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you would most likely want to have it setup like Haze 420, he may be back on later..., i went straight from clone (with roots ofcourse) into the large pot.
2x 600's would be hefty for that space...ideally you want around 600 watts per 1 metre squared.
If you have 4 different strains then go for 4 pots, if they are the same strain then you could grow a couple of big ones, or whatever suits your needs really. it is easy enough to set up a recirculating system that feeds automatically. the feed rings up top get fed via a pump on a timer, the pot sits inside another pot, which drains into the bottom pot, and returns to the res tank. The pump auto feeds every 2.5 hours, 15 minute feeding times.
Im interested in the auto feeding but don't have any idea where to start with that. I will be growing the same strain, so do you suggest grow 2 in the same pot? Is this the best was in soil with a scrog? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Im interested in the auto feeding but don't have any idea where to start with that. I will be growing the same strain, so do you suggest grow 2 in the same pot? Is this the best was in soil with a scrog? Thanks
no, not with soil, this setup is for strictly soil-less mediums (coco, perlite, hydroton...) You may have to speak to someone more suited for soil if that's the road you want to take. soil holds far too much water for a recirc system, it simply wouldn't flow


no, not with soil, this setup is for strictly soil-less mediums (coco, perlite, hydroton...) You may have to speak to someone more suited for soil if that's the road you want to take. soil holds far too much water for a recirc system, it simply wouldn't flow
Ok no problem but thanks anyway. Hydro is something I'd like to try once iv master soil.


Active Member
Im interested in the auto feeding but don't have any idea where to start with that. I will be growing the same strain, so do you suggest grow 2 in the same pot? Is this the best was in soil with a scrog? Thanks
A timmer a small mj pump and some 10mm tubbing and a 4 or 8 way minifold thats it an auto system for aprox £20. You have to work out how much they deliver per min or put taps on to control the flow, as i have they dont use equall amounts of nutes as you may expect. that,s all i,ve used for the last couple of years, i think it works ok. With regards to poting up providing you have a good root system on your clones they,ll be fine to put into a 50/60 ltr bucket personaly i,d use 4 x 15lt in that siszed area. here,s an example of the same area with 4 x 15lt pots and 1 6oow light. atb Tcd


Active Member
had a squiz, they look very similar to the secret jardin tents, for the price, i assume good quality, and good feedback, seeing the double lining on the inside of the doors impresses me, extra help for darkness, love the side opening to, i could get used to that for sure

something to look into future wise.......some research needed ofcourse
I got it and it,s a topper opens both sides and front, coated with diamond mylar 30mm frame the sj is 15.8 mm pretty flimsy, i have two sj,s but the green room a difrent class. i,ll post some pics once it,s set up. Tcd


New Member
Im interested in the auto feeding but don't have any idea where to start with that. I will be growing the same strain, so do you suggest grow 2 in the same pot? Is this the best was in soil with a scrog? Thanks
what you can do is get 2 huge totes / buckets like place a board in between they you could place 2 plants in either side i start off with 12" wide by 12" deep pot guess its 5 gallon i start training them in that then once i am completly around pot i cut my string and transplant into buckets 94 liter and go from there



Active Member
You guys use huge pots what,s the reason behind it ? I bought a single 47ltr air pot and it was a bit of a novelty in the shop i had to order it in specialy ? Anyway i use it it for single tree tree like plant to fill that same space ? Tcd

Lightning i,ve got 4 in there budy ?

Flowmasta 94 ltrs as in two bags of coco/compo ?


Well-Known Member
You guys use huge pots what,s the reason behind it ? I bought a single 47ltr air pot and it was a bit of a novelty in the shop i had to order it in specialy ? Anyway i use it it for single tree tree like plant to fill that same space ? Tcd

Lightning i,ve got 4 in there budy ?

Flowmasta 94 ltrs as in two bags of coco/compo ?
94?? no, i use 1 60 litre pot, that sits inside another 60 litre, the inside one sits about 2 inches off the bottom, this houses the potsock, and medium, in my case perlite. so I only use 60 litres of perlite. and i use every bit believe me, i have a pic of the root system, i'll add to this sesh of bud oil i made :) just for your viewing pleasure

hash oil, from my last indoor crop, primo nugs, my outdoor oil is bright yellow almost!

and here is my 60 litre root system from last grow. well the bottom of it anyway, heavy as a bitch!!! once it's full of roots



Active Member
94?? no, i use 1 60 litre pot, that sits inside another 60 litre, the inside one sits about 2 inches off the bottom, this houses the potsock, and medium, in my case perlite. so I only use 60 litres of perlite. and i use every bit believe me, i have a pic of the root system, i'll add to this sesh of bud oil i made :) just for your viewing pleasure

hash oil, from my last indoor crop, primo nugs, my outdoor oil is bright yellow almost!

and here is my 60 litre root system from last grow. well the bottom of it anyway, heavy as a bitch!!! once it's full of roots

Budy it,s easily seen for me that you would benifit from using air pots, the root increase realy is phenomenal, for real it does do what it says on the tin, i,m not want to compare nob sizes but wait till you see the airpot root ball, with perlite when i opend the air pot and it just stood there, not a typical pyramid type slope ? with coco it resembles a huge root riot cube. your pots ? i presume You mean two pots for a run of space at the bottom for the recirculating ? That,s a lovely colour of oil mmm! how do you go about making it, ipa ? atb Tcd
Every now and then things come along that actualy work, air pots is one of them, and only an extra £1-2 over normal pots and awesome results. i have some photo,s taken last weeks where the roots are growing out the top of the medium ? :)


Active Member
[420]Haze;7450570 said:
Its a 1.5m x 1.5m x 2m tent and its full ! there under 1 x 600w for both veg and flower, last time i used 1 net with alot of horizontal training and produced 1 pound, here ;

Super Lemon Haze Grow

theres so much more this time, i believe it will be around 2 pound.
Nice! two pounds off a sixer is great! Im hoping to pull two and a half on my first scrog attempt with a 1000 watt.Im hoping more! Ive working very hard on my canopy and hope it pays off.


A timmer a small mj pump and some 10mm tubbing and a 4 or 8 way minifold thats it an auto system for aprox £20. You have to work out how much they deliver per min or put taps on to control the flow, as i have they dont use equall amounts of nutes as you may expect. that,s all i,ve used for the last couple of years, i think it works ok. With regards to poting up providing you have a good root system on your clones they,ll be fine to put into a 50/60 ltr bucket personaly i,d use 4 x 15lt in that siszed area. here,s an example of the same area with 4 x 15lt pots and 1 6oow light. atb Tcd

Thanks for that. Going from clone pot straight to final 15lt pot makes sense and will cut down on all the transplanting. would it be a advantage to use 2 600w lights in that area? how much did you pull of this grow how long did it take?


Active Member
It,s at the end of week 7 today or 48 days old, it,s not been harvested yet another 3 weeks,ish ? the plant decides the final time, so i can,t answer the 1st 2 questions. However imo two 600 will defintly give you a better yeild maybe not double but certainly a 60/70% increase depending on skill etc, well worth doing imo. The next grow i,m going to try something that,s well far out, but will work vertical and horozontal scrog at the same time one tent, A real bud box :) atb Tcd


Well-Known Member
I would really like to see a vert and horz in one tent. That would be a sick set up! Please keep me posted on that and when you are going to do it.



New Member
You guys use huge pots what,s the reason behind it ? I bought a single 47ltr air pot and it was a bit of a novelty in the shop i had to order it in specialy ? Anyway i use it it for single tree tree like plant to fill that same space ? Tcd

Lightning i,ve got 4 in there budy ?

Flowmasta 94 ltrs as in two bags of coco/compo ?
bigger the pot better the yield imo see in next 2 weeks i will show you 10,000 watts and trees that will produce 1 to 2 pounds per plant scrog in a 10 foot by 20 foot scrog table
Root mass = yield period for instance outdoor i got 4 - 8 " round stalks indoor i got 3 - 4 " stalks also bigger pots = bigger stalks which in a sense will bring more broken down nutrients in upper bud sites
i have grown SOG's 2 rooms 280 plants big power vegged 3 - 5 weeks in them 12" pots and you will always get average yields growing them in bigger pots you get bigger yields per plant trust me
at the end of the day its all about Yield in pic is one plant trim over 2 pounds dry thats what its all about grow less plants gain better results



New Member
It,s at the end of week 7 today or 48 days old, it,s not been harvested yet another 3 weeks,ish ? the plant decides the final time, so i can,t answer the 1st 2 questions. However imo two 600 will defintly give you a better yeild maybe not double but certainly a 60/70% increase depending on skill etc, well worth doing imo. The next grow i,m going to try something that,s well far out, but will work vertical and horozontal scrog at the same time one tent, A real bud box :) atb Tcd
again your talking lumens in your opinion two 600's ( 170,000 lumens ) will give you better yield you are wrong not trying to start anything but i can guarantee you two 1000's (270,000 lumens ) will smoke them 600's bad my averages per 1000 watts are 1160 grams DRY buds your mentioning your at 48 days even tho you have lots of buds there rather small perhaps you could of cleaned under and got rid of the popcorn buds thus creating more energy to top people got to realize when scroging your producing lots of top buds which needs little more attention cleaning under canvas is so important for upper bud development is unreal
It will make or break you
you spend so much time supercropping , fimming , topping and training your plant only to have buds when dryed looking like popcorn isnt a great feeling
If you can please get under your canvas and start cleaning up you stilkl have time to make upper buds get nice and big


Active Member
bigger the pot better the yield imo see in next 2 weeks i will show you 10,000 watts and trees that will produce 1 to 2 pounds per plant scrog in a 10 foot by 20 foot scrog table
Root mass = yield period for instance outdoor i got 4 - 8 " round stalks indoor i got 3 - 4 " stalks also bigger pots = bigger stalks which in a sense will bring more broken down nutrients in upper bud sites
i have grown SOG's 2 rooms 280 plants big power vegged 3 - 5 weeks in them 12" pots and you will always get average yields growing them in bigger pots you get bigger yields per plant trust me
at the end of the day its all about Yield in pic is one plant trim over 1 pound dry thats what its all about grow less plants gain better results
You,ve misread budy why do you think i use a single 50 ltr airpot and 15 lt air pots for smaller plants ? 100 ltr would have been overkill imo they only root for the 1st 5 ish weeks after 12/12 is induced and if it,s not filled 80% with roots is causes unecacery streaching ime. atb Tcd

Of course 2 x 1000w is better than 2x 600w lighting but take 3x 600w saving power better light spread and more lumens, it,s a no brainer.
Also i don,t know what you,ve been looking at but under my screen is well maintained ??? TCD


New Member
when a person first flips to flower first 2 weeks they should lower there lights as well super crop to help stop the stretch phase stretching has nothing to do with root mass thats where people fall into problems they let there plants stretch now you will here people mention well with my 600's i can lower them to 15 " from my top's well when i flip to flower my 1000's are 14" from my tops even less thus helping to stop stretch phase but i also super crop first two weeks more or less pinch all my tops, this allowing all my bud sites to join up nothing like trimming and breaking up a bud cause you see stem right ???? thats a no brainer

also 600's just don;t have the penetration rate as a 1000 i could give you four 600's and it still wouldnt compete with 2000 watts i don;t know about you but i am in the over 1 million lumen club and that my friend seperates allot from the average novice grower
and if you don;t beleive it here i chopped @ 43 days from flipping to 12 hrs your at 48 days i chopped early as per customer :hump: probably lost 1/2 pound

Stay tuned i will post 10 k grow in next week or so 20 pound + harvest and under 20 plants



Active Member
1000,s penatration scrog ? The idea of a scrog was 1st done by fluro growers due to there poor light penatration, penatration of light to any depth is not much use to a scrog, ime 1 gpm per watt is the norm but i only need 600w to obtain it. Also when after fliping they should not have to lower there light "it should already be as low as posible" if the,ve rooted the pot properly ime it will not steach near as bad, but we can agree to disagree. Please take on board this time i,m not interested in anything more than 1 600w light. atb Tcd


New Member
You,ve misread budy why do you think i use a single 50 ltr airpot and 15 lt air pots for smaller plants ? 100 ltr would have been overkill imo they only root for the 1st 5 ish weeks after 12/12 is induced and if it,s not filled 80% with roots is causes unecacery streaching ime. atb Tcd

Of course 2 x 1000w is better than 2x 600w lighting but take 3x 600w saving power better light spread and more lumens, it,s a no brainer.
Also i don,t know what you,ve been looking at but under my screen is well maintained ??? TCD
cool yes biger pots is all what its all about forget vegging 2 weeks then flipping into flower for what its worth in overall cost a person needs to veg min 5 weeks they pay back is trifold but remeber having plants coming right behind it once a grower gets there there happening i used to believe that plant count made a diff wow was i wrong can you imagine a strain for instance 6 weeks to finish you get 8.66 6 weeks in a year you get it so your harvesting 10 plants every 43 days 10 pounds over a year its over 80 pounds holy crap lol never thought of it that way so 86 pounds a year of weed lol at what 2600 pound +
over 200,000 a year for the real crazy grower thank god i only grow for personal and some friends :)