brick vs our cannabis ????

if mexican brick gives big yields
and the kind we use is alright but we gta take real good care of it
imagine brick seeds taking real good care of them and organic how bomb it would taste
have you tryd growing some i mean cured nd dryed right is amazing ....
has anyone tried it


Well-Known Member
I've tried exactly what you're describing, it's not worth it, and I would not recommend it to anyone. Way too many hermies, way too many phenos, way to many freaky deformed plants, and the weed is really only okay at best. I'm pretty sure I cracked well over 30 seeds, but only nine made it to the end and only one (maybe two) of those nine did not herm. I also grow using a custom organic mix that needs water only during the whole grow, but it can only help so much.


bud bootlegger
my question is how on earth can one tell how well mexican brick weed yields by looking at a brick of seeded weed? do you think that one brick comes from one plant or something??

and i agree.. growing bud from those seeds will net you a better smoke then what you had gotten the seeds from, but it will only go so far.. genetics play a huge role in how good a plant can be..
my question is how on earth can one tell how well mexican brick weed yields by looking at a brick of seeded weed? do you think that one brick comes from one plant or something??

and i agree.. growing bud from those seeds will net you a better smoke then what you had gotten the seeds from, but it will only go so far.. genetics play a huge role in how good a plant can be..
well i was saying cause aparantly they use this weed for profit for a fact i kno there not guna just use some small yielding plants if i was in there shoes i would b thinking of a greater number sooo
they want weight thats my only guess
but ive seen some brick and colas are freakin huge and they dont waist time feeding them properly imagine if they did that would b some kill dont you think...


Well-Known Member
If you like Trainwreck, you should like Mexican brick. Trainwreck is mexican crossed with afgani. Mexican ganja used to be mostly sativas, but now a lot of growers are also growing indicas, and everyone is pumping out lots of hybrids. Like any strains, you have to feed it right and cull the males. Do that and you can grow pretty good cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I ve always grew brick bagseed for many times from my beginner lesson....and now I will never grow this brick seeds again because all the genetics are shitty taste to smoke and low potency even I do the drying and curing proper...but you re right about yield and fast flowering like 45 to 55 days tops. Thats why mexican cartels looking for fast profit.

Now my prefer grow is Indica strain that give amazing taste while good potency too...but unlike brick s massive yield....but im looking for a good quality than quanity.

Its everyones prefer that i can respect :D just want to share with ya from my exprience with this bricks :D