The Seed Collectors Thread

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
grab one of he still has it KAB , yul dig it more than likely ... it had a hammering stone to it ... taste was sorta skunky old skewl

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I'll be seeing him sometime soon I imagine. As the summer is here. Shit probably this weekend now that I think about it. My friends and I don't call each other much. Just know where and how to run into each other. I'm probably gonna make him take me up to NY to grab the sour d cut again. I lost contact with those kids up there. But I know he knows how to run into them. Lol.

For real these fucking cuts have webs all over them. Who the fuck does that? I know someone that's gonna get smacked again. It's crazy. They are super infested.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
id kick the person those came from in the balls repeadidly until he passed out or coughed up a testi

who fuckin does that? asshat

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
It was so funny when I slapped him. I used to have a rep as a bit of loose cannon, that didn't lose much. He was so scared. Lol

I paid a random girl $100 the same day to toss my buddy's salad,that had been up doing drugs for 3 days in 90 degree heat and hadn't showered the whole time. Lol. Then I paid her $40 more to make out with her boyfriend. Probably the best $140 I've ever spent.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Slappin motherfuckers is funny as shit! I was at a party about 15 yrs ago and this assfuck wouldnt shut his mouth, i told him i was gonna slap the fuck outa him if he didnt shut it... he laffed and said girls slap people.... i slapped that motherfucker so hard he fell back in the chair knocked the fuck out LOL we took pix of him , had a big ole redass mark on his lil sleepy face.

Lets take his ol lady

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
^^^^agreed. Lol. Ain't nothing like the look on a dudes face when you slap the shit outta them. You can just see em thinking this mutherfucker just slapped me. Fuck. But it hurt and he must be a bad ass cause who the fuck slaps people? Oh shit I don't wanna fight this dude but I kinda have too now. Oh shit what to do what to do. The whole time they're just praying that someone will jump in and hold em back.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yeah that look is pricelessness lol ... i slap fuckers when its not good to punch someone... like you said who the fuck slaps a mofo .. so its ninja shit ! lol

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I don't think I could live with myself if someone slapped me. It's like the charlie Murphy skit from the chapelle show. Someone's got to go.


Well-Known Member
01-02-2011, 04:29 AM

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,126

Mr Ortega deserves as much credit as Mr Skunkman!

Much more IMO. We are still using Maple Leaf, Garlic Bud and Kush 4 and I don't think that Jim is done yet.



New Member
Eisbaer,Cali Yo, and a Chernobyl confirmed female. Fuck yea.
Last time I ran a few Eisbaer (The White x SnowdawgBX) I got all males. Was pissed. I think I have 2 Eisbaer ladies this time. Excited bout this one.

eisbaer.jpg eisbaer.jpg Rawr Bitch.

Maybe I should dust this one with the Chernobyl pollen I'm gonna have. The F1 Should be dank as shit.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Finally got to see some induction lighting in person today. The claims they're making are pretty sweet. Didn't someone on here buy some recently. I'm thinking it was jcashman? But i may be wrong. Anyone using these or seen em in use? The ones I saw were over some peppers at the store.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Thanks hellraizer. I thought they looked like they might not penetrate the canopy very much. That's an expensive ass veg light. I'll be sticking to my t5s. If it ain't broke why fix it


New Member
Finally got to see some induction lighting in person today. The claims they're making are pretty sweet. Didn't someone on here buy some recently. I'm thinking it was jcashman? But i may be wrong. Anyone using these or seen em in use? The ones I saw were over some peppers at the store.
Thats cool. Speaking of the future... I was checkin out some threads showing theGavita proLEP plasma
The grow threads look sickness. The ambient temperature in the hood while operational is something low close to 100F. Way better spectrum than HPS and comparable lumen output to a 600w. A few of these with a mini split A/C running in the room would be super efficient.

I don't think LED is the future in horticulture. There are some Gavitas being tested on ICMag in the forums. looks promising.

I wanna blast some dmt
I'm settling for hydro10's via cold water extraction.. grape kool aid concoction.
After pouring about 30 cups of molasses/guano/worm tea in all those pots and then mopping scrubbing the grow room floor, and hauling all the male plants down to a local dumpster.. I'm beat as fuck. Who said growin was easy. They fuckin lied.