The Screenhouse 2012


Active Member
We must live close, I was up on my greenhouse yesterday with the staple gun haha. Damn wind is gonna tear my cheap 4m UP! Good thing I only need it for one season. But I like that material your going with Papa for next year


Well-Known Member
I'm breeding a bubba x herijuana male with my train wreck female. Outdoor crop. Haven't done a journal cause my comp is broken and my phone can't upload pix. Im still legal and still growing in the Cali high desert. My crops are hitting 2 feet and iam wondering if this would be my best grow yet too bad I can't document it here on riu. Good luck best of luck regards mariapastor.


Well-Known Member
We must live close, I was up on my greenhouse yesterday with the staple gun haha. Damn wind is gonna tear my cheap 4m UP! Good thing I only need it for one season. But I like that material your going with Papa for next year
yea i got more of it, but i dont know what percentage of light it lets in, it definitely is shade compared to the plastic. I couldnt do a plastic one though in the heat.


Well-Known Member
The Screenhouse is awesome

For 2 reasons:

1)it works 2 keep out bud worm

2)the name is cool to say!

But no shit Zane it is an awesome looking grow spot. Nice job man! +rep


Sorry for the lack of updates guys and gals just been real busy lately and im almost done with these damn holes and soil mix lol ill get some pics soon the ladies are real happy. I went genocidal on a bunch of males only have a few left haha Thanks for all the kind words folks.
Maria, sounds like an interesting cross, id love to see it come flowering time, so if you do document your grow at all, let me know! definitely would watch. Im gonna be doing some hobby breeding for the first time this year, then next year I will grow all the crosses and see what I have created! its so fun!
Doowmd, thanks a lot man I love the feedback, ill make sure to get some pics up soon the girls have grown a lot in the past week and have all been topped.


Well-Known Member
The resson bieng is my computer broke and vbulliten aint that smartphone friendly.i cant post pics nevermind I think I could hold on let me try to give it a go


Its my first year cross breeding also. Maybe if I email you some pics u could post em for me. I also have a screen house been experementing with that for some time we have lots of uvb rays here in the cali high desert. Get lots of wind and any greenhouse would have to be with glass my plastic one broke all the aluminum poles. S friend supplied me with that pollen trainwrecks are gettimg to 2 feet by the end of this month. Cali breeding allience sounds great zane.
Sure Maria I could post some pics for ya, let me know. We should definitely share results of our newb breeding projects haha


Hey everybody still failing with updates, no new pics on the current, just been super busy with work. Things are good in the screenhouse except for the fact that I am already seeing symptoms of whatever disease hit us last year, whether its early blight, leaf spot, mosaic etc, its definitely in my area, and my plants are getting some yellowing on lower leaves and its moving up, and its way too early for that to be happening and its not a nute def, and im checkin ph too, so im just doing my best to keep it in check, foliar spraying serenade and greencure(potassium bicarbonate), and soil drenching with activonate and that seems to be working. All I can do is hope I can control it and keep the plants healthy. It aint all doom and gloom but it does suck when you know youve done everything right and your plants are getting yellow blotchy areas when they should be in perfect health. Anyways ill get some pics of that soon so yall can see what im talkin about but for now heres some budporn I dug up from last years photo album, peace!

all camera pics 272.jpgall camera pics 179.jpgall camera pics 181.jpgall camera pics 268.jpgall camera pics 269.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow I just found out my mini monsters were male. Ima throw up all over myself. Some good genetics too,had me fooled. Now ima have to look for some clones if I want to harvest


Hey everybody sorry for the lack of updates just got real busy over the last few weeks with other stuff along with keepin the girls as healthy as possible. Got 6 of em planted in the giant holes and I can tell already the plants are loving it. I really need to get all the other fems planted. It may not look much like it, but I have been battling the "disease" HARD. lol. Whatever hit my area last year, is still here this year and much worse, showing up earlier. Its blight, septoria, mosaic ??? i truely dont know exactly what it is but its a disease of fungal nature thats simply in my whole area. Symptoms are horrible yellow/orange rusty blotches with brown outlines usually, and fan leaf die off wayyy too soon, and I can see the brown rustyness on some of the fan leaf stems. Anyways seeing as it has come on earlier, I took extreme measures and sprayed heavily with eagle20, 1 ml/gal, and still watering with activonate sometimes and I got greencure and serenade just in case. I could tell the very next day that the eagle20 helped. Im not gonna let this shit affect my growth and yields, so Ima keep hitting em hard with foliars during veg(except eagle20 bcuz its systemic, once or twice only for veg). Anyways i snapped a bunch of sloppy pics today so here ya go! :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
any closeups of the effected leaves? maybe someone can identify the problem and help ya out with a solution.


Well-Known Member
I think it sounds like a mag defenciency. does it look like this:Multiple-block.jpg
or it could be a form of nute burn. View attachment 2217004

either of those look familiar? "Symptoms are horrible yellow/orange rusty blotches with brown outlines usually, and fan leaf die off wayyy too soon, and I can see the brown rustyness on some of the fan leaf stem"


Well-Known Member
Nice project man!
I plan to do the same with some hard ceiling (transparent plastic glass) to let the light come through.



Well-Known Member
Have you checked to make sure it's not rust? (The disease, not the oxidation of metal)
its a fungal type infection.

Do you smoke tobacco in your grow area?
Tobacco mosaic virus can invade a shit ton of other plants.
All it takes is a bit of infected tobacco to fall on the ground near a plant.
And, the virus isn't something that they would see cause to not use in cigarrettes or cigars. I mean, with all the other shit in there, why bother, eh?

Just some thoughts...


Have you checked to make sure it's not rust? (The disease, not the oxidation of metal)
its a fungal type infection.

Do you smoke tobacco in your grow area?
Tobacco mosaic virus can invade a shit ton of other plants.
All it takes is a bit of infected tobacco to fall on the ground near a plant.
And, the virus isn't something that they would see cause to not use in cigarrettes or cigars. I mean, with all the other shit in there, why bother, eh?

Just some thoughts...
Thanks for all your feedback and info guys especially doowmd and owl. At this point im not diagnosing it, it looks like all those pics above that you guys posted trying to diagnose it and now im not sure about anything it could indeed be mag def, or nute burn, I just thought I did things very precise his year and didnt expect problems. Llast year I grew with a partner who would smoke ciggs around the area, so rust could definitely be the culprit, and ive heard horror stories about those who have had to deal with it in their area. Right now just doing all I can to get fast healthy growth outta the girls. Growth this year has been slow to say the least, so im hoping they will explode in july and beginning of august. Im still running the lights from 8-9 pm. I have 5 left in pots i need to get in the ground, especially considering the girls in the ground are doing much better than the remaining females in pots, next year I will have the holes and soil mix ready long before planting time, I underestimated that amount of work this year. This year I did the sideways bend technique all the way to the ground almost and now im slowly training the branches through trellis netting, to hopefully create more tops and keep them as big bushes. Seeing as growth sucks this year im planting the rest of the seeds I have(freebies from the tude) just for extra smalls in pots to finish, they have just sprouted. pics coming up from a few days ago
oh and I still have males about 5 of em, they need to flower so I can collect pollen but the supp lighting is preventing i gotta figure something out lol


So the eagle20 seems to be working btw for any curious, I wont spray it again this year though. I gave the girls a good break from any fungicides or any spraying until yesterday, im back to spraying azatrol(miticide) with a lil dish soap as a wetting agent regularly.