The fastest to "...beyond repute"

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bud bootlegger
also after reading the dating girls thing and the whole rainbow brite name i had thought ... rainbows, gay people, and just assumed once again..

i even read where you had said that it was your favorite game as a kid or some shit, but silly me making assumptions..


Well-Known Member
You know what, gay people are selfish if they think they can claim the entire rainbow as their symbol. Get with the program, people, you get one color, on a bow damnit.


New Member
LoL. I am married. I just think it's cute that anyone here thinks i'd marry a man who would voice an opinion about what I do.
i think your husband wouldn't like you posting naked pics of yourself online. if not...then he surely wouldn't like you sleeping with another guy. there are limits to "what you can do"

it's a whole respect thing. you have to respect the relationship. i understand you need space but their are boundaries.


Well-Known Member
Is it an owl? A tiny owl? Poking his head out? Is it an underwater creature? What is your avatar missnu?
It is a weird checkered eel that the flash of my blackberry caught in a dark corner of an aquarium...pretty neat since it was just black before the flash...I think that is why the poor thing looks so very surprised.
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