Club 600


Well-Known Member
thats some pretty blonde right there flowa
thanx man! that whitish stuff is from my outdoor nugs, 73 micron, i got around 4 grams i think from 1 ounce, the rest in 120 micron.
I did around 1/2 lb of trim today, and it only took like 2 hours! fuckin brilliant. about 2 ounces of hash by the end, about 25 grams being the purest


Well-Known Member
Lovely flow, thanks for the pics.

Hey whodat, hope the country is treating you fine today my bru. Tip of the hat to BC!


Well-Known Member
Alright brother J. So you booked up for the Party of the year then? End of July it'll all be happening. Big meeting of chief chiefers, lol.....bring a spare lung, you'll need one!!!!


Well-Known Member
how do? i found mini webs over bottom few nodes on my 2 bigger plants. spider mites no doubt. wot can i use kill them quick and for good in a spray form? anything that good use from garden centre i can grab now as was in mids flipping 12\12. wee bit gutted now but not all hope has gone yet.
the bigger off my bc looks like it took a hamering and in 2 days only
I use neem oil and mild dish soap in water as a spray, and alternate with eight, a Permethrin concentrate same chemical used for fleas on dogs.


Well-Known Member
some BUDPORRRRN for my fellow 600w members ;)

start of week 8 flower

blue cheese #4
is it me or are you to getting the shivers from that ICE??? lol

armageddon # 5

here are the clones from the plants u just seen, training them, just waiting for the roots to reach at the bottom so i can connect them to my autopot system ;)

hope you lot enjoyd



Well-Known Member
Lovely flow, thanks for the pics.

Hey whodat, hope the country is treating you fine today my bru. Tip of the hat to BC!
Country has been great today, built a barb wire fence around a new garden area, planted some jalapenos and watermelon, hauled a load compost around in my truck and puts lights on the trailer... picked about 4 gallons worth of green beans,, just all around country stuff lol,,, chilled with the donkeys and smoked some bowls of dank. Oh the momma donkey gave birth on tuesday and the little guy or girl is doing great so far.

Wicked pr0n on the six even on a slow day!

Dinners calling.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey bill, yeah my waterfarms are kickin ass right now. topped 4 days ago and the come back is unbeleiveable dude.
my most recent special UK aquired baby ... STarBurst Haze.. its genetics are UNfuckinBelieable and i am going to be the very first one on the planet to grow her and smoke her, the magnitude of this gift to me i have a hard time comprehending. im so so very fortuante. peace bro.:peace:
