Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
It's called Scrog or Screen of Green. Normally the plant would just grow past the "grill", but each time you it grows above the wire you tie it down. Sorta like LST, but it you tie it above the pot instead of the pot itself. Usually it's used for more than 1 plant afaik.


Well-Known Member
This is the second thread where I seen someone use like a "grill" over their plant, what does it do exactly? I thought it kept it shorter but I'd imagine the plant would simply grow through
It's called "Screen of Green" - As the plant grows up and out of the screen that is placed above it you tuck it back down through the screen, like basket weaving. You dont need to tie it down just weaving it through the screen will do this for you.

I'm terrible at explaining easy things so here are some links for ya:


Well-Known Member
it will have 2 plants under it. its only 70cm wide so not a huge screen. once the male is big enough im gonna replace him with a big bud plant and keep the pollen from the male. maybe big bud auto x white widow nxt time :)


Well-Known Member
see how many i get id be more then happy to send a few sample out and about
Hell yeah, You're the man brett. I haven't given any thought to breeding any of my plants but I suspect sometime in the future I'll give it a whirl. I used to breed snakes so I find the whole genetics of it all quite interesting.


Well-Known Member
While I agree that the h2o2 is the best method to kill the gnats already in your soil it really doesn't address them getting in there the first place. If the gnats can still lay eggs in your soil they will and the h2o2 will become part of your watering routine. Or maybe I'm just too stubborn to see any other method besides the sand lol.


Well-Known Member
i have installled a yellow fly strip to catch the actual adult gnats. once i dont see any new ones on there for a day or so i will stick the h2o2 in the soil.


Well-Known Member
update time :)...... yay. right well i have some good and some bad news. semms kinds silly but i was hoping for a boy. turns out its a female. so i have 2 x ww bagseed that are female and 2 x bud bud fem plants so i have 4 girls in there now :) bad news is no pollen or seeds. i might invest in some colloidal silver and hermie one of the big bud plants as its one of my favourite strains. heres a couple pics. (he-he got my iphone back)

see the pistils in this shot. switched them back to veg last night after about 10 days of flowering to determine sex.

heres widow #1 seems to be the healthier of the 2

heres widow #2 (thought this was male)

these are the big bud autos at 2 weeks old. double big bud at front and big bud at back.
just noticed the leaves are slightly yellowing so i have given some flowering nutes at 1/2 strength. im still using canna terra nutes got vega & flores.

also yesterday i gave them a h2o2 treatment to deal with the gnat issue i was having. this morning there are no new adult gnats so hopefully it worked. if not i picked up a bag of builders sand and will apply an inch to the top of the soil if i still have gnats in a few days. ive also moved things around slightly as the temperature was 35c last night got it back down to a steady 27c now so much better.

as always comments and suggestions are welcome. also i may have to get this thread moved soon as i have just bought a 400w hps for £55. bargain :) hopefully gonna use that for flowering as i want a decent yeild this time.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. This might be the first time Ive said this but here goes. It sucks that you have all females. There I said it.

Heh. I know you were looking for a male to breed with and I know we were all excited for possible wwxbb seeds! I was going to suggest you try and hermie one of them but it seems your on top of it already.

The h202 treatment, exactly how did you "treat" them? I've never done it and I'm curious what is involved.

Keep us updated on the gnats and your efforts to hermie one of your girls. I'm real interested.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 x 200ml bottles of 3% h2o2 from the chemists. put one bottle into 800ml of water and split it between 2 plants. i then added another ltr of ph'd water to each pot to help it cover all of the root area. seems to have had a positive responce. its made the soil really spongy though. assuming thats the oxygen inthe gaps in the dirt.

and yeah im on top of it :) really wanna make a few cross breeds and see if i can get any decent plants from it. imagine the white widow high with the big bug yeild and the autoflower trait mixed in :) making myself a cloning chamber out of an old pc case as well. needs something to meddle with. just lost my job today so im gonna have plenty of time to mess with them. :) btw. the ak47 is smelling awesome in the tub and my oh my i passed out halfway through my bifta last night. been a while since any green has done that to me.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 x 200ml bottles of 3% h2o2 from the chemists. put one bottle into 800ml of water and split it between 2 plants. i then added another ltr of ph'd water to each pot to help it cover all of the root area. seems to have had a positive responce. its made the soil really spongy though. assuming thats the oxygen inthe gaps in the dirt.

and yeah im on top of it :) really wanna make a few cross breeds and see if i can get any decent plants from it. imagine the white widow high with the big bug yeild and the autoflower trait mixed in :) making myself a cloning chamber out of an old pc case as well. needs something to meddle with. just lost my job today so im gonna have plenty of time to mess with them. :) btw. the ak47 is smelling awesome in the tub and my oh my i passed out halfway through my bifta last night. been a while since any green has done that to me.
Good to know. I haven't had any gnat issues yet but considering I live on an island surrounded by water/swamp/marshlands it is only a matter of time I figure. Any idea if the h202 also works for mildew/minor mold? I know you can "wash" the buds themselves as you harvest with a h2o2 solution...

Sorry to hear you lost your job. That fucking sucks. Welcome to the club. I've been unemployed for the past 6 months. I must've applied for thousands of jobs without so much as single call back. Hopefully you'll do better than me.