NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman


New Member
so go ahead and march out those witnesses. i'm waiting.
The identity of the witness "John"is being withheld, the police questioned him the night of the murder. Zimms account of that night was corroborated by this witness and was one of the main reasons he was not charged at the time, hell everybody knows that. You claimed Martin did not retaliate with violence, but we all know there was a violent altercation. So if Martin did not retaliate with violence, he had to have initiated it, care to refute that?

we know more or less where zimmerman was when he stopped following. martin ran "down, towards the back entrance" according to the 911 call. zimmerman follows but loses him. zimmerman is now directly between martin and his house.

so think about this logically. you got a kid running away in fear then talking on the phone to his girlfriend looking for some sort of path back to his house, but the guy that's following him, first by vehicle, then on foot, is directly between martin and his home.

the whole thing ends with zimmerman in a location that he couldn't have been in unless he pursued martin further, as it was on the other side of his truck.

martin ran south (down, towards the back entrance), zimm followed. so zimm is south of his vehicle at this point. the final confrontation happens on the other side of zimm's vehicle, to the northwest of his vehicle and behind the houses (where no addresses exist, zimm said he was looking for an address).

zimm stalked martin by definition in florida state law and cut off his path home, chased him down a second time and shot him. all provable by locations described on the 911 tape and crime scene evidence alone.
Look at a map of neighborhood and the duration of the dispatch call which lasted 4 minutes . From the time Zimmerman spotted Trayvon and called 911, Martin, a high school football player running in fear, had over 4 minutes to get a little more than 300 yards away to safety of his home. When Trayvon was shot, he was still 100 yards away, 4 minutes to cover 200 yards, do the math! There is no doubt in my mind that Martin turned back and headed for Zimmerman, if he was in fear of his safety like you people claim, he would have been home and alive.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
This would be resolved right now if recordings of the girlfriend's cell conversation were released. My guess is something like this,"boo, you better beat that crackah's ass, or I'm not ever sucking your dick ever again."


Well-Known Member
You claimed Martin did not retaliate with violence, but we all know there was a violent altercation. So if Martin did not retaliate with violence, he had to have initiated it, care to refute that?
what kind of mentally handicapped wombat logic are you using here?

if martin did not retaliate, he initiated? go jerk off to retarded kids petting dead birds, you have some of the most retarded logic ever.

pro tip: NO ONE knows who initiated what. no one. even the defense has admitted this.

Look at a map of neighborhood and the duration of the dispatch call which lasted 4 minutes . From the time Zimmerman spotted Trayvon and called 911, Martin, a high school football player running in fear, had over 4 minutes to get a little more than 300 yards away to safety of his home. When Trayvon was shot, he was still 100 yards away, 4 minutes to cover 200 yards, do the math! There is no doubt in my mind that Martin turned back and headed for Zimmerman, if he was in fear of his safety like you people claim, he would have been home and alive.
yeah, i've looked at the map. zimmerman positioned himself directly between martin and martin's home. zimmerman ended up in a place where he never would have been if he was heading back to his truck after chasing martin down. you don't go looking for addresses back behind the homes.

use common sense, not mentally handicapped wombat logic.


Well-Known Member
what kind of mentally handicapped wombat logic are you using here?

if martin did not retaliate, he initiated? go jerk off to retarded kids petting dead birds, you have some of the most retarded logic ever.

pro tip: NO ONE knows who initiated what. no one. even the defense has admitted this.

yeah, i've looked at the map. zimmerman positioned himself directly between martin and martin's home. zimmerman ended up in a place where he never would have been if he was heading back to his truck after chasing martin down. you don't go looking for addresses back behind the homes.

use common sense, not mentally handicapped wombat logic.

Do you have the maps and stuff taped to your walls like in the movies?

I am worried about your plants and declining tread mill sales despite the seasonal increase in demand. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think we can all agree that this is a tragedy for both families involved. I think it is a crime here is how the parents of this boy were treated throughout the whole process by the city and police.

I don't believe if the shooter was black and the victim white, the outcome would have absolutely been different. I do absolutely believe that the city of Stanford wouldn't have left the white boy on a slab for 2 days waiting for the parents to file a missing persons report. They treated that boy like a criminal, assumed guilty not deserving of next of kin being notified. And they treated the parents like their child was at fault. If that was my child, i would want more than simply the word of the detective. I would want a full investigation. They were denied that until the parents got some national attention.

would there even be an investihation if people didn't start to pound their fists?

Personally, it looks like a manslaughter case to me.

If your going to pull a gun, you better be prepared to use it. Personally, I don't carry a gun because I'm not prepared to use it. I don't posses the skils and more importantly the judgement needed to make a call like that. I don't want the responsibility. I did carry briefly when I was GZ's age and felt emboldened and like a bigger man for a couple of weeks. Then I realized what the consequences of even a small mistake would be and now keep it locked up and clip less. I haven't needed one in 50 years and believe I'm less likely to need one if I don't have have one!

And i though the NRA was an organization to preserve 2nd amendment rights, not to create additional rights. It's to bad we can't organize a few million pot heads and have that much power. Maybe a few million pot heads with guns is what it takes.

just for the record I'm not anti gun and if I was another shade whiter I'd be a ghost.


Active Member
there you go lying again, just like that tale about your wife crashing into the WTC as a cover for your irrational muslim hatred.

seriously dude, you have ZERO credibility. all you do is lie.
You're the only liar around here. And you have the moderators so far up your ass that they can't see your bias.


Active Member
where's your dead wife buried? i want me some necro-love.
My guess is that you have more than enough of that already :)

I do consider you a friend, Uncle. I think we're kind of like brothers. Always at each other's throats, but would fight to the death for one another.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that you have more than enough of that already :)

I do consider you a friend, Uncle. I think we're kind of like brothers. Always at each other's throats, but would fight to the death for one another.
i wouldn't piss on you if you were burning.


Well-Known Member
You're the only liar around here. And you have the moderators so far up your ass that they can't see your bias.
meh, the politics section is the least moderated and that was by majority consent for it to be like that. Need to be thick skinned to be here and not take things too personally.


Well-Known Member
meh, the politics section is the least moderated and that was by majority consent for it to be like that. Need to be thick skinned to be here and not take things too personally.

that was my point with the roadrunner being (UB) and that theres no point in wiley having to try and do all he can to argue... ;)


Active Member
that was my point with the roadrunner being (UB) and that theres no point in wiley having to try and do all he can to argue... ;)
Look, yall leave me and my brother Uncle Buck alone. We argue, yes, but at the end of the day we have each other's back and shit on all of you!!! Right, Buck? :):):)


Well-Known Member
Look, yall leave me and my brother Uncle Buck alone. We argue, yes, but at the end of the day we have each other's back and shit on all of you!!! Right, Buck? :):):)
i can only imagine a WWIII being a scenario in which we have each other's back.

other than that, fuck off.

excuse me, fuck off please.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's the one part you're wrong about. Juries aren't magical. They can't change reality. Even with a verdict we won't know.

So was it OJ or the ET aliens? If we assume the jury is magical, it had to be aliens.
Juries may not be magical, but they sure are POWERFUL. A jury may even reject a prosecutor's factually established case, and find the defendant not guilty if they think the law being applied is unjust, or the penalties requested are too severe.

In the US legal system a jury is the final arbiter of fact, law and culpability. despite what judges and "legal scholars" like Holder and Obama believe, or what is portrayed on Perry Mason, Matlock, and Quincy (sorry youngsters, oldtimers like this stuff). Thats how the system is designed and with good reason. If a jury find you not guilty, you aint guilty, and all the legal manouevering in the world wont change that fact.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Thats how the system is designed and with good reason. If a jury find you not guilty, you aint guilty, and all the legal manouevering in the world wont change that fact.
Again not true. The judge can throw out any verdict and call the jury idiots. The judge is the final say.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Again not true. The judge can throw out any verdict and call the jury idiots. The judge is the final say.

TLDR; Juries always have and always will have the power to acquit anyone on anything, for whatever reason they decide. The only power the judge has is to declare a mistrial and demand a do-over, but these jury nullification mistrial do-over convictions are almost invariably rejected on appeal.

While empaneling a jury, the judge informs them thats he decides on law they only get to weigh evidence. This is a bald faced LIE, and the judge knows it. They are not stupid, and they can read case law presumably at least as well as I can. (Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals 1969, U.S. v Moylan)

"We recognize, as appellants urge, the undisputed power of the jury to acquit, even if its verdict is contrary to the law as given by the judge, and contrary to the evidence. This is a power that must exist as long as we adhere to the general verdict in criminal cases, for the courts cannot search the minds of the jurors to find the basis upon which they judge. If the jury feels that the law under which the defendant is accused, is unjust, or that exigent circumstances justified the actions of the accused, or for any reason which appeals to their logic or passion, the jury has the power to acquit, and the courts must abide by that decision."

But then went on to say:

"…by clearly stating to the jury that they may disregard the law, telling them that they may decide according to their prejudices or consciences (for there is no check to insure that the judgment is based upon conscience rather than prejudice), we would indeed be negating the rule of law in favor of the rule of lawlessness. This should not be allowed."

or US supreme court, 1895 Sparf v U.S. (i aint typin all this shit, believe me or look it up.)

Or in plain English, juries have the right to say "Screw You!" to prosecution evidence, and the law, but defense lawyers are not allowed to tell them that they can do this, and judges are NOT REQUIRED to inform them they hold this power as jurors. Judges have taken this a step too far when they deliberately lie to the jury and inform them (in direct conflict with appellate and supreme court rulings) that they do NOT have the power to decide on law. This lie told so often in every jury empanelment is a humiliating kick in the crotch to our constitution and our justice system.

Remember! When you are on a jury you have the power to reject any law, even the controlled substances act!


Active Member
i can only imagine a WWIII being a scenario in which we have each other's back.

other than that, fuck off.

excuse me, fuck off please.
With your help, I'll be glad to fuck off.

and WWIII may not be as far off as you think...so let's get ready to watch each other's back...