First time grower needz confirmation.

IMG167.jpgIMG166.jpgIMG165.jpgIMG165.jpgIMG163.jpgI'm growing for the first time and wanna show some progress since my last entry. Theze are two of my weed babiez. Same age, same strain. The small on stayed in the greenhouze til two weekz ago. But the big one waz planted straight in the ground after it popped up out the dirt in the green house (like a week after). I never germinated them jis strait dirt. Planted March 25, 2012. I feed them everithing couple weekz with a mix of regular miracle grow.(10-10-10) Epsom salt and green light super bloom(12-55-6) mixed in bottled water. I water them with bottled water in between feedingz ?? How do they look?? ?? How long til I know if they are boyz or gurlz? ? Should I change anithing??IMG157.jpgIMG159.jpgIMG160.jpgIMG161.jpgIMG162.jpgIMG163.jpg


Well-Known Member
.........................................................this must be one of those micro strains ;)
The backz of the are against the woodz. Nothingz in the front. It'z onli like nine thirtii am here but bout eleven they will be in full sun til dusk.
?? What doez my kolor gave to do with the wai I type?? My mother iz French, Spanish and Amerikan Indian. My father iz black. I have eyez that are several kolorz depending what I wear. And my hair iz to the top of my butt. I have a Masterz Degree in Criminal Psychology and a Minor In Child Warfare. I have successfulli sold and bought several businezzez since I waz twentii one yearz old. No loanz or contingenciez. All my own money. ?? So what do you do other than grow weed and get high?? Are you part of societii or jis letting the world
pazz you by?? Thiz iz twentii twelve. Not eighteen twelve. ?? What doez race have to with growing weed or anithing else for that matter?? Stop getting high and open you eyez prick.


Well-Known Member
?? What doez my kolor gave to do with the wai I type?? My mother iz French, Spanish and Amerikan Indian. My father iz black. I have eyez that are several kolorz depending what I wear. And my hair iz to the top of my butt. I have a Masterz Degree in Criminal Psychology and a Minor In Child Warfare. I have successfulli sold and bought several businezzez since I waz twentii one yearz old. No loanz or contingenciez. All my own money. ?? So what do you do other than grow weed and get high?? Are you part of societii or jis letting the world
pazz you by?? Thiz iz twentii twelve. Not eighteen twelve. ?? What doez race have to with growing weed or anithing else for that matter?? Stop getting high and open you eyez prick.
quit being a lazy fuck and type correctly in order to get questions answered. you typing the way you do is like total nigger talk

there is a difference between black,white,asian etc and niggers. black,white,asian etc talk normal, have a job and support the family. niggers do the complete opposite.

my opinion.

if you live in america, the least you can do is fucking spell american right.

"I have a Masterz Degree in Criminal Psychology and a Minor In Child Warfare"

thats proper typing. but the way you typed everything else i highly doubt you got any of them
You guys are total asses. A nigger is a person that can't understand simple things (e.g. ignorant, inferior, or without knowledge ) a person that is unable to sound out words for example. K makes the same sound as c and if I put the letter z instead of an s it just means plural. Or if it has an apostrophe then the letter z , it's just common sense. If you Guy's weren't so stoned, you could probably understand everything I'm writing. Sorry to make your little brains work so hard. Just die the joint out and put on your thinking caps. Damn.
And to be clear. It takes more to type the way I do because I'm on a cell phone and it finishes my words. I have to manually type what I'm saying no short cuts.


Well-Known Member
You guys are total asses. A nigger is a person that can't understand simple things (e.g. ignorant, inferior, or without knowledge ) a person that is unable to sound out words for example. K makes the same sound as c and if I put the letter z instead of an s it just means plural. Or if it has an apostrophe then the letter z , it's just common sense. If you Guy's weren't so stoned, you could probably understand everything I'm writing. Sorry to make your little brains work so hard. Just die the joint out and put on your thinking caps. Damn.
i knew you could do it! im not stoned.. and you just called youself a nigger. you cant understand simple things.
getting on here from your cell phone is the stupidest thing you can do in my opinion but do whatever suits you.
They way I type is a personal choice. It has nothing to do with my level of education. ?? Are all people. That like to wear black who have dark hair and make up devil worshippers? ? Get of your HIGH horse and think. :wall:


Well-Known Member
They way I type is a personal choice. It has nothing to do with my level of education. ?? Are all people. That like to wear black who have dark hair and make up devil worshippers? ? Get of your HIGH horse and think. :wall:
you said a nigger is someone who cant understand simple things. a simple thing is typing correctly and if he looks like a devil worshiper he prolly is. if you want your question answered type it the right way im not trying to come off as an asshole but its retarded for people to type like that.
if not, im done replying to this thread.
All this about the way I type. I thought this was a marijuana forum not English class. And I understand very well. Its you guys that sound out words. write three year old writes her letters backward and in the wrong order but I CAN understand what she write. I just wanna know about my weed dudes. I have read plenty of books and viewed numerous threads. But nothing compares to experience. I'm a weed growing virgin and I just want some tips not criticism on my typing methods. Help please. ?? Should I change my fertilizers.?? How long til they show me their sex. ?? When should I cut them cause they are outdoors and I don't want trees just little bushes.
And I'm on my cell because my secretary uses my computer from time to time and i don't want "" in my search results.