The Seed Collectors Thread

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I think it's funny how dmt smells like dead old people in a bag. I ran into a friend today that said if we run into each other this weekend is gonna give me super fire demons to ignite with fire and inhale

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Dude i swear to baby jesus .. i hate the smell of live old people... they have a special funk that newer people dont pack. I puked one time in this apt buildnig this girl i took home lived in... the lobby destroyed me.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I should go the the zoo and see if the polar bears wanna blast demons with me. I bet if I bring em some coca cola theyd be down. Polar bears love coca cola

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Man that sounds like a nice day out...i always wondered if Polar bears enjoyed Coke beacuse thats all they were ever givin? Like bring a rootbeer or a Vernors up in that bitch and i bet the bear fuckin loves it like McDonalds

now thats advertisement LOL


New Member
Dude i swear to baby jesus .. i hate the smell of live old people... they have a special funk that newer people dont pack. I puked one time in this apt buildnig this girl i took home lived in... the lobby destroyed me.
Dude I had to install a plasma TV at this old folks home today.. hahaha.. thats exactly what I was thinking too. The hallways at those buildings always smell like TV dinners and the stains on the floor scare me. I always jump over them. Even while carrying a 42" TV up to the 12th floor.

The people in the lobby are always either sleeping or looking like they are waiting for death to come pick em up. That place scares me. I had one guy tip me $50, then ten minutes later he said.. "ohh wait lemme tip you" and gave me another $50. It was like the twilight zone. Except smelt funnier.

One time I told an old person who kept giving me attitude that if they didn't like the big screen TV, they could always bury themselves in the box. They might as well get a good one.. especially since its the last TV they'll ever own. <-- Best Sales closing technique when talking to hybrid creepshow zombie ladies.

Don't ya deserve it? I know you do!


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Dude I had to install a plasma TV at this old folks home today.. hahaha.. thats exactly what I was thinking too. The hallways at those buildings always smell like TV dinners and the stains on the floor scare me. I always jump over them. Even while carrying a 42" TV up to the 12th floor.

The people in the lobby are always either sleeping or looking like they are waiting for death to come pick em up. That place scares me. I had one guy tip me $50, then ten minutes later he said.. "ohh wait lemme tip you" and gave me another $50. It was like the twilight zone. Except smelt funnier.
You got brass balls Batman , i woulda puked all over myself, the tv and the old people that were more than likely talking my face off at the time.

Lemmie guess ... a sudden wiff of the worst fucking perfume sold to mankind 47 years ago (is now labled as chemical warfare by the govt) then another sudden wiff of pot-purri and other shitty flower smells (i call this the secondary blast) only to sucomb to old man aftershave accents with a bouquet of pissy depends

was i close?


New Member
Ya Diz you were close. But I always amaze myself at the things I'll do for a nice crisp one hundred dollar bill.
Fuck that's a pack of Bodhi beans and a bucket of chicken right there!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Well i didnt get any tips from any old people that time, after i brushed my teeth i did get laid tho lol....why hot bitches live in old people buildings is beyond me .... rent is cheap but fuck, the smell is rich lol


New Member
Searching for the Golden Ticket-

Skip ahead to 3:32..... Dahhhhmmmm!

I gotta find that pheno again.
Fucking miss it more than any plant I've ever had.

Hell- sick GGG grow. ty for the pics. Keep us updated on the purple on finish.

Batman- still one the frostiest plants I have ever seen on the internet..along with PP on IC and Stations FS. Now thinking about a Chernobyl purchase lol

Gud- The DFem og samples that were chopped too early (59) are smoking nice right now...The rest of the plant, chopped day 64, is going to be great in a jar.

Dizzle- that bud/cactus shot is damn nice. That 3 calyx video made me embarassed for humans for a minute, like a 10th grade talent show. Old people carpet, DMT with polar bears, and even sheep thongs are ok with me though.

Karma- Why keep or treat shit cuts when you are able to turn seed into great result? You just won a battle using Eagle..and have an amazing beanlist.

Sketchy- Some of the best shit I have ever smoked was Blue Dream on a roadtrip through Santa Cruz and surrounding areas. When I saw that Bodhi was working Dream Lotus from that area, i said "what if". Perhaps my most sought after strain even though I have BBB from Snow now. Good vibes to your pack, keep us posted. Bodhi's significant other said ok to big production of mine, now I want her to say yes to DL. haha

Still harvesting and transfering and germing new "fast finishers" so I can take August off. I love perpetual. Getting high off my own supply again, instead of dispensary grower friends, and it feels great. Gonna grab 303 Biodiesel and Chernobyl soon...thought I was gonna spend more on Bodhi and CV (only Goji and Blue Magoo).

I will post a few pics of my harvest soon.

Boyz N Da Hood

Well-Known Member
Dmt with polar bears?! I got a polar bear looking dog.. Crazy shit look like the lil ones from the coca cola commercials lol
How do you make that shit? I know one of the things is mimosa root bark but I have no idea what the hell that even is... Lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Dmt with polar bears?! I got a polar bear looking dog.. Crazy shit look like the lil ones from the coca cola commercials lol
How do you make that shit? I know one of the things is mimosa root bark but I have no idea what the hell that even is... Lol
i dunno how to make it , but ill get all fucked with your polar bear looking dog lol


Well-Known Member
Sketchy- Some of the best shit I have ever smoked was Blue Dream on a roadtrip through Santa Cruz and surrounding areas. When I saw that Bodhi was working Dream Lotus from that area, i said "what if". Perhaps my most sought after strain even though I have BBB from Snow now. Good vibes to your pack, keep us posted. Bodhi's significant other said ok to big production of mine, now I want her to say yes to DL. haha
Al that is awesome to know man! fingers crossed they get a run like Goji did.. I'd love to have some back stock :)