Higher Medz
Well-Known Member
waiting on more from 2 different sites, hope they get thru
waiting on more from 2 different sites, hope they get thru
Damn higher medz that's super shitty. Did you at least get guaranteed shipping?
nope, never do
rarely have i lost packages. about 6 or 7 total now
fuk'd up part is i lost all my GGG strains i bought in those
thats shity sorry to hear, if customs finds that do they launch an investigation? did cutoms conact you?
so no reembursment either?
They just send a slip saying its been seized.
But as a receiver u cant get in trouble, bcuz any1 can send u anything without u knowing
atleast you got a letter and not a knocked down door! still sucks though.
Ive heard they reimburse if you send them a copy of the seizure id give it a try
doubt that very much
just saw on Docs site he now has MTF and his strain "Jazz" in Fem form.....they are now on my official list.
Actually, they already were but this makes it easier for medical growers.
hello, i have a question. even if you had the guarantee on this order they do not have bright moments, 88g13hp, e stomper, or b magoo x jbj in stock. ive always been curious with the popular strains if they are out when you do not receive. what do you get? something of equal value? I would probably want a refund.
I know it would blow to have to pay for them twice, but Seedbay still has Bright Moments. I was really impressed with their packaging, very stealthy, and the freebies tend to be something worth growing unlike Attitude Auto crap.
Sorry to hear about them snatching your shit.
Thanks for the tip. Might give it a try again bcuz its worth it. D
ef have to change address again though
why you changing addys m8?? i had one order snagged a few years ago..
it was an order from sannies, it was like a over a month and no show, so i emailed sannie and he reshipped.. a week later i got my second order.. the very next day i got another package and was all excited.. went to open it, and it had the dreaded customs letter in it..
so by my thinking, they must not put you on a watch list or anything, or i never would have gotten that order, nor the 100 or so since that time..
just my $.02...
Don't you love when your package arrives and it says T5 High Output Fluorescent Grow Light with the picture of the light right on it. Thanks Amazon.
I honestly haven't tried to find it on sale anywhere as I don think I will be using it anytime soon. I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing. I just like to stay current on all the new styles and what not. So I was curious. It looks like a good medium.