. I ordered a 5'x5'x6.5' grow tent.. Also a 400 CFM inline fan, a cooling grow hood for the light, and 25' ft of ducting and now I just need to find a good deal on a carbon filter. I am guessing the fan is for the hood, to cool it down. So this fan will probably go outside the vent, right? As for a filter, should I run a filter off of a different fan?? I saw something online for air filters that can actually go inside the ducting, what do you think about that? I have someone who is helping me also, but I want a few different opinions and then weigh out my options. :D You both have been a great deal of help. :D:D

Oh, about fertilizing... I am probably going onto week 4 of vegging and have not done any fertilizing yet. I did transplant them a week ago in an organic soil that says it contains nutrients from worm castings, bat guano, chicken manure, kelp meal, and forest compost. The plants haven't shown me they needed nutes yet.. Should I just wait to start feeding until they show signs?? Oh yeah I forgot I ordered a soil tester, duh.. It'll probably be here next week.. :D:D:D


Active Member
Ok :D:D I am not in a hurry, I am actually scared to fertilize because I'd hate to do over-do it.. So I will do what you said and wait till it shows signs. That was the answer I was hoping for. :D


Active Member
Ok :D:D I am not in a hurry, I am actually scared to fertilize because I'd hate to do over-do it.. So I will do what you said and wait till it shows signs. That was the answer I was hoping for. :D
have not read all the forum

i would not use any nutes for some time, if you just wait till you get some leaves start to yellow at the base of the plant on the big leaves (fan leaves)
you should start with some nutes but half strength first

it could be 2-4 weeks in a 5 gallon pot before needing nutes, (watering) from a small pot to a 5 gallon pot, if temp not to high and humidity to low could be 10-14 days before you need to water again, over watering your plants can kill them, they need to dry out a lot so the pot feels light when you pick it up

if you see the fan leaves start to drop, after a few days and the soil looks dry and the pot is light then you need to water them


Active Member
Thanks Jason :D I actually haven't had to water them in a little over five days I think.. The soil is still dark or wet a few inches down. That's good to know about 2-4 weeks before needing nutes in that pot size.. I was curious about when they will need it, but they look fine and I don't want to mess it up. I haven't even figured out which way I am going to go with nutrients.. Organic v chem.. slow release or liquid.. foliar.. whatever it's confusing. I probably should order some quick here, if I want to avoid the hydro store. I am finding online is less expensive.


Active Member
Thanks Jason :D I actually haven't had to water them in a little over five days I think.. The soil is still dark or wet a few inches down. That's good to know about 2-4 weeks before needing nutes in that pot size.. I was curious about when they will need it, but they look fine and I don't want to mess it up. I haven't even figured out which way I am going to go with nutrients.. Organic v chem.. slow release or liquid.. foliar.. whatever it's confusing. I probably should order some quick here, if I want to avoid the hydro store. I am finding online is less expensive.
my soil grows go very well with basic nutes, i go to a grow shop my self, but just buy cheep nutes grow and bloom bio bizz nutes and it works well
other nutes may help but you can get a good crop with out them

this is a pic from the grow i am doing now,



Active Member
Ohhh Nice!!

I am finding that the nutrients they sell at the hydro store, you can get online for less expensive. Do you use grow and bloom? Whatever I buy I want to make sure it is efficient and that I have talked to someone who has used the product, first-hand.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jazzy, NICE cool the hood..go..from the Hood (one side only) ducting>fan>ducting, you want the air to pull from the hood and out of the tent. As far a charcol filter If it has a 4", 6" ,or 8" opening you want to set a vortex fan right on top of it, no ducting. the air needs to go through the filter strong enough to activate the carbon (move it around) keep that in the tent as it washed the air before it gets vented out through your exaust..(hood) then when it leaves it wont smell your place up. Im sooo glad you bought that set up, your going to be so happy that you did that! I think you should start a journal as soon as you set everything up and post pics. You will get tons of help and I'd like to see your progress.


Well-Known Member
When I first started out I got most of my info on nutes from the guys at the hydro shop, they are all growers and know what works and what sucks from expierience and a lot of customer feed back. They are always very willing to help. I grow Hydro, so I cant speak on soil nutes....


Well-Known Member
And yes you can hang the fan outside the tent. I would hang it at the same heigth as the opening where the ducting is coming out, make sure you have enough ducting to be able to move the light up and down. also dont use so much ducting that it interfears with the air flow out. Use just what is needed. I cant wait to see your set up! Make sure you duct the "out" up high in the tent.....and the "in" down low....;-)


Active Member
Ohhh Nice!!

I am finding that the nutrients they sell at the hydro store, you can get online for less expensive. Do you use grow and bloom? Whatever I buy I want to make sure it is efficient and that I have talked to someone who has used the product, first-hand.
yes i think most grow shops will sell it and you can buy online
i only use grow and bloom and some time fish nutes from bio bizz
i also use there soil
and it works for me bizz&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Udq&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&tbm=shop&sa=X&ei=L3qvT9aKF4nb0QX37fWzCQ&ved=0CFQQBSgA&q=biobizz&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=1b17bd7a12a0c8a&biw=1280&bih=922


Well-Known Member
hi marc your plants are showing heat stress
edge of the leaves curling up
but look very good
Thanks for the input and comment. Good catch! That is from one damn day! I went to a buddies for the day and didnt turn my a/c on that day. Room got to about 87. I was pissed! my plants are so sensative. I use Pro-tekt Silica so I wasnt to worried. I grow hydro and it gets so finiky at are my most recent 15-2.jpg
day 15.jpgday 15-3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Im super Anal about my plants and grow room, Im always cleaning it and checking every leaf for any bad signs. I spend about 2 hours a day going over everything and making sure its perfect...But with that said....the end results are Amazing! There are a few dispencaries that battle the buds. So you can Imagine how Pissed I was when I saw some "hooking". I Also use Hygrozyme...Infact here is my Solution.. GH Micro, Grow, Bloom,Liquid kool Bloom, Floralisious Plus, Hygrozyme, and pro-tekt Silica. Its a great Mix of Goodies


Active Member
you doing a good job
its a weed, you can't get it right 100% of the time
but if the results are amazing it do not mattar


Active Member
Ok thank you for the information. I see ppl set up their tents differently. I have a friend that uses his charcoal filter outside the tent and then vents everything out his attic.. Is a vortex fan different from an inline fan? :D


Well-Known Member
Ok thank you for the information. I see ppl set up their tents differently. I have a friend that uses his charcoal filter outside the tent and then vents everything out his attic.. Is a vortex fan different from an inline fan? :D
Pretty much the same thing, yea I suppose you could duct out of the room into the fan that sits on the filter outside the room.


Active Member
Well, having the fan and filter that vents the hood sounds more simple. I am not trying to make this too complicated, lol. I already know I am going to have fun putting the tent up.. I am not inclined with that stuff but I am learning.


Active Member
I spent way too much money. Thank goodness HPS AND MH lights and ballast were given to me, with replacement bulbs. Though I am sure one day I might want to bump the HPS from a 600W to a 1000W for that size of a tent and when if I do a larger crop. I would like to get a rotation going eventually, but it seems like I will have to veg in the walk-in closet, and flower in the tent. Dunno. Have you heard of a product called "Dense Buds?"