First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space


Well-Known Member
^^ probably... Ill let you know on this thread where to find my next journal if I make one. Almost ready to start flowering my Great White Sharks. Id rather not start a thread until I start to flower... that's the exciting part anyway.

BTW... Why start a journal instead of a thread?


Active Member
Read the whole thread, Great grow mate, and very nice buds :)

I agree with sensiemilla when it comes to LST and a even canopy, Also thinning a few shade leaves helps (strain dependant) with yeilds and density.

Using a 500w and 240 in a 2x3 area and i only LST or flower from clone to maintain a even canopy, this is after growing with LEDS for about 1 year now and many grows under my belt. LED's are a completely different ball game to HID growing, Was growing with HID for about 5 years or so, when i went to LED i stunted some plants from overwatering and low temps etc, further tweaking, and learning from my mistakes and Now im addicted to Growing with LED's. LEDs can grow dense buds using the right techniques and genetics, If your going to have a Equatorial sativa under a 500w BS and expect tight buds and a good yield you need to go back to reading the basics.


Well-Known Member
Read the whole thread, Great grow mate, and very nice buds :)

I agree with sensiemilla when it comes to LST and a even canopy, Also thinning a few shade leaves helps (strain dependant) with yeilds and density.

Using a 500w and 240 in a 2x3 area and i only LST or flower from clone to maintain a even canopy, this is after growing with LEDS for about 1 year now and many grows under my belt. LED's are a completely different ball game to HID growing, Was growing with HID for about 5 years or so, when i went to LED i stunted some plants from overwatering and low temps etc, further tweaking, and learning from my mistakes and Now im addicted to Growing with LED's. LEDs can grow dense buds using the right techniques and genetics, If your going to have a Equatorial sativa under a 500w BS and expect tight buds and a good yield you need to go back to reading the basics.
Hopefully my next grow will be even better! Thanks for the tips