Obama's Hyprocrisy


Active Member
I agree with Obama that gays should be allowed to marry. But let's face it. He made this "change of heart" only because he thinks it will assure his reelection.

In preceding weeks, he had one close aide after another "come out" to the media that they support gay marriage. This was clearly an orchestrated campaign to guage public reaction. Once he saw it would help his reelection, he "came out" as well.

Just like he did with us medical marijuana supporters in his first campaign. To get our votes, he "supported" medical marijuana. Once he was elected, he did an about-face and esclated the war on marijuana to secure conservative support in congress.

He wants what every first-term president wants: a second term. And he is willing to stab everyone in the back he has to in order to assure a second term.

He KNOWS that even though he stabbed us all in the back by escalating the war against marijuana, none (or not many) of us would ever vote for a conservative. So what incentive does he have to support medical marijuana? We vote for him because we cling to his pre-first-term support of medical marijuana. And middle-of-the-road conservatives cling to his escalation of the war against marijuana. And many of them vote for him as well.

We are all just pawns to be manipulated by internal campaign planning based upon polls and public reaction to controlled release of information.


Well-Known Member
To get our votes, he "supported" medical marijuana. Once he was elected, he did an about-face and esclated the war on marijuana to secure conservative support in congress.
lol, nice theory, almost as brilliant as the whole mother nature has wants and desires theory.

a president can't ignore a congressionally passed federal law. he simply can't. all he can do is direct them not to make it a focus. that's what he did.

and once he did, the floodgates opened up like never before.


Active Member
lol, nice theory, almost as brilliant as the whole mother nature has wants and desires theory.

a president can't ignore a congressionally passed federal law. he simply can't. all he can do is direct them not to make it a focus. that's what he did.

and once he did, the floodgates opened up like never before.
Once again, dear UB, you completely pervert my words and intent to support your own appearant agenda...

You see things in your own particular version of "rose colored glasses". You operate in as much of a baseless, knee-jerk, right-wing fashion as fundamentalist Christians...just on the opposite end of the spectrum...did you ever consider that the truth may be somewhere between extreme leftism (i.e you) and them?

I submit that if ths thread had been authored by someone you didn't know, you would have replied in agreement...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
lol, nice theory, almost as brilliant as the whole mother nature has wants and desires theory.

a president can't ignore a congressionally passed federal law. he simply can't. all he can do is direct them not to make it a focus. that's what he did.

and once he did, the floodgates opened up like never before.
Oh, bullshit.

You are always patting the president on the back for refusing to defend DOMA, so you know goddamned well that the president can order DOJ at lunch today that henceforth they will spend zero dollars on enforcement of medical marijuana laws. The executive can remove cannabis from the controlled substances act today, which would effectively return the cannabis issue to the states where it rightly belongs.

I get it; you're in the bag for Obama, but don't get on here and insult the intelligence of readers who are not ready to join you in the bunk with Obama. This is not meant as an endorsement of Romney, I am sure he would (will) be just as bad as Obama on civil liberties.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping him finally copping out and saying "states rights" catches up to him. It's the first time I recall him deferring to states for anything really. This is going to bite the central planner in the ass.