I Need Advice About A Threesome?

Yes, but it's not always about length, it's about width. Like, a 6 inch long, pencil dick, is...probably going to freak me out, and that's about ALL it'll do to me.
but.... Well who's hands are we comparing it to. :confused:

Well since you like giving and I like getting we should chill:hump:

My hands, of course, what do I care how big or small your dick looks in YOUR hand? Besides, I have smaller hands, it's probably better if we judge it off mine....

lol, and do you really think there is a shortage of guys who like to get head around here?

Mine is 6 inches hard and Id say thick as a half dollar:hump:

wait, as this as a half dollar is thick, or as thick as a half dollar is ROUND....and what the hell are the dimensions on a half dollar anyways?
well i guess im fine cause every time i get with my gurl she crawls aways from me when im hittin it from befeind and one day i said whtas that about she said cause it kinda hurts now thats a 1st LOL
Well yeah, lol, there is sucha thing as TOO big. For me, it was 8 1/2" long, and...well, it looked as thick as my fucking WRIST, but I'm sure my imagination is exagerating the memory.
lol good to know. i still aint allowed to hit it from beheind anymore dammint.. unless shes drunk then it all game do what ever. oh and if were talkin bout wang sizes im 8in L
and however wide u can open ur mouth w LOL. now my rep wang is small like 1 block wikids is bigger than mine
Not yet...lol

But seriously, are you serious? lol, so not only are you the elusive SeeMoreBuds, but you also have a big dick? Forget heroworship, I think I love you...
Dont guys that say they have a big usually have a small one?? I like to use the metric system huge ego boost to be 178mm I like the bigger number lol.
I am a guy and I can tell you most guys- not all - add anywhere between an inch and a half to 3 inches to their actual size when they are boasting about it- especially to the ladies. I've heard friends claiming to be 8 inches when they are actually barely 6 inches. I myself do not have that problem of course.
Damn I just posted this and accidently posted two so deleted one and they're both gone. Gaaa! Trying again:

I used to flip over guys who had big dicks- like over 8 inches. Now I'm 26 and after experiencing a bunch of jerks, size is not so important to me. As long as a guy is not below average, looks like a man and big enough to have sex be a satisfying thing, I've lowered my monster size standards. Now I look at how big a man is on the inside, not how giant his cock is.
doctor d and mjtoker raise a good point Garden Knowm....so we're going to need some proof....I was willing to just believe you, but as you can see, they're not....


You know, the guy with the 8 1/2 inch dick, he told me how big he was before, but I thought he was just bsing me. Then he whips it out and I'm stunned into silence...so not ALL guys lie about their size, especially if they have nothing to hide.
I would think going the other way would be better..Tell her you smaller, then whip out something bigger. Element of surprise. I would think telling her it is bigger then having something smaller would convince her you are a liar and risk losing the opportunity all together.
True, not all of them lie, and you usually find out. I'd rather the truth and not be disappointed, especially in the person, because why lie about that?