My Blunt, how i roll to smoke less tabac paper ^^ and cough ^^


Well-Known Member
HEy guy's check this out

I'm not the best but i like rolling a blunt sometimes.... fairly rare to see a blunt from dwr ^^

but there allway's quality..

1.2g's of weed.... 1 Cosmopolitan ( smells very nice and i'm a little stoned after this baby ^^ )

Open the weed.... ^^

Cut it the way you want to smoke... You see the cut makes you smoke less Tabac shit ! I hate it at the end when it really wrap'd around, all u taste is the leaf... it sucks...

This is how u get it done ;)

Fill it up...


Done... ^^

Lick it, and look at that man !!!! Wow :D

Lay it down to dry

And now ROFL, I was trying to light it up and be cool but i just cought my lungs out, here's a pic



Well-Known Member
hahah hell yea man. i would have used a cigar and cut the guts out. talkin about optimos bro. blunt wraps are illegal in my state. Keep it blunted DWR


Well-Known Member
They sell them @ every location here :)

I couldnt choose i had like 30 diffrent blunt types infront of me ^^ choose the most girly one for me & my girl but i smoked it alone hahahaha..

got another one left yo ^^ 2 in 1 :) I forgot ^^


Well-Known Member
Nice man. Thats gonna help me with my next blunt. I never thought of cutting angles to make a cyclone :?


Well-Known Member
well instead of putting the sticky part at the end you put it looking upwards against you...

then you roll it.. and lick it where the stcky part is....

then u let it dry for a minute or take a lighter like myself and just let it dry...

then rip the hanging papes off and your done :D


Well-Known Member
i use rizla to make spliffs,,,its what we do in the uk,and i always take paper off the rizla,i fold half of the bottom of the rizla up then lick along the crease then just pull the excess paper off,even tho i use blue rizla not red,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
blunt raps are illegal here but the store on the corner has them on the counter and i hear that they also sell weed but i'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
Dude!!!!!!!!!!!! You Have The Same Speakers..... Same Keyboard, Mouse... Same Psp As Me....!!!!!!!!

rofl.... ^^ you have the same :P

and thats pretty freaky cuz my setup is made out of diffrent manufactures... like mouse is MX Laster and my keyboard ist from logitech, and speaker aswell.... and psp from sony :P:P