How to interact with the Police


Well-Known Member
Carefully. They have weapons, trained in hand to hand "choke you off", and they deal with jerks like us all day long. Totally trained, hair triggered for threat, armed Psychologists with the Badge of Law.

- Unless in an official contact, acknowledge the citizen not the gun, but in official contact it's the Badge with a gun, not a citizen.

Simply put, don't stare at Cop Cars as they go by. Are you stupid? By the same token I nod as I walk by as I would anyone.

In official contact, I've had great luck with this. Been let off many times, not been shot even though the guns were out.

Act only like Joe Citizen talking to the Badge with a gun. In my technique I am out to eliminate threat, for them, immediately.

I can't tell you all the stories (or maybe I will) but I have gotten us ALL off, more than once, by playing subtle submission psychology right back at them. I'm not quite as bright as they are. A bit slack jawed, but I get what they say and happy to hear it. I shrink into submission poses with my throat exposed. And when asked, I tell the absolute truth (as I see it) immediately.
They see the lie all day.

When they loom, I look up but I don't startle. They want to see if I have something to hide. I'm not afraid. They are. Work with that. Armed fear is not good. They are assessing threat. Don't be.


Well-Known Member
You should just be nice to them and realize they are just doing their jobs and their personal feelings have no bearing on their duties. Most cops are just looking to retire ASAP and collect the pension and go onto something they enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Carefully. They have weapons, trained in hand to hand "choke you off", and they deal with jerks like us all day long. Totally trained, hair triggered for threat, armed Psychologists with the Badge of Law.

- Unless in an official contact, acknowledge the citizen not the gun, but in official contact it's the Badge with a gun, not a citizen.

Simply put, don't stare at Cop Cars as they go by. Are you stupid? By the same token I nod as I walk by as I would anyone.

In official contact, I've had great luck with this. Been let off many times, not been shot even though the guns were out.

Act only like Joe Citizen talking to the Badge with a gun. In my technique I am out to eliminate threat, for them, immediately.

I can't tell you all the stories (or maybe I will) but I have gotten us ALL off, more than once, by playing subtle submission psychology right back at them. I'm not quite as bright as they are. A bit slack jawed, but I get what they say and happy to hear it. I shrink into submission poses with my throat exposed. And when asked, I tell the absolute truth (as I see it) immediately.
They see the lie all day.

When they loom, I look up but I don't startle. They want to see if I have something to hide. I'm not afraid. They are. Work with that. Armed fear is not good. They are assessing threat. Don't be.
I agree.

8 years ago I got pulled over in northern Minnesota. It was on a 55 mph highway. Heres how it went.
Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Probably speeding.
Cop: Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: About...90?
Cop: 93
Me: Sounds about right.
Cop: Anything you'd like to say?
Me: No, sir.

3 minutes later the officer came back, smiled, and told me to slow down and have a nice day.
If I had lied to him, or been a dick, I would have gotten a ticket.


Well-Known Member
You should just be nice to them and realize they are just doing their jobs and their personal feelings have no bearing on their duties. Most cops are just looking to retire ASAP and collect the pension and go onto something they enjoy.

yea the police do a very difficult job fair do's that some of them abuse the power invested in them. if i can chime in with some how to i would say : stay calm (become the grey man - find a point on the wall etc to stare at while questioned) even if it's not your fault because you'll talk yourself into court. If overwhelmed say "no comment" to everything and insist on a lawyer. Regardless of how much paper you have there is a lawyer close by who will armour up and defend you.
the less rich will be made to wait and suffer (grey man) but people who understand the law will be along to help soon. Hold tight be the grey man/woman till said armour arrives.


Well-Known Member
I agree.

8 years ago I got pulled over in northern Minnesota. It was on a 55 mph highway. Heres how it went.
Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Probably speeding.
Cop: Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: About...90?
Cop: 93
Me: Sounds about right.
Cop: Anything you'd like to say?
Me: No, sir.

3 minutes later the officer came back, smiled, and told me to slow down and have a nice day.
If I had lied to him, or been a dick, I would have gotten a ticket.
Thats what happened to me last time I got pulled over for speeding. Except I was going 81 in a 65. I was honest and respectful to the cop and he was awesome. They really do appreciate honesty and respect. Don't need to kiss their ass, just treat them like a regular person.


Active Member
I just wait til they get up to my window and POW! Blow thier fuckin heads heads off with kindness. It's not thier fault they where nerds and got picked on in highschool or thier dads beatem. Just lettem insult you and push you around, they deserve it. If you are carrying any dangerous or illegal items, be sure to tell them because they'll find it anyways right? When they ask I always answer "Just the most dangerous weapon in the world, my mind" but they usually have their guns out before I can finish.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
i am curious if serious studies have been done on what kinds of people are drawn to being police officers? theres some homo erotic power control issues going on i believe, something waaaaaaaaaay gay about wanting to cuff another man and take him downtown....just my thought..


Active Member
I needed to head to the other side of the city here in Las Vegas to pick up 2 oz's. This UNLV football player was driving me. On the way back this douche bag decided the need to drive 110+ mph. My friend and I in the back seat were screaming to slow down because I had cannabis on my persons. A minute later or so cherries and berries of course. The officer came to the passenger window and asked if we had narcotics, drugs, or weapons. We all said no. He came back to the window and was like one more thing, where is the bud at? We can do this the hard way or the easy way. I thought to myself fuck it and gave him the 2 bags. He asked the driver and myself to step out of the vehicle. He started to bitch at the driver because that is wreckless driving and trafficking. Then proceeded to tell me that this will get me for 5 years in the state pen. I started to weep and shook my head yes in disdane(sp?). The cop told me that he is giving me "the biggest fucking break of your life". He said take this weed and break it all into dust. Then told the driver that he is a fucking idiot and that you could have your little buddy for 5 years you know that? Then told us to get on finish our degrees. $700 loss > prison.


Well-Known Member
just behave in a respectfull manner. its there job, and if they are moody, its because they deal with low lifes all day everyday. That will wear anyone down.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the cops. I have 2 speeding tickets.

The first one was 38 in a 35. The next was 68 in a 60. I know at least 10 cars passed me going faster than that as I was pulled over. They just have to meet a quota, they don't care about safety.

Seriously though what kind of cop pulls somebody over for going 38 in a 35 and doesn't let them go?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Fuck the cops. I have 2 speeding tickets.

The first one was 38 in a 35. The next was 68 in a 60. I know at least 10 cars passed me going faster than that as I was pulled over. They just have to meet a quota, they don't care about safety.

Seriously though what kind of cop pulls somebody over for going 38 in a 35 and doesn't let them go?
This usually occurs because:
(1) PC to search around for the real reason they stopped you, and
(2) Your response to the stop, ie, you failed the attitude test.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
You should just be nice to them and realize they are just doing their jobs and their personal feelings have no bearing on their duties. Most cops are just looking to retire ASAP and collect the pension and go onto something they enjoy.
They not as dangerous as we all really expect.
You tend to find that out when you get older.


Well-Known Member
Aww man I have been let off of speeding tickets I really should have been stuck with...before...that sucks...35 in a 38 is their discretion...hey maybe he got home last night and his wife was fucking his brother while his daughter got knocked up by a meth addict, and his mom just died...perhaps he had a bad day and then you acted like a douche or there was just something he didn't like...or he just wanted to fuck up your day? He could be a nice guy any other time..


Well-Known Member
My ex-husband wouldn't act incorrectly, I mean he would almost try to act superior but in a snide way...I guess he was just obviously passive when he would answer the cop you could almost hear him saying dickhead at the end of every sentence..I mean not really, but his tone or something, but he always always got tickets..he would get tickets written for things that were

and Job cried out to God, "God even though you took my home, my family, my farm and animals, my health and wealth I still stood by you, why God did you do this to me?"-----and God answered, "I don't know...there's just something about you that pisses me off."


Well-Known Member
Now that I'm a bit older, it cracks me up how young most cops look. I am tempted to ask them if they're shaving yet. Since I'm not threatened (or threatening) things go more smoothly. Nothing like my punk days....

Being a white, middle-aged, and middle-class white guy makes everything go easier in Connecticut. It's privilage I'm not proud of.


Well-Known Member
Growing up a life of lots of abuse made me very mature and humble from a very young it doesn't matter who i am speaking to i speak utmost respect as if i was bargaining with a man holding a gun.... now if you are not like me that is how you have to be with the cops. If you learn this quality it will actually change your life for the best not only with cops but everyone. That's why i never have trouble with cops or people. But when a person does something that makes me real angry thats when the whole other side of me comes out, which is rare. You need to know to act at all times... You get pulled over for some bullshit 38 in a 35 then if you had just been very polite and curious you will have no further trouble, but if you behave like a dumbass and act like you are the one in control you are only screwing yourself more. Bottom line don't violate if you have no been violated...