Innocent People in Prison...


Active Member
Wrong man executed.

Since DNA testing of archived evidence began sometime in the 1990s, about 290 convicted men who were serving long or life sentences, or on death row, have been proven innocent and released. Many of these men had been in prison for 20 or more years.

No doubt that many more innocents are in prison right now.

Most of these people were convicted based upon eye witness testimony, which was once thought to be reliable testimony, but has been proven to be very unreliable.

Over-zealous prosecutors who want to build a reputation of being tough on crime so they can move into politics later in life?


Well-Known Member
Wrong man executed.

Since DNA testing of archived evidence began sometime in the 1990s, about 290 convicted men who were serving long or life sentences, or on death row, have been proven innocent and released. Many of these men had been in prison for 20 or more years.

No doubt that many more innocents are in prison right now.

Most of these people were convicted based upon eye witness testimony, which was once thought to be reliable testimony, but has been proven to be very unreliable.

Over-zealous prosecutors who want to build a reputation of being tough on crime so they can move into politics later in life?
thats awful. being locked up is bad enough yet when innocent. then they excute you - god rest their souls.

I make a point of trolling prison sites and find innocents who I write too (and fit girls though that's more a personal pervrsion). sorry i shouldn't be joking here but if i dwell on the op's subject i'd start crying.


Well-Known Member
Having been privledged enough to reside not too shortly enough in County jail, I do not think any one should be put to death, especially the most violent and dangerous because I with no reservations would gladly choose the death penalty then face the rest of my life in prison and be tempted if faced with just a week! The conditions are inhumane, the treatment lower than one shows to the common sewer rat, blatant violations are committed because if you have a complaint to file, it goes to THEM, the people you are seeking to reprimand -If anyone out there is familiar with something or some way I can help fight to put light to all this outside the system and maybe help please Holla!

It is beyond comprehension that they do not allow each prisoner, not only death row, have the ability to use DNA to attempt in proving their innocence! What happened to It is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to lock up 1 innocent man? I really liked that, didn't you?

It's the Prison Industrial Complex, maybe not entirely but enough that I do not blame Prosecuters. The PIC is 99.9% to blame :evil:


Active Member
Having been privledged enough to reside not too shortly enough in County jail, I do not think any one should be put to death, especially the most violent and dangerous because I with no reservations would gladly choose the death penalty then face the rest of my life in prison and be tempted if faced with just a week! The conditions are inhumane, the treatment lower than one shows to the common sewer rat, blatant violations are committed because if you have a complaint to file, it goes to THEM, the people you are seeking to reprimand -If anyone out there is familiar with something or some way I can help fight to put light to all this outside the system and maybe help please Holla!

It is beyond comprehension that they do not allow each prisoner, not only death row, have the ability to use DNA to attempt in proving their innocence! What happened to It is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to lock up 1 innocent man? I really liked that, didn't you?

It's the Prison Industrial Complex, maybe not entirely but enough that I do not blame Prosecuters. The PIC is 99.9% to blame :evil:
Yeah, Ben Franklin meant well when he said "Better for 10 guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to go to jail"...except it's tragic for that one innocent man every now and then to go to jail...the number of innocent men in jail today is, I'm afraid, staggering...


Active Member
Having been privledged enough to reside not too shortly enough in County jail, I do not think any one should be put to death, especially the most violent and dangerous because I with no reservations would gladly choose the death penalty then face the rest of my life in prison and be tempted if faced with just a week! The conditions are inhumane, the treatment lower than one shows to the common sewer rat, blatant violations are committed because if you have a complaint to file, it goes to THEM, the people you are seeking to reprimand -If anyone out there is familiar with something or some way I can help fight to put light to all this outside the system and maybe help please Holla!

It is beyond comprehension that they do not allow each prisoner, not only death row, have the ability to use DNA to attempt in proving their innocence! What happened to It is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to lock up 1 innocent man? I really liked that, didn't you?

It's the Prison Industrial Complex, maybe not entirely but enough that I do not blame Prosecuters. The PIC is 99.9% to blame :evil:
The problem resides with the prosecution and justice system... nothing to do with the "death penalty", as that's just the aftermath of the corrupt procedures to begin with.

Death sentences are fully justified if the person can be honestly convicted. Again, honest conviction is the problem. Not the death penalty.

If some bitch tries to take, or does take the life of another human being, and can be righteously convicted. They should allow the victim or family of the victim, to be left in a room with the "convicted", and have their way.

If someone so much as pulled a gun on me, I'd wish anything imaginable upon them. They've lost their rights as a human being for doing such, as far as I'm concerned, as they've attempted to, or have taken another life. They are worthless.

Beyond that, if a human being attempts, or does harm to another human being, it's that victim's natural right to defend themselves and eliminate the threat by any means necessary, even if it means killing the threat.

Point: If one commits harm upon others, that individual should be eliminated, period. Don't take it out of context, because I know you want to.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, death penalty system needs some work. thats for sure. cali has tons of people on death row but executes so few. we need a streamlined more foolproof system. you shouldnt live 10 yrs after youve been sentenced to death, much less 20 or 30.


Well-Known Member
the problem with the death penalty is it costs the state huge money with years of appeals .....there should be a death penalty ...there are some repulsive people who do not deserve 3 meals a day and books and a bed and t.v....fuck that...just have to make sure you convict the right people..the system blows...more money = better attorney = better chance at beating the case....


Well-Known Member
the problem with the death penalty is it costs the state huge money with years of appeals .....there should be a death penalty ...there are some repulsive people who do not deserve 3 meals a day and books and a bed and t.v....fuck that...just have to make sure you convict the right people..the system blows...more money = better attorney = better chance at beating the case....
yes. did you know it costs about 2-4x(depending on state) to house a deathrow inmate over a life w/o parole inmate a year over that inmates lifetime. we need to streamline a good death penalty court that does nothing but look over and take care of these cases. i also agree some things are too evil to forgive. some people really do deserve to die. anyone that can rape and kill a women deserves to die. end of story. if you put one of those guys in front of me right now and handed me a gun and asked me to execute them i would do it w/o a second thought. i think a gunshot to the back of the head is the way to go. a bullet costs what, $2, those chemicals are alot more expensive and honestly if i had to choose i'd take the bullet and it takes away the "i might feel pain" argument.


Well-Known Member
It's not the method of execution that cost so much, it's the endless appeals. 20-30 years worth. Our legal system is designed for the benefit of the lawyers, not the people. Why do you think the biggest campaign contributors are the trial lawyers? Look at our tort system. The lawyers make huge sums off the plaintiff's suffering for just a few hours work, while the plaintiff often gets too little to even pay the medical bills. John Edwards sued hundreds of doctors for millions, for what was essentially a genetic birth defect they had no control over whatsoever. Some will say "the insurance companies can afford it" while they still complain about the high cost of healthcare. Duh!!