How our lives will change with a President Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
How did you know that's what I just said? Quite impressive... you interpret the Derpish language well, I'll give you that.
i argue with them quite often, so i have picked up the dialect.

so i know that when they say "taxation is theft", i know that what they mean is "i am so naive/selfish that i don't realize/accept that the benefits of living in our great nation naturally/necessarily come at a cost.

in other words, it's your entitled little belief that you deserve to receive all of the benefits but will cede none of the costs.

yep, i speak mooch derp very well. constantly reminding them of their duty to support the nation that gives them so much.


Well-Known Member
Does it really piss you off that much that I do not support legal thievery?

Aww, too bad, you prefer that the group "over there" pays your bill. You should move to any country that currently supports that injustice.

You want to change to country to your liking but you don't want to move... and what were you trying to tell me about moving? LOL.
I am so tired of this just move BS!

First, if you can work to change a country you love isn't it lazy to just move somewhere better. i.e. Don't move your lazy ass to a non prohibition state, change the laws in yours.

Second, you all act as if moving to another country is that freakin doable. Please do share this wisdom!


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree in spirit. But this designed as anything but NOT a democracy. In fact they went to great length to make sure we don't have mob rule. Could you imagine constant mob voting in the Internet age? It's here. Public opinion polls. But, they have no weight of law.

So, to me there is only one complex that matter anymore. The rest is opiate, fluff and smoke screens.

The congressional Lobby works for the Companies that advertise on the News. So, we and Congress are influenced, as well
as what the News outlets reports and what they do not.

The military industrial complex is not the problem and never was. It's just the idea that Ford can make battle tanks, dual use industry for our protection. It, imo, is the smoke screen for the Lobby-News-Congress complex which is actually in control of the
majority opinion. The majority opinion is either Democans or Republicrats. No Ron Paul.
Mob rule in the internet age? Well, considering our Republic was set up as such because the common man didn't have anywhere near the access to information back then as the common man of the Internet age does and that our Founding Fathers also made sure the Constitution could change to meet the needs of the future I'll wager THIS is one of those times they'd change it to Internet voting. I would propose a sort of citizenship test to vote, not the Jim Crow ones! the same any non citizen takes to be a citizen and ONLY because if you can't find the information before you vote I do not want you to vote.
What now huh are you freakin kidding about the Military Industrial Complex?! Let me sit down and strap in.
Are you saying with a straight face that the common man is not highly influenced by his personal economics? Are you saying that people who make money on things the military needs, a lot of money, are not in favor of a bigger military with a fat budget? Are you saying there is not in existance a Theory touting War as the End all of any Recession? Are you saying we go to war over just causes? What are you saying? Again, I am strapped in. Go.


Well-Known Member
I'm just having fun with the little bugger, lol.
Yes, but the point of my thread is even if pigs fly, a Pres Paul ain't doing shit without cleaning house in both Houses just like this bickering ain't doing shit.Yes, but the point of my thread is even if pigs fly, a Pres Paul ain't doing shit without cleaning house in both Houses just like this bickering ain't doing shit.


Active Member
I am so tired of this just move BS!

First, if you can work to change a country you love isn't it lazy to just move somewhere better. i.e. Don't move your lazy ass to a non prohibition state, change the laws in yours.

Second, you all act as if moving to another country is that freakin doable. Please do share this wisdom!
You don't try to create unjust laws, protected by the facade of "law", when ironically some of the created laws are breaking a superior, established law, that deems the created laws illegal. Not very difficult to understand. I'll simplify it for you, seeing that you have a hard time understanding basic logic... a law that breaks a higher law isn't "law", it's illegal. Period.

Moving to another country is very doable unless you are mentally handicapped or are broke. Being that it's no one else's fault for either circumstance, you can't possibly think it's ok to just fuck up, and manipulate the laws, especially if the laws exist in other states, or if the laws are essentially illegal. Not that this doesn't go on currently, but that doesn't justify it. That's one of America's benefits... each state has different laws, and you can live in any state that potentially fits your needs.

I'll sum up how one moves to another country for you as well. You seem to think it's a miraculous feat...
-Get job
-Buy plane ticket
-Get job in new country
-Live in new country

Those aren't very difficult tasks, unless you have personal circumstances going on, that would make those tasks a little more difficult, again of which those circumstances are no one else's fault. Please share the wisdom that would make one think otherwise...


Well-Known Member
You don't try to create unjust laws, protected by the facade of "law", when ironically some of the created laws are breaking a superior, established law, that deems the created laws illegal. Not very difficult to understand. I'll simplify it for you, seeing that you have a hard time understanding basic logic... a law that breaks a higher law isn't "law", it's illegal. Period.

Moving to another country is very doable unless you are mentally handicapped or are broke. Being that it's no one else's fault for either circumstance, you can't possibly think it's ok to just fuck up, and manipulate the laws, especially if the laws exist in other states, or if the laws are essentially illegal. Not that this doesn't go on currently, but that doesn't justify it. That's one of America's benefits... each state has different laws, and you can live in any state that potentially fits your needs.

I'll sum up how one moves to another country for you as well. You seem to think it's a miraculous feat...
-Get job
-Buy plane ticket
-Get job in new country
-Live in new country

Those aren't very difficult tasks, unless you have personal circumstances going on, that would make those tasks a little more difficult, again of which those circumstances are no one else's fault. Please share the wisdom that would make one think otherwise...
Are you a trust fund baby? I need to understand just how you got to be so out of touch?!

But let us try to figure out what unjust laws I am trying to impose on my fellow countrymen? I am trying to get a whole lot of them thrown in the fucking dumpster where they belong! What?! moving on...

I have looked into moving to other countries. Have you? I really liked Ireland. However, I saw no way in hell without marriage to an Irish lad (that didn't go over well at the Pubs, asking Irish lads to marry me ;) Maybe I overlooked starting a business but I am not a trust fund baby. I looked into Canada, yeah, start a business and again, no trust fund. France looks a bit easier. If I find a job for 5 years in France they will grant me citizenship.

Ok, so France it is. Kick Ass, very socialist leaning. Mom's even get a Maid/Babysltter 2hrs a day for Mommy Alone Time. I may pop one of em out to get a MAID! So, can't seem to find work here, what will I do in France? Guess my mental handicap is bogging me down. What will I do?

OR how will I get there? Swim? I can't afford a fancy plane ticket. No trust fund. OH but that is MY FAULT only. Why is it easier to believe that 150,000,000,000 + are LAZY than to believe 400 are GREEDY FUCKS?! The Job Creators aren't doing their jobs creating jobs and this is my fault HOW?
No one asked me to be a Job Creator! If they had they're would be a plether of them for all who sought one, just like in Socialist leaning countries.

I love, rofl LOVE your naivety that there is a state out there with laws that would fit me. Darling, just darling. You do not get more liberal than NorCal, and we still live in a Fascist Nation here.

I admit to being broke. I admit to spending 40+ hours a week trying to find work and miserably failing month after month after month. True story, wound up applying to clean up dog shit. Manager says she can't trust me, there was no way in hell with my resume that I hadn't been a complete fuck up to be applying for that job. So don't feel too bad for being an out of touch trust fund baby. Now, giving you a little, just a little... I DID start my own business but I was completey wiped out of my inventory as well as personal shit like furniture but that is my fault for being stupid I imagine? No, I didn't go cry to the pigs someone stole my Mellow Herb plants, I didn't want to make America's Stupidest Criminals. Prop 215 is a CA law, if it made the Federal law not a law then it would be illegal according to you. Well, them Feds agree with you, Congrats, so my mentally handicapped broke dumb ass started an illegal business and got robbed so that is my fault. But wait? I thought I could just window shop the 50 states and Surely ONE will have laws to my liking?

Trust fund babies get to have their cake and eat it too? Nice. Enjoy your sweet cracker ass life.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Are you a trust fund baby?

Trust fund babies get to have their cake and eat it too? Nice.
he sure is. little kid has never worked a day in his life.

no one who actually works for a living would put together this god forsaken piece of shit.

little trust fund baby is trying to hide his grow from mommy and daddy, otherwise they'll cut him off and make him work for a living, like i did at his tender age.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Uncle Buck! Damn I'm a chick and could tap dance all over that jimmy rigged contraption, Save the Plants! I take it he's moving to Somalia just as soon as his trust fund cracker parents find it? Or is it in the creepy corner of the Mansion Attic?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Uncle Buck! Damn I'm a chick and could tap dance all over that jimmy rigged contraption, Save the Plants! I take it he's moving to Somalia just as soon as his trust fund cracker parents find it? Or is it in the creepy corner of the Mansion Attic?
plenty of women are handy with a wrench or a hammer, no excuses! :cuss:


Well-Known Member
plenty of women are handy with a wrench or a hammer, no excuses! :cuss:
You caught me, so am I- although self taught so a little slower than I'd like but yeah my self taught feminine ass truly only messed up the right angles because I didn't want to spend money on a level so my first box was quite humorous but DAmn, I could tap dance all over that jimmy rigged contraption!


Active Member
Are you a trust fund baby? I need to understand just how you got to be so out of touch?!

But let us try to figure out what unjust laws I am trying to impose on my fellow countrymen? I am trying to get a whole lot of them thrown in the fucking dumpster where they belong! What?! moving on...

I have looked into moving to other countries. Have you? I really liked Ireland. However, I saw no way in hell without marriage to an Irish lad (that didn't go over well at the Pubs, asking Irish lads to marry me ;) Maybe I overlooked starting a business but I am not a trust fund baby. I looked into Canada, yeah, start a business and again, no trust fund. France looks a bit easier. If I find a job for 5 years in France they will grant me citizenship.

Ok, so France it is. Kick Ass, very socialist leaning. Mom's even get a Maid/Babysltter 2hrs a day for Mommy Alone Time. I may pop one of em out to get a MAID! So, can't seem to find work here, what will I do in France? Guess my mental handicap is bogging me down. What will I do?

I love, rofl LOVE your naivety that there is a state out there with laws that would fit me. Darling, just darling. You do not get more liberal than NorCal, and we still live in a Fascist Nation here.

I admit to being broke. I admit to spending 40+ hours a week trying to find work and miserably failing month after month after month. True story, wound up applying to clean up dog shit. Manager says she can't trust me, there was no way in hell with my resume that I hadn't been a complete fuck up to be applying for that job. So don't feel too bad for being an out of touch trust fund baby. Now, giving you a little, just a little... I DID start my own business but I was completey wiped out of my inventory as well as personal shit like furniture but that is my fault for being stupid I imagine? No, I didn't go cry to the pigs someone stole my Mellow Herb plants, I didn't want to make America's Stupidest Criminals. Prop 215 is a CA law, if it made the Federal law not a law then it would be illegal according to you. Well, them Feds agree with you, Congrats, so my mentally handicapped broke dumb ass started an illegal business and got robbed so that is my fault. But wait? I thought I could just window shop the 50 states and Surely ONE will have laws to my liking?

Trust fund babies get to have their cake and eat it too? Nice. Enjoy your sweet cracker ass life.:wall:
I can tell you are pissed and operating off emotion by the trust fund comments. LOL. I'm sorry, I worked for everything I have, and have conducted myself financially, in almost a militant-like fashion. If you consider discipline and intellect a trust fund, that's ok, but it's incorrect.

I'm sorry irresponsibility and/or lack of know-how has led you down a road that blames others, and thus makes you take your hate out, on those who are not in equivalent financial positions as yours. It's your fault for behaving in both of these manners as well, just as it's your fault for playing the roles that made you obtain those manners.

OR how will I get there? Swim? I can't afford a fancy plane ticket. No trust fund. OH but that is MY FAULT only. Why is it easier to believe that 150,000,000,000 + are LAZY than to believe 400 are GREEDY FUCKS?! The Job Creators aren't doing their jobs creating jobs and this is my fault HOW?
No one asked me to be a Job Creator! If they had they're would be a plether of them for all who sought one, just like in Socialist leaning countries.
You don't need a trust fund to buy a plane ticket.... it's called saving money. And yes, it's your fault if you can't save money.

Secondly it's not a business owner's "job" or obligation to create jobs. They will do so as they please, and as they need. That fault is not on them, in the least. There is fault on you for trying to blame those business owners though.

If anyone is naive and out-of-touch here, it's you for carry a "poor me", and "it's their fault" attitude. It really is crazy that someone operates in that manner, and can think nothing they've done, or are doing is possibly contributing to their difficulties. I mean come on, you said that your business failed and wasn't your fault.... as if you're some how inferring business doesn't go that way sometimes. That's a risk you took opening a business, so yes, it's your fault for having a business that can go out of business, even if your not the direct cause of failure.

When you stop blaming others, and expecting help from others, you'll find that life is a much better place.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you are pissed and operating off emotion by the trust fund comments. LOL. I'm sorry, I worked for everything I have, and have conducted myself financially, in almost a militant-like fashion. If you consider discipline and intellect a trust fund, that's ok, but it's incorrect.

I'm sorry irresponsibility and/or lack of know-how has led you down a road that blames others, and thus makes you take your hate out, on those who are not in equivalent financial positions as yours. It's your fault for behaving in both of these manners as well, just as it's your fault for playing the roles that made you obtain those manners.

You don't need a trust fund to buy a plane ticket.... it's called saving money. And yes, it's your fault if you can't save money.

Secondly it's not a business owner's "job" or obligation to create jobs. They will do so as they please, and as they need. That fault is not on them, in the least. There is fault on you for trying to blame those business owners though.

If anyone is naive and out-of-touch here, it's you for carry a "poor me", and "it's their fault" attitude. It really is crazy that someone operates in that manner, and can think nothing they've done, or are doing is possibly contributing to their difficulties. I mean come on, you said that your business failed and wasn't your fault.... as if you're some how inferring business doesn't go that way sometimes. That's a risk you took opening a business, so yes, it's your fault for having a business that can go out of business, even if your not the direct cause of failure.

When you stop blaming others, and expecting help from others, you'll find that life is a much better place.
Yes, I get angry at rich greedy fucks who get everything handed to them and then turn and say the rest of the peasants must not be working hard enough because they are not starving in gutters and they are dumb ass shits.

I do blame the Owners and the Sheeple who won't rock the Owner's boat because they are so fuckin stupid they think they will actually be in the boat with them soon. But I really don't see where you got me blaming folks? just rich greedy fucks and they are only like 1% so I don't think by hard work and no trust fund that You are Not in the Big Club. Not angry, disappointed and frustrated at the Collective Ignorance surrounding me.

Fuck, I don't even blame the dude that Murdered all my Girls and abscounded with all my furniture and cash. It's my dumb ass fault for ever dating the lazy drunk.


Here's what people are not realizing. Ron Paul supporters have been attempting to win delegate seats and positions of power during this entire election. It is a sneak-attack that has worked like a charm. Ron Paul won't win this election, but the future of the Republican party will be dramatically changed because RP supporters now have power all over the country.

"Paul backers won 12 of 13 Republican National Convention delegate slots filled in balloting Saturday, May 19, at Rivers Edge Civic Center.They might have taken all 13 seats if a Paul state delegate had not graciously conceded the final slot to Rep. Michele Bachmann. The results mean 32 of Minnesota’s 40 national delegates to the Republican convention in Tampa in August will be committed to Paul. Supporters of the Texas congressman and presidential candidate won 20 of the 24 national delegate slots filled at Republican congressional district conventions earlier this spring."

In Michigan (Romneys Home State): "
Paul supporters estimate that they have won eight voting slots plus one non-voting delegate and 11 alternates. Of the 14 Congressional District voting contests held this weekend, Paul organizers won RNC delegates in the 1[SUP]st[/SUP], 2[SUP]nd[/SUP], 4[SUP]th[/SUP], 6[SUP]th[/SUP], and 9[SUP]th[/SUP] Districts, denying Detroit-born Romney a clean sweep of his home state. The Michigan victory occurred despite a heavy Romney campaign presence promoting a win for the establishment pick and presumptive nominee."

In Vermont: "
At the Vermont Republican State Convention this weekend, Ron Paul supporters won two of 14 national delegates, with two more considered potential allies, and they won 10 of 14 alternates. In all, Vermont has 17 delegates including super delegates."

In Virginia: "
Ron Paul supporters won 17 of 33 national delegates selected, with the remainder of the state’s 49 delegates including super delegates to be selected at the June 16[SUP]th[/SUP] state convention. Also in Virginia, Paul supporters elected a Republican Congressional District Chair in the Third District, over a dozen liberty-oriented Republican State Central Committee Members five of whom are Ron Paul supporters, dozens of Republican county and city committee chairs, and hundreds of county and city committee members."

We're all here because we love marijuana. A Gallup poll from October shows that 50% of Americans favor the legalization of marijuana. I don't even think people realize the economic impact of legalization of not only marijuana, but more importantly Hemp. Hemp can produce fuel, can be used to build houses, can be used to make paper. There are so many uses.
