Iso Extractions by _oakley_

I did a small batch and it came out like amber glass. It will shatter when cold and melts in your hand. Just need a cleaner way to smoke it. Time for a vapor dome.
I has "seen" oil made numerous times and they always use 99% They use the same method descrbed pretty much without putting the iso in the freezer. Also they said to get more of a "honey" oil to NOT squeeze the filter out as thats jus adding to the chlorophyll being stripped and creating a harsher smoke. They also used a crockpot to boil off the alcohol. The key for potent oil is potent trim or buds! The cherry diesel oil tested at 46% THC. Make sure you evap ALL of the iso!
is it now?? idk im curious..probably huh because resin amounts vary by strain eh.....good call

I'm no expert, but it would make sense...or it could just depend on your method for making oil. I'm not super experienced with ISO, but when I make bho sometimes the strain budders up really quickly and other strains wont budder up at all. Probably just a genetic thing.
Try adding salt to your 91 or 95%, mix well, let settle out. Cos salt is much more soluble in water, it forms two distinct layers, one of 99% and one of salty water:) Not so much the trichomes coming through, some do, the oil is sucked out of the trichomes. After you are done and the weed dries, you can still see heaps of EMPTY trich stalks on the weed, some fine shit comes through, so its a mix of crap!! Filter well!! Quality depends on it!! I get the LOT, 30% extraction rate...try and better that with a SINGLE pour!! Try and match it!!
Ime a bit confused here guys, isomerization is the chemical transformation of CBD in to THC by treatment with acids. Been doing it 30 years!! Nothing to do with boiling off!! If you use a polar solvent for it HCl or sulphuric will do it. For NONpolar solvents, triflouroacetic or paratoluenesulfonic acid aare needed, NONs convert more, but the acids are hard to find!!
Done WELL, an eighth of reasonable bud, should yield a gram of wicked ISO product, whichever one you want,[product] its easy to make it in to what you want!! funny, my shots are gone,lol
Argue with what, a bottle of red...who knows,lol Getting a supersticky substance like resin to form a proper "GEL" is bullshit!! Its too sticky, and NOTHING you are doing will change that!! A very general interpretation of "gel", maybe, but thats it., mine "pulls a tail" too, but i would not call it a gel!! Color can be manipulated easily with cooking and temp, 40 years, not 12,lol. Transparency can be cleared up with activated charcoal, you dont use any, hmmmn, suss!!
Matey,if you think 46% is good,lolhaha.. Mine is over 70,lol. Squeezing the last bit out will hurt NOTHING, as long as its still cold!! POTENT BUD is the the key mate, would not use anything else, leaf oil is shit!! What you get is down to what you want, if your good,lol. Ime only using bud i wont smoke, about 10%, i only smoke around the 20 mark, bloody tolerance!! Dont worry about overheating, as long as solvent is there, it WONT exceed the boiling point of that solvent, ISO, 70C odd!! What a silly statement,lol[not from you] IT MUST be frozen to lock up the chlorophyll...CRITICAL...freeze everything and pour fast!!! One of many solvents i use!!
dude, wtf is wrong with you? are you mentally handicapped or something? you dont like my guide, thats fine...
GTFO and move on with your life

you say your 40? ACT LIKE IT.

immature little bitch.

do everyone a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP
Oakley, dry ice bubblebagging BREAKS trichomes off, you method removes few trichomes, its mainly crap, look at the weed after it dries, empty trichs all over, it SUCKS the resin OUT of most of them. Most of that gunk is small bits of shit, and dust. Most empty trichs are still there. ISO will NOT exceed its boiling point, you look at a bloody textbook, Dont know what temp it gets to...what SHIT, and your telling others to read a book,lol Mistakes EVERYWHERE!!! 35 years, not 12,lol remove this one wank!! Bloody knowalls and bigheads,lol. Check SOME of my hundreds of extracts. I can make what product i like, without bullshit. ONE gram from an ounce of ANY BUD??? PATHETIC!!!,lol 30% from bud, ANY method!!!
i think you guys both could learn a thing or 2 from each other. i wouldnt doubt zacades can make probably the best hash you've tried. and i bet he couldnt cook up some oils as good as you can oakley. thats how i see thing for sure is zacades is def. high as shit!
BTW bighead, you know what you can do...ametuer,lol

says the 40yr old virgin get outta your moms basement and get also, get outta my thread.. pretty much the Only reason you signed up to this site was to mouth off to me....
are you seriously THAT pathetic?

take a walk man.... you're bringing bullshit into my thread that i simply dont want here... keep it up and ill report you to every admin on this site and have you removed.
Enough is Enough.
lets see a SIDE BY SIDE comparison of zacdes oil and my oil.....


no wonders you use carbon!
full of tar... thats no good
got a real dark tinge to it... sure you didnt make that outta pipe resin ahahahhaa!
I'm confused with zacades 30% yield. If the bud going in isn't 30% cannabinoids - and I doubt it is, then wouldn't a 30% yield mean the oil is fairly dirty?