are these bubblers any good?

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member


Active Member
just build your own man. its a bucket with an air tube going into it. you probably dont want to grow more then one plant in a 5 gal dwc.

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
just build your own man. its a bucket with an air tube going into it. you probably dont want to grow more then one plant in a 5 gal dwc.
ok thanks. I was thinking that autos stay small. That they would be good. I seen about making my own, but by the time I get the parts. It would cost about the same.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Don't count on autos staying small. The yield will be small but the plant may not. I agree, make your own res, one plant per bucket.

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
Don't count on autos staying small. The yield will be small but the plant may not. I agree, make your own res, one plant per bucket.
ok thank you for the reply. I seen about buying my own parts and making my own. I seen after the total for parts. I could just buy one of these for cheaper.


Active Member
For a One site.

Bucket Home Depot 3
Lid with basket at hydro store about 5
Bubbler at walmart 8
Airstone 4
total 20$ no shipping.

close but cheeper to DIY

Edit: also just saw the 1 site in the ebay listing was a 3.5 gal bucket rather then a 5 gal bucket. so DIY better and cheeper.



New Member
He is going to need hydroton and air line too. Black lids at HD are buck but you need to cut hole for net pot, I use 3.75 inch pots at 69 cents each so under two for lid.

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
I was curious if I could use a 5gallon bubbler for 2 autos? so If I make this at home, do I need to get nutes too and what kind would be good?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Newbies should consider the cheap rout to start for several reasons not mentioned. One - the learning what you want from your first grow and two - you WILL change systems several times in your first couple years, so may as well make them low investment from the start.