will introducing 20 seconds of light during flower really mess it up?

so it's been about 2 weeks and I still can't tell the sex of my plants. Theyve just been stretching like a bitch. I find myself guilty of opening up my tent to work on the plants for a few seconds during the dark time. Will this be the root cause of my plants not sexing? Seems a little extreme.... Should I give it a 24 hour dark period?
get yourself a green filter for your torch and it wont hurt your plant if you want to work on it during the dark cycle, remember the moon gives of some light , so when growing outside it wont go totally dark, just dont let it get bright light for long.(4 to 5minutes tops) cos you'll mess wae its wee heed ,
Actually the moon produces no light. It reflects very little light, which can't even be seen by plants, so that theory is invalid. I've heard of the tiniest cracks causing a hermie
i turned my plant hermie from going in taking flash pics of her minute before lights came on dont recommend interputing dark cycle at all
No it didn't
Actually the moon produces no light. It reflects very little light, which can't even be seen by plants, so that theory is invalid. I've heard of the tiniest cracks causing a hermie
I have heard of this but it is usually for prolonged periods.
I have always wondered this, because the moon can be pretty bright. But it's a reflection of actual light from a long ways away.
It's genetics man and really a dice roll with specific tolerance of individual cultivars and the atmosphere they naturally built to deal with. Some picky sensitive varieties may not tolerate bs or light/atmospheric fluctuations while others doesn't bother so to say. My experience is all, that's what it's here for though no concrete science or data say yes or no. So many varieties and manipulative shit done last decade the word of cannabis had been ancient aligned just by us humans vs et making sure us humans evolved . I'd like hear more people's experiences and thoughts as well. Good one
You can’t go shining a light in there, during the middle of lights-off.
if the lights have recently turned off, or will turn on soon, you’ll be fine. I normally work 30mins before lights on.

This has never caused a hermi.
i turned my plant hermie from going in taking flash pics of her minute before lights came on dont recommend interputing dark cycle at all

I always go in around 30mins before lights on, it doesn’t cause a hermi. Genetics, or a different cause of stress would be the reason for your hermi