Zimmerman Will Be Acquitted, Unless the DA Wises Up and Drops the Case...

desert dude

Well-Known Member

The prosection will never overcome ths kind of reasonable doubt. Zimmerman may have very well shot the kid in cold blood (I doubt it), but enough "resonable doubt" evidence seems to exist to guaratee an acquittal...
I agree. There is no way the prosecutor will drop the charges though. The judge should summarily dismiss the charges. What evidence there is all corroborates Zimmer's account of what happened.


Well-Known Member
This thread is based upon a new news story written today. I didn't call anyone names. I didn't even say Zimmerman was innocent. Why should the thread bother anyone?
Im just ribbing ya. I think there should be an ongoing thread. But of course it correct to discuss the recent <cough> developments.

I agree with you. It looks like he'll get off. although I would personally be more happy to see him rot.


Active Member
Im just ribbing ya. I think there should be an ongoing thread. But of course it correct to discuss the recent <cough> developments.

I agree with you. It looks like he'll get off. although I would personally be more happy to see him rot.
I'd like to know what really happened. But I'm afraid no one ever will. Whatever the outcome, there will be no winners.


Well-Known Member
that's funny, all the objects from the scene of the crime recovered from the grass. i thought this whole scuffle happened on the sidewalk, with zimm inching for the grass?



Active Member
that's funny, all the objects from the scene of the crime recovered from the grass. i thought this whole scuffle happened on the sidewalk, with zimm inching for the grass?

That's why I say I'd like to know what really happened. All I think I know is that there is enough "evidence" on Zimmerman's side to cause enough reasonable doubt for an impartial jury to acquit.

I especially hated to read today that the kid had marijuana in his system at the time of the killing. Some dummy somewhere will try to use this against the medical marijuana movement.

I hate that the kid died.


Well-Known Member
That's why I say I'd like to know what really happened. All I think I know is that there is enough "evidence" on Zimmerman's side to cause enough reasonable doubt for an impartial jury to acquit.

I especially hated to read today that the kid had marijuana in his system at the time of the killing. Some dummy somewhere will try to use this against the medical marijuana movement.

I hate that the kid died.
It would be a real stretch for someone to use this case as anti marijuana propaganda. I would love to read their argument though, it would be a real piece of creative writing.

It was THC detected in Trayvons system not marijuana and having THC in the system isn't against the law in the U.S as far as I know, since THC can be in the body through passive smoking it would on a prosecuters to prove Trayvon smoked or ate cannabis.


bud bootlegger
That's why I say I'd like to know what really happened. All I think I know is that there is enough "evidence" on Zimmerman's side to cause enough reasonable doubt for an impartial jury to acquit.

I especially hated to read today that the kid had marijuana in his system at the time of the killing. Some dummy somewhere will try to use this against the medical marijuana movement.

I hate that the kid died.
that's one of the problems with a case like this.. they are never going to have an impartial jury, not unless they try it in another country as i'm sure everyone and their mother has an opinion one way or another about this case in the us, which means it's going to be nye impossible for them to find an impartial jury..


Well-Known Member
that's one of the problems with a case like this.. they are never going to have an impartial jury, not unless they try it in another country as i'm sure everyone and their mother has an opinion one way or another about this case in the us, which means it's going to be nye impossible for them to find an impartial jury..
Courts deal with these impartiality issues all the time. U.S television throughout the years have hyped up cases and courts have devised specific tests they use to insure impartiality. You can't look into someones mind with any case. How does anyone know when they are tried in court that a jury member just doesnt like you because you look like someone who bullied them years ago. The court system is inherently flawed but in this case at least the eyes of the world will insist upon a degree of fairness.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman has to serve time here regardless what the evidence is or even more people will be hurt or killed in the Riots that will follow if he walks.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman has to serve time here regardless what the evidence is or even more people will be hurt or killed in the Riots that will follow if he walks.
That's a terrible logic.
I think hes guilty but are you proposing sacrificing an innocent man because the mob demands it?


bud bootlegger
That's a terrible logic.
I think hes guilty but are you proposing sacrificing an innocent man because the mob demands it?
I agree.. you.cant imprison someone simply for the fact that if.you dont the public will react negatively.. that's just craziness imo..


bud bootlegger
Courts deal with these impartiality issues all the time. U.S television throughout the years have hyped up cases and courts have devised specific tests they use to insure impartiality. You can't look into someones mind with any case. How does anyone know when they are tried in court that a jury member just doesnt like you because you look like someone who bullied them years ago. The court system is inherently flawed but in this case at least the eyes of the world will insist upon a degree of fairness.
I still tend to.disagree although i umderstamd what yoj are saying..
I can't help but think that someone like casey anthony wasn't negatively affected by all tje media attention that her case received..
Even when juries are sequestered the juries are still exposed to the media long before they were a juror..


Well-Known Member
That's a terrible logic.
I think hes guilty but are you proposing sacrificing an innocent man because the mob demands it?
Theres no choice , the Mob demands it .
Weve already seen what happens when the Mob doesnt get its way in this case.


Active Member
that's one of the problems with a case like this.. they are never going to have an impartial jury, not unless they try it in another country as i'm sure everyone and their mother has an opinion one way or another about this case in the us, which means it's going to be nye impossible for them to find an impartial jury..
Good point. Agreed.