NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman


Active Member
This thread is NOT about whether George Zimmerman is guilty or innocent. It's about the specific case of NBC's grossly biased news story against him, which resulted in the firing of a high-level NBC news producer.

A few weeks ago, NBC News aired "the" 911 call that George Zimmerman had with the 911 operator. Paraphrased, but accurately paraphrased, here's what was broadcast:

911 Operator: "Does he look suspicious?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah, he looks black."

Of course, this sequence makes it seem that Zimmerman is speaking racism. However, here is the UNCUT sequence (paraphrased):

911 Operator: "Does he look suspicious?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah, he looks suspicious."

911 Operator: "Is he black, white, hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."

Whether Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, the bias of the NBC story is clear: make him look guilty, at the cost of the truth. Which is why the liberal NBC news organization fired the high-level news producer that allowed this story to be aired.


Well-Known Member
yeah didnt you know that the average attention span for americans is about 5 seconds... ;)

dont worry though america will find their "next" story to get their bloodlust for "justice" and just hear the media spout more and more bullshit, just for the intent of purposely "formulating to manipulate opinions"...

alright people i know its hard to put down millions of years of evolutionary behavioural traits...

so carry on i guess... or just evolve the fuck up already... ;)


Active Member
yeah didnt you know that the average attention span for americans is about 5 seconds... ;)

dont worry though america will find their "next" story to get their bloodlust for "justice" and just hear the media spout more and more bullshit, just for the intent of purposely "formulating to manipulate opinions"...

alright people i know its hard to put down millions of years of evolutionary behavioural traits...

so carry on i guess... or just evolve the fuck up already... ;)
Well, I can't determine whether you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. Why don't you just state your opinion clearly and leave no doubt?


Active Member
what does mother nature want for mother's day?

Mother Nature doesn't "want" anything. The world works logically and by laws that man didn't define and can't change. Logical conclusions can be drawn from the observation of nature, which people sometimes refer to as "nature wants this" or "nature wants that", because the outcome, at least on a statictical basis, can be predicted.

You took a simple and common (and yes, technically innacurate) phrase I used and hang your hat on it as "proof" that I'm wrong. Is that the best you can do? Can't you offer an argument? I guess not.

But I still like you Buck. You're alright with me.


King Tut
This thread is NOT about whether George Zimmerman is guilty or innocent. It's about the specific case of NBC's grossly biased news story against him, which resulted in the firing of a high-level NBC news producer.

A few weeks ago, NBC News aired "the" 911 call that George Zimmerman had with the 911 operator. Paraphrased, but accurately paraphrased, here's what was broadcast:

911 Operator: "Does he look suspicious?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah, he looks black."

Of course, this sequence makes it seem that Zimmerman is speaking racism. However, here is the UNCUT sequence (paraphrased):

911 Operator: "Does he look suspicious?"

Zimmerman: "Yeah, he looks suspicious."

911 Operator: "Is he black, white, hispanic?"

Zimmerman: "He looks black."

Whether Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, the bias of the NBC story is clear: make him look guilty, at the cost of the truth. Which is why the liberal NBC news organization fired the high-level news producer that allowed this story to be aired.

i've learned that regardless of where i get my news, ALWAYS view, not only the info but the way it is presented, with a very skeptical eye and mind. Everyone that deals in news puts a spin on it in one way or another.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think the point UB was making is the fact that this is an old story. NBC admitted to their "mistake" and fired the producer responsible. It was dealt with. Regardless of the motive behind the omission the matter was resolved. For some reason the Zimmerman devotees keep propping up this straw man story like it's supposed have some relevance to the case or how Trayvon died.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
We would all be better off if the story had been: "Neighborhood watchmen shoots teen", and then go on to spell out the details completely omitting the race of either party. That ain't how America rolls, though. "Journalists" are ALWAYS looking for the race angle so the race-obssessed amongst can get on with the lynching. NBC was just a little more blatant about their implied conclusion

If you can stomach it, and have a few days of free time, go and read the "Trayvon" thread started by Unclebuck. The race issue was always simmering just below the surface. If none of us had known the race of either Zimmer or Martin, I would guess about 90% of the bickering would not have occurred.


Active Member
I think the point UB was making is the fact that this is an old story. NBC admitted to their "mistake" and fired the producer responsible. It was dealt with. Regardless of the motive behind the omission the matter was resolved. For some reason the Zimmerman devotees keep propping up this straw man story like it's supposed have some relevance to the case or how Trayvon died.
Trayvon died because he physically confronted a man he thought he could bully. What he didn't know was the man had the means to defend himself, and did, according to Florida law at the time.

Zimmerman was STUPID to confront Trayvon, against the advice of the 911 operator. But he did not intend to kill Trayvon. He used his gun to protect himself as Trayvon (i.e. hoodie boy) was banging his head against the pavement.

Zimmerman should serve some time (maybe a year) for being stupid. But he's no murderer.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Trayvon died because he physically confronted a man he thought he could bully. What he didn't know was the man had the means to defend himself, and did, according to Florida law at the time.

Zimmerman was STUPID to confront Trayvon, against the advice of the 911 operator. But he did not intend to kill Trayvon. He used his gun to protect himself as Trayvon (i.e. hoodie boy) was banging his head against the pavement.

Zimmerman should serve some time (maybe a year) for being stupid. But he's no murderer.
I have to disagree with you here. You make some assumptions as to te nature of the altercation between Mr Zimmerman and Mr Martin that are unsupported by verifiable evidence. Hearsay and speculation are the reason this whole issue has gotten out of and.

All we know for sure is Zimmerman thought Martin was shady looking so he followed him in his car (creepy), Zimmerman called 911, and was told to stop following his supposed suspect, but he continued to follow Martin. Martin was not engaged in any hi-jinx, shenanigans or skullduggery. Eventually the two men met on foot, and there was an altercation. Zimmerman had a gun, and Martin got shot. That's it. Everything else is speculation, hearsay, or assumptions.

Young Mr Martin was followed (some might even say stalked) by a dude. If some dude was following me in his car, then got out to follow me on foot, i might challenge him too, verbally or physically. Had I been the one Zimmerman was following, it could easily have turned into a delightful exchange of gunplay. Perhaps even a festive shootout.

NOBODY can say for sure what happened, except Zimmerman, and anything he says could be a lie to conceal his creepy Beretta wannabe behavior, or the unvarnished truth of a dude who was looking out for his neighborhood, and defending himself from a hooligan.

Or maybe, Zimmerman is a dick, Trayvon was an asshole, and two dumbasses escalated the dumbassery to the point were somebody gettin stabbed or shot was unavoidable. We wont know till a jury decides how it all went down, so I for one am not gonna speculate.


Well-Known Member
^^^ finally some logic and reason prevail... :)

speculation without facts and evidence is nothing more than pointless... ;)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We wont know till a jury decides how it all went down, so I for one am not gonna speculate.
That's the one part you're wrong about. Juries aren't magical. They can't change reality. Even with a verdict we won't know.

So was it OJ or the ET aliens? If we assume the jury is magical, it had to be aliens.