
Well-Known Member
And you could always look at it from the other perspective - having children early in life and now being active enough (young enough) to be enjoying yourself after they have left the nest.
That's how I look at it. When my kids are grown i'll still be young enough to have some "me time" before retiring.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
the atf got it rulled a couple months back that when you apply for a mmj card you waive your rights to own a gun. you can buy a 5th of tequila, a case of pbr, a prescription of vicodine and all the guns you want.. but if you just want to smoke a joint for chronic back pain then you arent mentally fit to protect yourself. its because mmj is federally classified the same as meth. the sig is the abq city skyline, threw it up to rep my home and to see how many breaking bad fans pay attention.
You already violated it when you checked the box that said you don't smoke pot. Having a recommendation doesn't add you to a government database.
(3) is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802));
Gun control act 1968


Well-Known Member
That's how I look at it. When my kids are grown i'll still be young enough to have some "me time" before retiring.
can still be done when your older. people live long and healthy as long as you treat your body right(vitamins and such) your bones and joints will be great at 60-70-80 pun def unintended but still great to have


Well-Known Member
i wasnt intending you to say anything. i was just saying "old" doesnt mean what people think it does. adam lived to be in his 900's so that says something young is in the mind.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine having to wait til i'm 30 to hear those awesome words..."Mommy...will you read me Pinkalicious?" I'm a Dr. Suess fan myself, but she's a girly girl so we read one of each so we both get our favorite lol.


Well-Known Member
Pinkalicious is a CHILDREN'S BOOK people, don't take that to dark places! She eats too many cupcakes and no veggies and she turns pink! It's not a porn! Stop it! Just stop it before you even start thinking it lol


Well-Known Member
ahhh kids , if only having them young was as easy as it used to be. get out of high school ,some college, marry, move into house then kid. some how it all got complicated.